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HandBrake. Sync Android, PSP, BlackBerry, Pre: doubleTwist with Amazon MP3. Latest entries. Macintosh -- Download Squad. Notational Velocity ALT, the supremo Mac note-taking tool, goes 1.0 by Jason Clarke on December 12, 2010 at 02:24 PM It's no secret that Notational Velocity is my favorite Mac note-taking application. It synchronizes with the SimpleNote online service, which means you can access your notes on your Mac, iPhone, online, and, if you store your notes in a folder that is in your Dropbox account, on a plethora of iOS plain text editing applications. It's made for speed, letting you find what you need instantly, make... wunderlist is a cross-platform free to-do list manager by Erez Zukerman on November 22, 2010 at 11:30 AM wunderlist is a minimalistic, pretty to-do list manager. Xbench performance benchmarking for Macs by Jason Clarke on November 20, 2010 at 01:00 PM Computer benchmarking applications abound for Windows machines, but what if you want to judge the capabilities of your current Mac against one you're considering buying?

Flight Control lands on Mac and PC via Steam Newer Posts. Open source feed reader RSSOwl hits version 2. Sure, Google Reader is all the rage these days, but some folks still prefer a powerful desktop app for reading their RSS feeds. RSSOwl, a cross-platform, open source app, just got an update to version 2 that makes it competitive with the best readers out there. Its most important new features include the ability to import OPML files - essentially, your list of feed subscriptions - from another reader and the ability to search feed items.

Without importing, RSSOwl was going to have a tough time picking up new users. Now switching is easy, and it's definitely worth giving RSSOwl a chance. The new search feature in RSSOwl 2 is the most powerful I've seen in an RSS app. It's not just one field: you can filter by subscription, date, title, contents and more, to make sure you find exactly what you're looking for. Even better, you can save searches, so new items that match your search will automatically be added to the search folder (created by saving the search). [via Lifehacker]