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Concept Mapping

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How to build a Concept Map using XMind. Despite XMind is not a software exclusively dedicated to Concept Mapping like CmapTools, it can be very useful for building rapidly Concept Maps. Here are the 5 steps in recommend to follow in order to create a Concept Map using XMind. 1. First Step In my opinion, the first step should consist in sketching manually a map or a list of the key ideas and concepts. This gives you the opportunity to organize your thoughts and explore various possibilities. 2. Open a new blank map on XMind and write the main concept of your map into the central topic. 3.

Insert quickly new concepts and ideas using the "CTRL + L" shortcut. Tip: Ones you have created linked topics, it is important to maintain the "Alt" button pressed in order to move them freely. 4. It is important to add short phrases on the relationships arrows between the concepts and ideas. 5. Complete the Concept Map with all the concepts and their relationships. You may also improve the visual aspect of your map adding color. Vidéo Evaluer une carte conceptuelle. Carte conceptuelle à partir de la vidéo. Dossiers technopédagogiques.