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The 9 Most Brilliant Pieces of Comedy Hiding on YouTube. It's really hard to work in the comedy industry without becoming jaded.

The 9 Most Brilliant Pieces of Comedy Hiding on YouTube

Especially on the Net, where it's impossible to travel a 10-minute span without running into some retarded fucking meme being repeated for the thousandth time that week. But even though I hate it, I don't blame people for passing them along because, in general, people don't like to create comedy. - America's Only Humor & Video Site Since 1958. 4 Music Videos on YouTube That Will Make You a Better Person. There are thousands of self-help books, which is weird, because if their audience were capable of book learning, they wouldn't be trying to empowerify their lifestyles with the power of wishing really hard.

4 Music Videos on YouTube That Will Make You a Better Person

Or using words like "empowerify. " If an author's only marketable skill is talking positively to people even dumber than them, they shouldn't be your life coach unless you're a head-trauma nurse or running for election. The Crystal Experience should only empower you if you're trying to destroy the Enterprise. SourceWhen your problem-solving strategy is "shiny rocks," you're either a horny magpie or doomed.