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Teaching TIPS

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Creative ways to teach vocabulary. Here is the third extract from the latest British Council publication 'Creativity in the English Language classroom' edited by Alan Maley and Nik Peachey.

Creative ways to teach vocabulary

In this chapter, Judit Fehér gives tips to teachers on how to integrate creativity into everyday classroom practice.'In this chapter, I aim to give tips to teachers on doing just that: to integrate creativity into everyday classroom practice and typical language learning activities and exercises. I will use a framework of thinking that is used by many teachers around the world to think about and plan their lessons, namely: Working with the language system: Presenting and practising vocabulary.Presenting and practising grammar.Improving pronunciation.

Working with skills: How to Create an (Almost) Perfect ESL Lesson Plan from Scratch. ATTN: Newbie ESL teachers.

How to Create an (Almost) Perfect ESL Lesson Plan from Scratch

I have a story for you that should sound familiar. My first six months teaching English in Korea were a disaster. I had no training, and no idea what I was doing. A blank sheet of paper had to become 45 minutes of constructive ESL teaching. After a lot of trial and error, I finally figured out a simple recipe to create ESL lesson plans that work. 6 sposobów na to, jak lepiej zarabiać na uczeniu angielskiego. W zeszłym tygodniu podzieliłam się z Wami moimi przemyśleniami na temat malejących stawek w branży językowej.

6 sposobów na to, jak lepiej zarabiać na uczeniu angielskiego

Tekst ten wywołał sporo komentarzy, za które serdecznie wszystkim Wam dziękuję. Reakcje zarówno na moim fanpage’u, jak i pod wpisem były podobne. Dzieliliście się swoimi doświadczeniami, które potwierdzały tylko to, o czym pisałam – że branża edukacyjna jest w dołku od dłuższego czasu, stawki są niewspółmierne do włożonej pracy, a wyższe zarobki często okupione są godzinami spędzonymi w szkołach i zajętymi weekendami. Cyfrowy klucz do mówienia i pisania. Pobierz artykuł w pliku PDF Wśród powodów, dla których umiejętności produktywne mogą być traktowane na lekcjach języka obcego „po macoszemu”, z pewnością znajdzie się fakt, że nauczyciele często skupiają się głównie na minimum wymaganym do zdania egzaminu końcowego na danym etapie edukacji, a ten z kolei opiera się głównie na umiejętnościach receptywnych.

Cyfrowy klucz do mówienia i pisania

Dopiero egzamin maturalny sprawdza zarówno umiejętności mówienia, jak i pisania, dlatego ani na etapie szkoły podstawowej, ani gimnazjum, uczniowie i nauczyciele często nie mają wystarczającej motywacji, aby poświęcać im czas. ESL Library. Nine ways to revise English vocabulary using slips of paper. What can teachers do when classroom technology stops working?

Nine ways to revise English vocabulary using slips of paper

Cristina Cabal, latest winner of the British Council's TeachingEnglish blog award for her post on pronunciation, suggests nine activities for revising English vocabulary using simple slips of paper. Nowadays, it seems very simple to plan a lesson that makes use of the many tools available online, especially as more and more of us have access to the Internet in our classrooms. But while technology is increasingly part of our teaching, there are times when it can cause problems and frustrations for teachers, such as when the Wi-Fi stops working or the computer shuts down, leaving you with a one-hour lesson to teach and no plan B up your sleeve.

Not Your Ordinary English! 9 Creative Ideas for Teaching Language Learners. “Our chief want is someone who will inspire us to be what we know we could be.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson Today’s post celebrates the innovative ways teachers are motivating their English language learners.

Not Your Ordinary English! 9 Creative Ideas for Teaching Language Learners

We are describing different ways to teach English that will astound your students. We offer you a peek at what other teachers are doing with their language learners and the results. Teaching tips: how students can use mobiles to learn English. Mobile technology is everywhere, but do you restrict or encourage it in your classroom?

Teaching tips: how students can use mobiles to learn English

Educator, multimedia author and editor Joanna Norton shares tips about how English language teachers can use technology to their learners’ benefit. She will be presenting on this topic at a British Council seminar Opens in a new tab or window., live-streamed from London on Tuesday, 20 May. Technology is transforming how we communicate, socialise, play, shop and conduct business. These profound changes place increasing pressure on the traditional models of language learning, such as teaching in a formal classroom setting.

English as a Second Language (ESL) Lesson plans & ideas for teachers: eslflow index & home page. Advice For Teaching Teens. A couple of weeks ago, I posted this on Facebook: I got some great advice from my friends, so I thought I’d share some of my favourites with you here.

Advice For Teaching Teens

Thom Jones Keep them on their toes, don’t worry if they think you’re a bit of a nutter. Graeme Hodgson Expect to deviate from your lesson plan and just enjoy those “teachable moments” of emergent language! Fiona Mauchline Listen like you’ve never listened before. To anyone. Maria P. Higor Cavalcante Listen to them and take them seriously. 6 things you should try to avoid when learning English. Eight steps to becoming a more creative teacher.

How can teachers develop their creativity in the classroom?

Eight steps to becoming a more creative teacher

Marisa Constantinides, who recently presented a webinar on the subject for our EnglishAgenda website, gives us her tips. When I recently asked some colleagues what attributes they associated with creative teachers, flexibility (or thinking on one's feet), being open to new ideas, and being imaginative were at the top of the list. GSE Teacher Toolkit. 4 Creative Ways to Use Authentic Materials for Teaching English. Set aside those amazing ESL curriculum and teaching materials for a sec.

4 Creative Ways to Use Authentic Materials for Teaching English

I want to put something else in your hands: authentic materials. Can you feel the power they hold? Can you see the various forms they take? Do you know exactly how to use them? Probably not yet, but that’s exactly what I’ll share with you here! Psychology for Educators [And More] 10 Simple Activities for Students of All Levels Which is the safest place to hide information? The CIA archives or a student’s vocabulary notebook? I would go for the latter, as the former will be opened eventually, some 50 years from now. Yet although we all recognise the importance of vocabulary revision, very few of our students do it.

5 Highly Effective Teaching Practices. I remember how, as a new teacher, I would attend a professional development and feel inundated with new strategies. (I wanted to get back to the classroom and try them all!) After the magic of that day wore off, I reflected on the many strategies and would often think, "Lots of great stuff, but I'm not sure it's worth the time it would take to implement it all. " We teachers are always looking to innovate, so, yes, it's essential that we try new things to add to our pedagogical bag of tricks. But it's important to focus on purpose and intentionality -- and not on quantity.