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Russian Circles. Russian Circles will be headlining the first US tour in support of their newest album Memorial released this past October 29th, 2013. Joining them on all dates will be KEN mode with Inter Arma opening on the first portion of the tour. Starting in Seattle on March 4th new Sargent House label mates Helms Alee will join the bill through the end of the tour. See All Russian Circles Show Details HERE - ticket links coming soon RUSSIAN CIRCLES TOUR 201402/04 Iowa City, IA @ Gabe’s Oasis #02/05 St. GALAXY S III. The Omnius Manifesto | Jeff Eisen, Ph.D. Capitalism and the corporate culture, despite spinning off a virtual cornucopia of benefits for humanity as a side effect of its obsessive drive for profit, has become more and more destructive to both the quality of human consciousness and the quality of the ecosystem. Capitalism is about making a profit and the corporations which populate capitalism are profit generating organisms.

In this, they’re not very different from biological organisms. All living systems have to operate at a profit, that is increase their energy and substance, as well as propagate, in order to survive. There is another similarity between corporations and living systems. All living systems survive, increase and propagate by consuming the resources of their environment and successfully competing with other living systems for the same resources. And finally, like corporations, all living systems not only consume resources but transform them, thus adding value. All life is ecologically positive Feasibility. Recipe Experiments.

Cute & Stylish Office Supplies at See Jane Work. Empowered. By Josh Bernoff Two and a half years ago, Charlene Li and I introduced Social Technographics, a way to analyze your market's social technology behavior. Social Technographics was carefully constructed, not as a segmentation, but as a profile (that is, the groups overlap). That's because the actual data told me that people participate in multiple behaviors, and not everyone at a higher level on the ladder actually does everything in the lower rungs. Well, it worked. Despite the rapid pace of technology adoption, the rungs on the ladder have shown steady growth, with some (like Joiners) growing faster than others (like Creators). We have analyzed data for 13 countries, for business buyers, and even for voters. My colleagues and I have done profiles for over a hundred clients, profiling Walmart shoppers, non-profit donors, and doctors.

In all that time, only one thing has been bugging me: there was no place for Twitter. We fixed that today. Conversationalists intrigue me. 1. 2. 3.