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Vic Berger IV Is Vine's Strangest Political Satirist. Image via Vic Berger on Twitter Vic Berger IV is not a man with a Jeb Bush neck tattoo, but he played one on TV. During the mounting madness of the Republican presidential primary season last year, the video editor and Tim & Eric collaborator hoaxed the Bush campaign—and a news media all too eager to monetize awful decisions—when he promised to get #Jeb4Prez permanently etched on his flesh if his Vine of the family fail-son touting Apple products hit one million loops. "I still can't believe it happened," Berger says. "I was trying to show that he's just pandering and trying to prove how 'relatable' he is, but when Jeb and his people tried to make me get this dumb tattoo to reach the youth of America, they proved my point for me. " When it comes to Berger's take on America's most terrible famous people, the prank's just the tip of the iceberg. "Those are my guys," Berger says.

Jeb Bush Donald Trump Trump is such an awful guy. Chubby Checker Chubby is by far my favorite to work with. Dedolight International Competition 2015 - Lighting Tutorial: How to create 3 atmospheres in one room. How I Filmed Nanook of the North. Adventures with the Eskimos to Get Pictures of Their Home Life and Their Battles with Nature to Get Food. The Walrus Fight. By Robert J. Flaherty, F.R.G.S. (1922) Originally appeared as Robert J.

Flaherty, "How I Filmed 'Nanook of the North'," World's Work, October 1922, pages 632-640. In August 1910, Sir William MacKenzie whose transcontinental railway, the Canadian Northern, was then in the initial stages of construction, commissioned the writer to undertake an expedition to the East Coast of Hudson Bay to examine deposits of certain islands upon which iron ore were supposed to be located. All told I made four expeditions on Sir William's behalf, during a period of six years, along the East Coast of Hudson Bay, through the barren lands of the hitherto unexplored peninsula of Ungava, along the west coast of Ungava Bay and along the southern coast of Baffin Land. My interest in films, from then on, grew. Mr. As luck would have it, the first film to be made was the walrus hunt.

Symbiopsychotaxiplasm. All Watched Over by Machines of Loving Grace. Premiere Pro Help | Default keyboard shortcuts in CS6. How do digital cameras work? | James May Q&A | Head Squeeze. You Need To See This 17-Minute Film Set Entirely On A Teen's Computer Screen. These words are probably unfurling inside one of many open tabs on your computer screen. Perhaps one tab is for work, one is for chatting, and another is for Twitter. You probably even have some others open for no particular reason. This is the way we receive information and the way we communicate now: constantly, simultaneously, compulsively, endlessly, and more and more often, solitarily. This strange new mode of living—and its indelible effect on our humanity—is perfectly captured in a new short film that debuted this week at the Toronto International Film Festival. The 17-minute, mildly NSFW Noah is unlike anything you've seen before in a movie—only because it is exactly like what many of us see on our computers all the time.

From the desktop photo of a young couple posing for the camera, we learn that Noah has a girlfriend. Lending the project authenticity is the filmmakers' attention to detail. Linklater // On Cinema & Time. David Foster Wallace on Ambition | Blank on Blank | PBS Digital Studios. Making Documentary Films and Videos by Barry Hampe.