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Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile namespace - Windows app development. The Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile namespace defines Windows Runtime classes that a Windows Store apps and desktop applications can use to communicate with Bluetooth LE devices. For more information, see Supporting Bluetooth Devices. To learn more about how to use Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile, see the Bluetooth Generic Attribute Profile - Heart Rate Service sample. Members The Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile namespace has these types of members: Classes The Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile namespace has these classes. Enumerations The Windows.Devices.Bluetooth.GenericAttributeProfile namespace has these enumerations. Requirements See also Apps for Bluetooth Smart Devices devices (Video)Bluetooth Generic Attribute Profile - Heart Rate Service (Windows 8.1) SampleSupporting Bluetooth DevicesHow to specify device capabilities for Bluetooth.

Android to Windows Phone 8: Working with Key-Value Pairs. Over the next several posts I’ll show you how to work with local data on the Windows Phone 8 platform and compare it to working with data on the Android platform. In Android development, if you have a small collection of key-value pairs that you want to persist from session to session you use the SharedPreferences APIs. In Windows Phone development these key-value pairs are often referred to as Application Settings.

It is important to note that once an application is removed, all of its data stores, including those associated with settings are deleted from the device. Let’s now look at how you write and read application settings. Creating an Application Setting To create a Shared Preference in Android a key of Name and a value of Me you would write code similar to the following: 1.SharedPreferences sharedPref = getActivity().getPreferences(Context.MODE_PRIVATE); 2.SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPref.edit(); 3.editor.putString("Name", "Me"); 4.editor.commit(); 3.editor.remove("Name");

C# - How to add a map marker to map? Windows Phone. Bluetooth Low Energy sous Windows Phone : Différences entre Silverlight et WinRT | GUYZMO. Comme vous le savez très certainement, si vous suivez un peu ce blog, j’ai présenté une session aux TechDays 2015 sur le Bluetooth Low Energy dans les applications Windows (sous entendu applications universelles Windows Store et Windows Phone), vous trouverez d’ailleurs quelques infos ici. Je suis en train de préparer un article complet qui reprendra chaque point de cette session, mais en attendant je vous propose de voir quelques différences entre la gestion du BLE en WinRT et en Silverlight.

Actuellement vous pouvez développer des applications Windows Store uniquement en utilisant Windows RT, alors que pour Windows Phone vous avez le choix entre Windows RT et Silverlight. Chose importante aussi, BLE n’est supporté qu’à partir de Windows Phone 8.1 et Windows 8.1 donc pour les versions précédentes on se contentera du Bluetooth classique. Capabilities Elles doivent être placées au même endroit, dans le fichier « Package.appxmanifest » du projet, qu’on soit en SL ou en WinRT. WinRT Silverlight. Windows 8 Geolocation sample in C#, C++, JavaScript for Visual Studio 2013. FREE Windows 8 Gestures Guide | Windows 8 development. Please, tell us what you think about this news by voting This downloadable guide to the basic touch gestures available within Windows 8 from Official Windows Magazine can be a nice handout to give to end users not familiar with the conventions used for touch on Windows-based devices.

Gestures covered include: Select or perform action App-specific commands Get more options Drag & move items Find recently used apps Close application Zoom in & out Settings commands & search Turn & pivot Switch between apps Read the full post at Working with local databases in Windows Phone 8 - Windows App Tutorials.

In this article I am going to explain how you could use the Isolated Storage by creating a local referential database which can be accessed locally by that Windows Phone application. Database operations could be performed using LINQ to SQL or using SQLite. Usually developers prefer LINQ to SQL for DB operations but SQLite becomes a better option when you plan to make apps both for Windows Phone and Windows 8.

Currently Windows 8 supports databases using SQLite only, so if you don’t wish to rewrite the code for both platforms you should prefer SQLite. LINQ to SQL object model uses the System.Data.Linq.DataContext namespace to basically make a proxy call to the local database in the Isolated Storage container. LINQ to SQL Runtime plays as a bridge between the data context object and the real data to do the manipulations based on the user selection. Here are a few points which you should keep in mind while making databases for your app Step 1.

Step 2. UPDATE: New articles in this series.