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Php:php. RainTPL - easy php template engine. PHP Identicons | Free software downloads. PhotoShow, une galerie web pour votre serveur. PHP: Extraire une chaîne de caractères à partir d’une autre chaîne | Live geek or die tryin' File Thingie • PHP File Manager. File Thingie is a small web-based file manager written in PHP. It is intended for those who need to give others access to a part of their server's file system when FTP is not practical. Through File Thingie you and your users get access to the most common functions: Upload multiple files at once Multiple users and user groups Create subdirectories Rename, move, delete and copy files and folders Search for file and folder names Control access to files based on black- or whitelists Edit text files Unzip files without downloading Easy customization of the CSS based layout Translate into your own language Download File Thingie and read the documentation to get started.

Session_set_save_handler : gestionnaire de sessions pour stocker vos sessions PHP dans une base de données via PDO | Eric Mery. Le stockage des données de session en PHP est géré par défaut par le moteur de PHP. Les données de session sont sérialisées et stockées dans des fichiers texte. Ce comportement par défaut peut ne pas suffire dans certains cas. Si par exemple, votre application web est hébergée dans une architecture type ‘ferme de serveurs’ (cluster), avec un système de répartition de charge type load-balancer, vous allez devoir centraliser les sessions à un endroit afin que tous les serveurs aient accès aux données de session (sauf si votre répartiteur de charge gère la persistance de session donc redirige un même visiteur toujours sur le même serveur qui lui seul connait les données de session de ce visiteur).

La solution généralement utilisée est de centraliser le stockage des sessions dans une base de données. Ainsi chaque serveur de la ferme devra requêter cette base pour écrire et lire les données de session. Script SQL pour une base MS SQL (Sql Server) : CREATE TABLE [dbo]. from your own site. Managing Cron Jobs with PHP. The cronTab, or "Cron Table", is a Linux system process / daemon which facilitates the scheduling of repetitive tasks thereby easing up our day to day routine.

In this tutorial, we'll create a dynamic PHP class that, using a secure connection, provides us with a means to manipulate the cronTab! Background - An Overview of the Crontab Let's face it, having the ability to schedule tasks to run in the background is just great! From backing up an SQL database, fetching / sending emails to running clean up tasks, analyzing performance, or even grabbing RSS feeds, cron jobs are fantastic!

Although the syntax of scheduling a new job may seem daunting at first glance, it's actually relatively simple to understand once you break it down. Each of the chronological columns has a specific relevance to the schedule of the task. Minutes represents the minutes of a given hour, 0-59 respectively. If we wanted to schedule a task to run every Saturday at 8:30am we'd write it as follows: Handy PHP Tips and Tricks for Beginners | DesignBeep. Dynamic websites are slowly making their way toward innovating the visitor experience. With Web 2.0 holding PHP (PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor) as one of the most effective server-side scripting languages to accommodate these standards, you can transform your website’s content from a static form to a more user friendly one.

Famous websites such as WordPress and Facebook all use PHP as their backbone, making the language a really powerful one to use. If you’re starting out, you can check out these tips that will enhance your website by adding a little flavor to your design. Showing Load Time This is an integral goal for any web developer or system administrator. You need to know how fast your content loads. When your website takes too long to load, it could very well disappoint visitors and you would then lose traffic. Then directly before your tag, insert this one: Randomized Quotes Password Protection Security with Encryption Measures Insert the code where you want to encrypt your password:

PHP coding tips for Performance Improvement | Xpert Developer. This post covers most performance improvement tips related to PHP coding. While working with small website or project it’s ok to ignore these tips, but when you are dealing with large website or project which is going to maintained for long term and which have large number of user base. Developer must have to consider the below tips from the starting of the project. It will surely make drastic change in your website performance. In PHP there are so many ways to perform the same task. Normally developers are using the way which is most comfortable for them or which they are more aware of. echo is more faster than print.

I have not covered all the things here but there are lots of more optimizations tips are available, will see that in next post. Share This Article. Learn Mongo.