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Taller Visualizar'15. Datos para el bien común: Convocatoria de proyectos.


PoliticasAccesoLibreConocimientoUniversidades. Contributors - wiki. Contributors in Comunes and Ourproject The Comunes Collective is solely driven by volunteers. Nowadays we are a few, and need your help to go on. If you like what we do, please check our list of possible tasks, as you might find stuff you would enjoy contributing with. If you have a technical profile, you might want to check our call for developers. For a more systematic collaboration, you can also check out our trainings. Another possibility is to consider donating to this non-profit. This wiki document is intended to be a main resource to help those first-time collaborators or trainees, that usually find difficult how to start.

For all contributors there are some recommended texts and Firefox extensions that might be useful. How do we organize Introduction We all Comunes contributors organize in "Teams". You can join one or more Teams, depending on your interests, your mood and involvement. *: TODO-lists are lists of tasks "to do", ordered by priority. The Teams New contributor? Mentoring. About | Comunes. Comunes is a non-profit collective dedicated toa) Encourage the protection and expansion of the Commons [1] through our actions. The Comunes approach has the Commons as central idea, using it as a guideline for its actions. It facilitates the discovery and construction of alternatives following a simple rule of three, and it encourages decentralized collaboration through the commons-based peer production. Check our view on the Commons for more information.b) Support those initiatives that reinforce the Commons, especially non-profit grassroots and the informal network among them.

Our initiatives attempt to decrease the problems found in the organization and collaboration of those initiatives, as stated by our Manifesto (below).c) Facilitate the work of the supported initiatives by providing free/libre web tools and resources. Comunes acts as a facilitator of the work of activists and Commons-based initiatives, providing tools and resources for boosting their actions. Move Commons. Demo of kune: Welcome to this Demo of kune. Building Digital Commons. Topics and Program 2011 @ FCForum 2011. Berkman Center. Contact Summit 2011: The Evolution Will Be Social | Contact Un-conference.