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Teensy. Examples. Prototype: Bus Pirate BPv3. UPDATE: v3b is the latest Bus Pirate revision, read about the changes here. BPv3 is the latest hacking multi-tool from the Bus Pirate project. It connects to a USB port and interacts with electronics through a simple terminal interface. Use it to see how much of your private information is stored on smartcard SIM chips. Explore the Wii Nunchuck over the I2C bus like Johnny Lee. Read and write EEPROM chips in consumer electronics at any voltage. BPv3 has features an intrepid hardware hacker might need to prototype their next great creation: Talk to 1-wire, I2C, UART (async serial), SPI, JTAG, MIDI, LCDs, PC keyboards, and a ton of generic serial devices from a terminal.Scriptable from Python, Perl, etc.0-40MHz frequency counter, 0-4MHz pulse-width modulator.0-6volt measurement probe.3.3volt and 5volt power supplies with reset.On-board pull-up resistors for multi-voltage interfacing.Address scanners, chip dumpers, and other helpful macros.USB interface, power.

Updates to BPv3 Circuit updates.


Tiny. Bionic Arduino – Introduction to Microcontrollers with Arduino. Bionic Arduino is a set of four 3-hour classes in November 2007 hosted by Machine Project and taught by Tod E. Kurt. It is an introduction to microcontroller programming and interfacing with the real world using the Arduino physical computing platform. It focuses on building new physical senses and making motion with the building blocks of robotics, using Arduino as a platform. In the class, participants are shown and experiment with the Arduino’s capabilities and learn the basics of common microcontroller interfacing, such as: digital output to control lights and LEDs, digital input to read switches and buttons, analog output to control motor position or LED brightness, and analog input to read sensor inputs.

The class assumes no previous electronics knowledge, though it does assume a little programming knowledge. Class description at Machine Project Class Notes Arduino Sketches Used in Class Processing Sketches Used in Class Parts Suppliers, New Parts Suppliers, Surplus.


Shields. Softs. Tutorials. Boards. IMU. PWM. Arduino - HomePage. Reference. Servo. Playground - InterfacingWithHardware. These topics cover the hardware and software setup required to connect an Arduino device with a variety of electronic parts, chips and devices. A related topic not covered under this section is the shield, boards that plug directly into an Arduino's pin layout. Information on the creation and use of specific shields belongs in that section. Information on shields in general and their creation belongs here. See here for a table of shields and the Arduino pins they use. Arduino has limits on how much current can be sourced or sunk by its I/O pins.

When interfacing with hardware you need to be careful not to exceed these limits. For details see ArduinoPinCurrentLimitations. Navigation Output Input User interface Buttons,Encoders,Keypads Unified Input InterfaceText-based user interfacemicroBox Linux Shell look and feel for Arduino Phi_prompt user interface LibraryMenuSamplePhi_prompt glcd user interface Library This is being planned. Communication General Common Pinouts Visual Audio Output Bar Codes.