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Horaires du Forex, le trading expliqué aux novices – Trader Forex. Par l'équipe Une des particularités très intéressantes du marché des changes est son système de cotation, en effet, les devises sont cotées 24h/24!

Horaires du Forex, le trading expliqué aux novices – Trader Forex

Ceci permet donc aux investisseurs sur les devises d'intervenir sans interruption du dimanche soir 23 heures CET au vendredi soir 22 heures CET. Fibonacci method in Forex. Forex Fibonacci Book. Series of Free Forex ebooks. Forex Japanese Candlestick Patterns - Forex Trading Tutorial. Japanese Candlestick Patterns • A Brief History of Japanese Candlestick Charting Patterns.

Forex Japanese Candlestick Patterns - Forex Trading Tutorial

Candlestick charts originated in Japan during the 18th century. Since no defined currency standard existed in Japan during this time rice represented a medium of exchange. Various feudal lords deposited rice in warehouses in Osaka and would then sell or trade the coupon receipts, thus rice become the first futures market. In the 1700s legendary Japanese rice trader Homma Munehisa studied all aspects of rice trading from the fundamentals to market psychology.