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Ethos (2011) hosted by Woody Harrelson. Watch Ethos (2011, 69 mins.), a powerful documentary hosted by Woody Harrelson.

Ethos (2011) hosted by Woody Harrelson

It is an investigation into the flaws in our systems, and the mechanisms that work against democracy, our environment and the common good. With a stunning depth of research and breadth of analysis, this film delves deep into the interconnected worlds of Politics, Multinational Corporations and the Media. Most of us have wondered at some point how we have arrived at a situation where democracy is touted as having created an equal society when all we see is injustice and corruption. Democracy is the enemy. The protests on Wall Street and at St Paul’s Cathedral are similar, Anne Applebaum wrote in the Washington Post, ‘in their lack of focus, in their inchoate nature, and above all in their refusal to engage with existing democratic institutions’.

Democracy is the enemy

‘Unlike the Egyptians in Tahrir Square,’ she went on, ‘to whom the London and New York protesters openly (and ridiculously) compare themselves, we have democratic institutions.’ Generation F*cked. Police Intimidation Of Occupy Chicago In Advance of NATO Summit? The Guardian on Facebook. Canada Income Inequality: Broadbent Institute Survey Shows Vast Majority Wants Government To Do Something About The Wage Gap. The vast majority of Canadians are concerned about the growing gap between rich and poor, and are willing to pay higher taxes to fight it, a new poll shows.

Canada Income Inequality: Broadbent Institute Survey Shows Vast Majority Wants Government To Do Something About The Wage Gap

As the debate about income inequality intensifies, observers have often bemoaned that the causes and implications of this trend are too abstract to resonate with average Canadians. But the survey, released Tuesday by the Ottawa-based Broadbent Institute, indicates that most respondents believe that the deepening rich-poor divide could have a negative impact on everything from our standard of living to democratic principles. “I found the results encouraging,” Ed Broadbent, the former NDP leader who founded the left-leaning think-tank last year, told The Huffington Post. He said concern about income inequality and the desire for government to do something about it “cuts across all partisan persuasions, regional, class differences.”

Broadbent is not alone. “This is new that tax increases are a debatable item,” he said. Rise Like Lions: OWS and the Seeds of Revolution (2011. The Strike and Its Enemies. In a noted 2008 essay, Mark Fisher reflected on the pervasive sense of capitalism’s permanence, a feeling he termed “capitalist realism.”

The Strike and Its Enemies

Slavoj Žižek · The Revolt of the Salaried Bourgeoisie: The New Proletariat · LRB 26 January 2012. How did Bill Gates become the richest man in America?

Slavoj Žižek · The Revolt of the Salaried Bourgeoisie: The New Proletariat · LRB 26 January 2012

His wealth has nothing to do with Microsoft producing good software at lower prices than its competitors, or ‘exploiting’ its workers more successfully (Microsoft pays its intellectual workers a relatively high salary). Millions of people still buy Microsoft software because Microsoft has imposed itself as an almost universal standard, practically monopolising the field, as one embodiment of what Marx called the ‘general intellect’, by which he meant collective knowledge in all its forms, from science to practical knowhow. SpaceHijackers CAke Eaters. Occupy Economics. Occupy Wall Street has thrown off many sparks.

Occupy Economics

A little one landed in academic economics. On November 2, a group of Harvard students walked out on Greg Mankiw’s intro economics course – according to the professor himself “about 5 to 10 percent of the class stood up and quietly left.” Later that day, the Harvard Political Review posted an open letter the dissenters had written to Mankiw: We are walking out today to join a Boston-wide march protesting the corporatization of higher education as part of the global Occupy movement.

Since the biased nature of Economics 10 contributes to and symbolizes the increasing economic inequality in America, we are walking out of your class today both to protest your inadequate discussion of basic economic theory and to lend our support to a movement that is changing American discourse on economic injustice.

In April 1973, most of an audience walked out on Paul Samuelson. It turned out to be a foreshock. "Not Part of the 99%"? You're Fooling Yourself. "I'm not part of the 99%.

"Not Part of the 99%"? You're Fooling Yourself

" That's the catch-phrase of a counter-protest that misunderstands the entire nature of the Occupy movement. Buying the lies that 99% activists are just a bunch of unemployed hippies looking for handouts, people like the following young student trumpet their work-ethics, and chide the rest of us for not being them. Parodying the various signs held by Occupy demonstrators, this picture epitomizes a view that misses the entire point of the protests. "The 99%" does not refer to people who want handouts; it refers to the people who pay the larger share of taxes, work the longer amount of hours, do the harder degree of work, and yet continually have our pay, jobs, health, environment and economy endangered or destroyed by the other 1%. * Having her pay or job cut so that her CEO can get a pay raise. Occupy Reality - Transcript. My name is Douglas Rushkoff I am humbled and honored to be amplified by your voices.

Occupy Reality - Transcript

You are not fighting against people, but against a machine. It was put in place over 500 years ago. By a wealthy elite - trying to repress a booming peer to peer economy. Those people are all dead, but their program lives on. They invented an operating system called central currency. People who used to trade directly, were now forced to borrow money from the king's bank. At interest.