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Get FTGL at - Iceweasel. Features Articles and Tips - Iceweasel. Contents Introduction. GLF library examples - Iceweasel. FAQ / 17 Using Fonts - Iceweasel. OpenGL:Tutorials:Font System - GPWiki - Iceweasel. Henry Maddocks' Home Page - Iceweasel. This software isn't fit for any particular purpose and I wont be held liable for any damages suffered as a result of using, modifying or distributing this software or its derivatives.

Henry Maddocks' Home Page - Iceweasel

It shouldn't be used in the operation of nuclear facilities, aircraft navigation or communication systems, air traffic control, direct life support machines, or weapons systems. If you use anything on this page I'd appreciate an email. If you make any changes ( preferably improvements) I'd love to see them. FTGL is now hosted on SourceForge Screenshot from FTGL v1.3 demo FTGL is a free, open source library to enable developers to use arbitrary fonts in their OpenGL ( applications. Bit maps Anti aliased pix maps Texture maps Outlines Polygon meshes Extruded polygon meshes Current stable version (2.1.2) 11 December, 2004 Download FTGL FTGL is designed to be used in commercial quality software.

The archive contains the full source and projects for ... OGLFT: OpenGL-FreeType Library - Iceweasel. GlFont Frequently Asked Questions - Iceweasel. Brad Fish's Homepage [Home] [glFont] [Mirage] [Articles] [Links] [Finger] [Mail] glFont [Home] [News] [Download] [Bugs and Comments] [glFont in a Nutshell] [Origin of glFont] [glFont Usage] [glFont API] [glFont FAQ] Contents i.

glFont Frequently Asked Questions - Iceweasel

Updates 1. Adding Font support in OpenGL - Acorn Heroes - Iceweasel. *Update* Brandon Mantzey very kindly pointed out a glaring bug in the code accompanying this post… Never fear, I’ve tracked down the idiot responsible (me), and it’s all good now.

Adding Font support in OpenGL - Acorn Heroes - Iceweasel

The bug was actually two bugs – first I was confusing the width in pixels of a character’s texture and the space it takes on screen. Secondly I was working from the bottom left corner of a string, where as I should have been working from the top left. Thanks Brandon for encouraging me to fix this! The link in the paragraph below now has the updated code. A bit of a change of pace this week as we dive into something more technical. While OpenGL provides a lot of graphical power, it’s typically at a fairly low level, giving the programmer a set of tools with which they can build higher level, more useful code. One simple option is to use an image editor like Photoshop.

A second option is to render the text into a texture on the fly. So, enough talking, let’s get started. Polices à télécharger. OpenGl - Tutorial 20 : 2D Font [Part II] & Particle System - Ice. Texture-mapped font for OpenGL ES - Forum Nokia Wiki - Iceweasel. An efficient approach to implement fonts in OpenGL is to use a single texture-mapped quad for each character.

Texture-mapped font for OpenGL ES - Forum Nokia Wiki - Iceweasel

This technique has very good performance and presents nice results. At this link [1], there is more information on this subject. glFont The glFont tool [2] is a well-known Windows application and API to generate textures for fonts, and to render them using OpenGL. According to its licence, this tool is free to be used in any program, commercial or non-commercial [3]. Here is the font class converted to the Symbian OS API (The original author gently allowed the conversion to be published here): Here is the class implementation:

Snippets - Iceweasel. Cuckoo LockFree. Chapter 8 - OpenGL Programming Guide (Addison-Wesley Publishing. Chapter Objectives After reading this chapter, you'll be able to do the following: So far, most of the discussion in this guide has concerned the rendering of geometric data - points, lines, and polygons. Two other important classes of data that can be rendered by OpenGL are the following: Both bitmaps and image data take the form of rectangular arrays of pixels. One difference between them is that a bitmap consists of a single bit of information about each pixel, and image data typically includes several pieces of data per pixel (the complete red, green, blue, and alpha color components, for example). Also, bitmaps are like masks in that they're used to overlay another image, but image data simply overwrites or is blended with whatever data might have existed previously.

In most cases, the necessary pixel operations are simple, so the first two sections might be all you need to read for your application. Bitmaps and Fonts. Font Stash - Iceweasel. Rendering strings without OS support is always pain in the ass.

Font Stash - Iceweasel

Add different font faces, font sizes and languages into the mix and it is not funny any more. I like typography and I like having good font rendering in my apps. Sean's awesome stb_truetype was such a relief for me. No more big and ugly Freetype to be included with your project! Now that actually generating the glyphs was not a problem anymore, I thought I'd try to create a font cache which would allow me to load few fonts faces and render strings as any font size I please. Another thing that was important for me was to be able to render localized strings.

Putting all the pieces together is Font Stash. S Programming Page - BMF_Font - Iceweasel. BMF_font library is an OpenGL font library.

s Programming Page - BMF_Font - Iceweasel

It can be used to load .bmf font files generated with "bmfgen" and display text in an OpenGL application. Features: Convert any TrueType font to a .bmf file using the bmfgen toolColored textTransparent textRotation and scalinghorizontal and vertical alignment of text is adjustableVersion 1.01 now also supports the extended ASCII characters The library has been developed using MinGW under Windows and is released under the GNU LGPL license.