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Free Online Course Materials. 6.661 Receivers, Antennas, and Signals, Spring 2003. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. Creating Schematics With Xcircuit. Xcircuit is a powerful open source schematic capture program written by Timothy Edwards at Johns Hopkins University.

Creating Schematics With Xcircuit

The program has most of the features of a general purpose drawing package and includes a symbol library facility that can be used to store user defined schematic symbols. Schematics, flow charts, chemical diagrams, and even musical scores may be created with xcircuit by loading the freely available symbol libraries. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 6.251J Introduction to Mathematical Programming, Fall 2009. 6.245 Multivariable Control Systems, Spring 2004.

6.189 Multicore Programming Primer, January IAP 2007. 6.189 A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python, January IAP 2008. 6.189 A Gentle Introduction to Programming Using Python, January IAP 2011. Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. 6.111 Introductory Digital Systems Laboratory, Spring 2006.

6.101 Introductory Analog Electronics Laboratory, Spring 2007. 6.094 Introduction to MATLAB, January IAP 2010. 6.071J Introduction to Electronics, Signals, and Measurement, Spring 2006. 16.333 Aircraft Stability and Control, Fall 2004. 16.410 Principles of Autonomy and Decision Making, Fall 2010. 6.263J Data Communication Networks, Fall 2002. Free Online Course Materials.

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