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4 Things to Know For January 11: News that Entrepreneurs Can Use. How VR, AR And MR Are Making A Positive Impact On Enterprise. How Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality Can Revolutionize Social Media. Where are all the biotech startups raising? Where are all the biotechnology companies raising these days?

Where are all the biotech startups raising?

We crunched some numbers to arrive at an answer. Subscribe to the Crunchbase Daily Using funding rounds data from Crunchbase, we plotted the count of venture capital funding rounds raised by companies in the fairly expansive biotechnology category in Crunchbase. Ethical Branding: A Guide For Creating More Ethical Brands. How to Create a Perfect Brand Reputation for your Business from Scratch. These companies may smooth startups’ path to the public market — if they don’t kill each other first. This morning, the SEC approved as the U.S.’s 14th stock exchange Long Term Stock Exchange (LTSE), an outfit that was conceived in 2012 by “Lean Startup” author Eric Ries as a place where public market shareholders who hold onto their shares through thick and thin would be rewarded for their loyalty.

These companies may smooth startups’ path to the public market — if they don’t kill each other first

Ries thinks such rewards are important because he believes in public markets. Among other things, by establishing a common currency, being publicly traded enables companies to more easily acquire other companies. It enables employees to more freely sell their shares. It also allows retail investors to participate in the growth of tech companies — growth from which they’ve largely been shut out in recent years as the average time a company remains private has stretched to roughly 12 years. Indeed, Ries’s biggest issue with public market shareholders is their focus on short-term results, citing it as the primary reason that startups remain privately held for so long.

Together, 'Deep Medicine' And 'The Butchering Art' Reveal How Little Medicine Has Changed. Book cover images courtesy of Scientific American (left) and Basic Books (right)

Together, 'Deep Medicine' And 'The Butchering Art' Reveal How Little Medicine Has Changed

Effective Tactics to Generate Leads via Landing Pages in 2019. Earning attention of your audiences is no longer a cakewalk.

Effective Tactics to Generate Leads via Landing Pages in 2019

Testimonials That Don’t Suck: The Complete Guide [+ 7 Examples] What’s the first thing that goes through your mind when you read a customer testimonial that gushes with praise?

Testimonials That Don’t Suck: The Complete Guide [+ 7 Examples]

Unless you were born yesterday, that sugary-sweet testimonial is an immediate turn-off. At the very least, you’ll skim past it, looking for a less biased opinion. What Will Machine Learning Look Like In Twenty Years? What will machine learning look like 15-20 years from now?

What Will Machine Learning Look Like In Twenty Years?

Originally appeared on Quora: the place to gain and share knowledge, empowering people to learn from others and better understand the world. Answer by Keno Fischer, CTO at Julia Computing, on Quora: Machine Learning is a very rapidly moving field, so it’s hard to make predictions about the state of the art 6 months from now, let alone 15 - 20 years. Complete guide on Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) As an out and out Google fan, I have been closely observing trends and events offered by the tech giant over all these years.

Complete guide on Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP)

With the introduction of the mobile-friendliness update, site owners began focusing on enhancing the mobile experience for their end users. One of the major turn off or hiccup that users often faced in mobile search ranking factors was sluggish performance and slow loading time. This is when Accelerated Mobile Pages, AMP came to the rescue! What are Accelerated Mobile Pages? Social Media Roundup: Zuckerberg's Podcast, Reddit Events And Collections, Snapchat Sees User Growth. Icons of social media apps on a smartphone screen / photo credit: Getty Getty “Social Media Roundup” is a weekly roundup of news pertaining to all of your favorite websites and applications used for social networking.

Social Media Roundup: Zuckerberg's Podcast, Reddit Events And Collections, Snapchat Sees User Growth

Published on Sundays, “Social Media Roundup” will help you stay up-to-date on all the important social media news you need to know. Facebook Mark Zuckerberg Launches A Podcast Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg has launched a new podcast called “Tech and Society.” "Follow along as Mark Zuckerberg hosts a series of conversations on the future of technology and society. Good Decision Making Requires Good Data. If you begin with bad data, you won't make the best decision.

Good Decision Making Requires Good Data

Globalization Impact on The SaaS Industry - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing and Industrial News. Published on 2019-04-23 Developing software across borders has become an emerging area of software engineering this is where the Globalization Commences April 19, 2019 The effects of globalization are reaching into almost every aspect of the software development businesses as computers have become ubiquitous in this technically advanced societies be it household appliances or supporting international data libraries.

Globalization Impact on The SaaS Industry - Industry Today - Leader in Manufacturing and Industrial News

Similar to this, there is a demand for new computer systems and functions which needs to grow for highly productive software development teams to work in the global market. For this specific reason, there are several practical benefits to examine the factors of globalization which influences the software team’s success.

Major advancements in the software industry have drawn the business sector into ever greater interaction across the globe. There come several questions like What makes a great software team ? How AI Is Revolutionizing Global Logistics And Supply Chain Management. Artificial intelligence is taking up the pace when it comes to global logistics and supply chain management. As per a number of executives from the transportation industry, these fields are expected to go through a more significant transformation.

The on-going evolution in the areas of technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, and similar new technologies is said to possess the potential to bring in disruption and lead innovation within these industries. Artificial intelligence comes with computing techniques which helps to select large quantities of data that is collected from logistics and supply chain. Viking Saga: The Tale of Tor Hagen And His Voyage From Ousted CEO To Cancer Survivor To Cruise Ship Billionaire. Steps for implementing a non-invasive data governance program. In the digital world, there is a massive amount of data generated every moment. Ops Stars Highlights: What Was Everyone Talking About? 3 Highlights and 6 Tips — DataFox Blog.

It's been another big year for Ops Stars! With multiple keynote presentations, 40+ panel sessions, and practitioner workshops, there were plenty of opportunities to engage and learn from brilliant operations leaders. We rounded up three common themes and six actionable tips to take home. 1. The Growing Prevalence of Rev Ops. Kiran Mazumdar Shaw Says, Endurance Builds Big Businesses. How to Fix Up White Text and Missing Buttons in WordPress Editor – SoloStream HelpDesk. Ever since the WordPress CMS has come into existence, it had been seen to helping thousands of users in sharing their stores across the globe. All of the credits goes to WordPress as the users can easily write quality content and utilize the visual editor to make it look and feel attractive that too from by providing the comfort of their homes and offices. 7 Social Media Lessons You Can Learn From Kylie Jenner. Tencent-backed news app Qutoutiao nabs $171M from Alibaba. How to Fix 403 Forbidden Error in your WordPress Site.