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Twitter feed - ASP.NET Forums. Binding an ASP.NET Repeater to Delicious (RSS) and Twitter (Atom. I recently had a client who wanted to pull in and display some Twitter and Delicious feeds on their web site. While I’d never done this before, it turns out that it’s relatively simple to do by binding an ASP.NET Repeater control to the actual XML feed itself. I thought I’d share the code in case anyone else needs to do the same thing.

We start by creating our repeater objects, one for Twitter and one for Delicious. Since the feeds are different, and because Twitter uses Atom while Delicious uses RSS, you’ll notice that the syntax is slightly different. There are also two Literal controls which we’ll use for error catching in case either of the feeds ever has a problem. The Daily Influence. Publications - What's A Conversation Worth? - 03/04/2008. Word of Mouth Works Worldwide. Video: RSS in Plain English | Common Craft - Video Production an. The Internet has problems. Technorati says there are 50 million weblogs, and as you can see, it's going up. This is overwhelming. Today's show is about a new and efficient way to keep up with all this cool stuff that's happening on the Internet.

I'm going to talk about two ways that you can keep up with what's happening on the Web. There's the old slow way - Boo. Then, there's the new and fast way - Yay! Here's the difference between the new and the old way. This is you, and here are your favorite websites. Now, let's consider the new and fast way, which is simply taking these arrows and turning them the other direction. So, what we're talking about is using a single website that becomes your home for reading all the new stuff that's coming from your favorite websites. The first step is you need a home for reading new posts.

Step number two, is to set up a connection between your reader and your favorite websites. After you click that button, one of two types of pages will appear. Word of Mouth Marketing Association -- WOMMA - WOMMA's Womn.