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35 Useful jQuery Tutorials From 2011. 20 Most Useful jQuery Navigation Menu Tutorials ~ Design Magazine. 17 Useful jQuery Plugins to Improve the Look and Feel of Your Website. Ever heard of JavaScript? I bet it’s a Yes if you’re a web designer and how long did it take for you to master it? Unless you are a genius, it does take some time to learn how to use it and only after that create some great websites. For those of you who have not yet worked with JavaScript and it kind of scares you – we have good news for you. If you want to increase the usability and the appearance of your website – you can use a really powerful framework to help you out known as jQuery. jQuery comes in handy when you want your website to look nicer and user-friendly.

What’s more, thanks to all those skilled developers these plugins appear all the time, so that you could use something fresh and up to date for your website. jQuery Quicksand plugin Reorder and filter items with a nice shuffling animation. iPhone Style Radio and Checkbox Switches using JQuery and CSS A simple technique for creating radio button and checkbox switches with jQuery. jQuery MegaMenu Plugin jSquares Contactable.

95+ Stunning Jquery Effects, Lightbox, Tutorials | Web Designers Inspiration and Online Resource | Web Designers Blog. JQuery is one of the most popular JavaScript frameworks which are powerful tools and huge benefit for developers to improves the designs integration with Web applications. This article will briefly introduce you to the jQuery with excellent examples. JQuery is really wonderful plug-in for designers which are giving attractive functionality to the web sites. Even now day’s every designers focusing on Jquery because of needs to have functionality out of the box that can be accessed by using this. Here with showcased Complete 95+ Stunning Jquery effects examples, with Tutorials For Your reference and Inspirations. 01.

Zoomer Gallery In this demo, what appears to be a regular static image gallery is given some extra interactivity by using a multi-layer zoom effect when hovering over an image. 02. This demo shows the much used Flash effect of circling an image around a page – all done using jQuery. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 08. Another unique take on the typical slideshow interface. 10. 11. 12. 13.