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DIY LED ring light. Un flash annulaire à LED. La prise de vue très rapprochée exige un éclairage d’appoint correct pour éliminer l’ombre de l’objectif et permettre la fermeture du diaphragme de l’optique, pour gagner ainsi en profondeur de champ.

Un flash annulaire à LED.

Divers procédés sont envisageables, comme par exemple l’ajout de flashs latéraux qui alourdissent considérablement l’ensemble et rendent souhaitable l’aide d’une poignée ou crosse d’appui pour assurer la stabilité de l’appareil. En complément de l’article précédent, nous allons vous décrire ici la fabrication d’un flash annulaire tout simple et léger, à diodes LED, dans ses différentes étapes de construction et de mise au point.

Les premiers essais sont effectués sur une platine d’essais. Ensuite, le typon et circuit imprimé sont tracés, mais des ajustements seront nécessaires. Le montage présenté n’est donc pas exactement celui de la dernière mouture. Voici le schéma définitif. Sa simplicité se passe de commentaire. Le circuit imprimé. Les dimensions exactes du cadre sont 120 X 110mm. L'anneau flash à leds pour macro (banc ou réflex) - Micromegas, le blog d'Yvaton. Samedi 3 juillet 6 03 /07 /Juil 18:36 L’idée et le schéma électronique sont de Pierre Tilmant, radio-amateur belge, et proviennent de son site web (avec son autorisation, bien entendu).

L'anneau flash à leds pour macro (banc ou réflex) - Micromegas, le blog d'Yvaton

Roue DIY Macro Lighting Ring. DIY Ring Light 107/365.

Instructable RingLight

Boutiques RingLight. Flickr RingLight. DX RingLight. Shazni Ring Light. READ MORE for tutorials {*style:<b> </b>*} {*style:<b> </b>*} {*style:<b> </b>*} {*style:<b> Improve Your Photography with a DIY LED Ring Light. Written by mike on September 9th, 2010 Ring light: a source of light for photography that encircles the camera lens completely.

Improve Your Photography with a DIY LED Ring Light

It creates a shadow-softening effect on the object or person being photographed, a warm and natural alternative to the stark standard camera-mounted single flash look. Normally the tool of professional photographers, ring lights are becoming more accessible to hobbyists, with models ranging from around $40 to well into the hundreds of dollars. But for those of you who are taking macro or close-up photos, why not build your own? The cost of a DIY unit runs just over $25, and will take less than an hour to assemble.

Jani ‘Japala’ Pönkkö of pieced together a fantastic set of instructions using 12volt LED “eye” lights seen on current BMWs. Instructables user nygma2004 took the project one step further and wrote up plans for a 9v battery pack, conveniently tucked into a standard Altoids container. Convenient, cheap lighting that gets great results. Modding Project: Ring Light MetkuMods. Intro When taking close-up photos, the lighting can become a problem.

Modding Project: Ring Light MetkuMods

The good old flash works most of the time but usually it leaves nasty shadows that do not go well with the photo. How to Build Your Own LED Ring Light. DIY Macro Lighting LED Ring. A while back we had a piece about the power of using LEDs in photography.

DIY Macro Lighting LED Ring

In that article we had a very primitive LED ring light. In this guest post, Tim Brook shares a much better way to create a LED ring light. Browsing through the dealextreme website, I came across these LED car headlight rings and thought that they’d be ideal for making a Macro Lighting Ring so I placed my order and had a go. The Parts If you’re gonna try this at home (which you definitely should) note that the parts I used were selected specifically for my camera and lens (Canon EOS450D + Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS), i.e. the inside diameter of the lighting ring needed to be greater than the 58mm diameter of the lens.

Also required: PP3 battery connector and small pushbutton switch – purchased locally from an electronics project store Maplin (UK) Now you have all the bits, check they work ok by attaching the battery, you don’t want to find a fault once you’ve glued it all together. The Build Sample Image. Kathryn McGrail Photography. Posted by kmcgrail When shooting with a macro lens, it can be very difficult to get consistent lighting indoors without the use of external lights.

Kathryn McGrail Photography

Because of the scale of the objects that you are shooting, these external lights often cast harsh shadows which really take away from the photo. Using a flash on the top of the camera doesn't work in this case either because your light source is miles away from the subject (well not miles, but when you're focusing on tiny objects, a few inches does make a big difference in terms of what the light and shadows will look like). To get around this, you can go out and buy one of several different designs specifically for macro shooting. Your local camera retailer will sell everthing from cheap macro ring flashes to the very expensive Nikon Speedlight Commander Kit. Once my shipment arrived, it was a simple matter of using hot glue to attach the LED rings to the lens hood, sauldering the wires to a battery connector, and adding an on/off switch.

Kreis LED Ring Light Surfaces. So the elusive Kreis90 LED Ring light finally surfaces.

Kreis LED Ring Light Surfaces

I first blogged about it in this article but have never seen it outside of that video. Don’t get too excited, it’s probably nothing special. I don’t know a single person who uses this, nor have I ever seen a video of this in use by anyone (except for the manufacturer video). The Kreis website pretty much sucks and just trying to find prices is a pain. Diy Macro Ring Light for Macro Photography - Macro in a budget series - Part IV. Lighting your subject is the most difficult thing when it comes to macro photography.

Diy Macro Ring Light for Macro Photography - Macro in a budget series - Part IV

Ring lights and ring flashes are the most effective lighting solutions to light up subjects for macro photography, photographers at the diy community have been busy at work and have designed quite a few alternatives for expensive ring flashes, here is one method of building your own diy macro ring light. One general purpose PCB One filter ring (the size of your macro lens filter) Two AA 1.5 volt batteries One battery holder / clamp One micro switch 30 white led Some wire, soldering lead and paste Costs involved for the project are pcb Rs 35/-, batteries + holder Rs 25/-, switch RS 5/-, 30 led's Rs 45/- so total RS 110/-.

I had with me soldering iron, led, paste, some thin copper wire and a 58mm filter. First step is to find out a pcb of right size for the project, remember it should be able to fit the lens filter, led’s, batteries and the switch. Next cut out the inside of the circle we drew. My Attempt at an DIY LED Macro Light. Make a DIY Ring Light for Better Macro Shots.