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The ROI Of Ecommerce Augmented Reality Software - Data From A Retail Execution « - The Webcam Social Shopper - The Webcam Social Shopper. A few weeks ago, we integrated our Ecommerce Augmented Reality Software into every product detail page on Banana Flame’s site.

The ROI Of Ecommerce Augmented Reality Software - Data From A Retail Execution « - The Webcam Social Shopper - The Webcam Social Shopper

Now, data is obviously important to our business, but it’s our position that it’s also important to the entire Augmented Reality community. “It’s cool, but where’s the ROI? Do you have any data?” Is something everyone that works with AR has heard. Unfortunately, most companies are tight-lipped about the numbers they’re seeing. So, we thought we’d do our part and share some early data from our Banana Flame execution. Banana Flame’s Site With The Webcam Social Shopper (WSS)… Unique visitors are up 841%.Unique visitors that add an item to their cart are up 182%.

Some Engagement Metrics For WSS (On Banana Flame): Please feel free to share this data with anyone that might be interested, and do keep an eye on this blog too. Augmented reality vs. QR codes: Which delivers most bang for the buck? - Mobile Marketer - Software and technology. By Chantal Tode January 8, 2013 Walmart's augmented reality app QR code use skyrocketed last year because of how easily the technology bridges digital and real-world engagements.

Augmented reality vs. QR codes: Which delivers most bang for the buck? - Mobile Marketer - Software and technology

On the other hand, augmented reality offers a more exciting way for brands to interact with consumers, but may not be the right choice in all cases. Magazine advertisers and publishers, consumer packaged goods brands, catalogers and ecommerce providers have all embraced QR codes to deliver content and support virtual shopping experiences. “Hands down, QR codes are the better value for anyone looking to connect the real and virtual worlds. “Augmented reality creates an interactive experience that is more fun and immersive, and those are great qualities for a campaign that provides a lot of creative options,” he said. “I do, however, think that QR codes are more pragmatic than augmented reality. What's the ROI of Augmented Reality - Rachel Pasqua - iCrossing. AUGMENTED REALITY, dalla A (ugmented) alla R (OI) Aurasma è la piattaforma di HP per lo sviluppo di progetti di realtà aumentata che dal 2011 domina il mercato mondiale.

AUGMENTED REALITY, dalla A (ugmented) alla R (OI)

È composta da una piattaforma per gli sviluppatori e da un App per gli end users, scaricabile sia da Apple Store che da Google Play. E’ stata installata da milioni di persone in tutto il mondo e ha più di 6 milioni di active users che la utilizzano regolarmente, ma ancora relativamente pochi sviluppatori certificati che realizzano animazioni engaging (e DOOH.IT è uno di questi pochi). Qualche dato in più relativo ad aurasma ce lo dà quest’infografica: I settori che utilizzano questo tool per coinvolgere il proprio target e aumentare le conversions (che siano vendite o subcriptions o quant’altro) sono diversi. In primis il publishing (sia per quanto riguarda i periodici sia per i libri), ma anche il signage (tradizionale o digital) e il mondo del commercio in generale (CD, DVD, e packaging di prodotti i più diversi).

Per questo ogni Aura è misurabile. InfographicAurasma. HP Aurasma Boosts Scalability and Performance for Augmented Reality with HP Cloud. Aurasma 2.5 makes it possible to host 50 times more content for mobile devices October 23, 2013 PALO ALTO, Calif. — HP Autonomy today announced the new version of Aurasma, the world’s leading augmented reality (AR) platform, introducing new cloud-matching capabilities that enable the app to trigger 50 times more content without compromising speed or performance.

HP Aurasma Boosts Scalability and Performance for Augmented Reality with HP Cloud

Moving the AR image matching to the cloud means that the resource-intensive processing takes place on the server side rather than on the user’s device. This improves performance and makes it possible to host potentially unlimited AR content in the cloud. Aurasma 2.5 has been optimized to handle the growing volumes of data and increased AR demands of the enterprise. Aurasma 2.5 can automatically match images with relevant digital information without any human intervention by making use of existing databases and HP Autonomy’s big data analytics technology.