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Encyclopedia of Life - Animals - Plants - Pictures & Information. Hornets - Gentle Giants! Bad press - what is true? Hornets are peaceful animals! Responsible PublisherDieter KosmeierPhoto Galleries and VideosDr. Elmar BilligScientific AdvisorThomas RickingerTranslationKevin Foster ...listen to them here! Click on thumbnails to enlarge the images The majority of people consider hornets highly dangerous and their presence often causes fear and panic. Hornet (Vespa crabro, Linnaeus 1758) with their aposematic (warning) yellow-black colouring. DescriptionThe largest European wasp; the female measures 25 to 35 mm long, males and workers are smaller.

Hornets belong to the order or group Hymenoptera. Like most nest building insects, hornets will defend their colony when they consider it threatened. That in close vicinity to the nest (radius by 2-3m)That outside of the nest area. In the presence of a hornet, four things should be avoided: rapid movements, blocking the flight path, vibrating or breathing on the nests.

For most people a hornet sting represents no special danger. V. J.M. How to identify longhorn beetles. All illustrations by Felicity Rose Cole 1. Black and yellow longhorn Rutpela maculata 13–20mm. Slow-moving wasp mimic. 2. 6–15mm. 3. 12–22mm. 4. 13–23mm. 5. 6–15mm. 6. 8–15mm. 7. 6–18mm. 8. 4–6mm. 9. 9–15mm. 10. 6–10mm. 11. 8–18mm. 12. 8–23mm. Plankton. Harvestmen in Nottinghamshire. Amateur Entomologists' Society (AES) - The gateway to entomology. Ladybird_larvae.pdf. Ladybird%20descriptions_Info%20pack_2006_v.1.3.pdf. Ladybird%20descriptions_Info%20pack_NEW_v.5.pdf. Welcome to BugGuide.Net! Entomology in Alsace. Bees Wasps & Ants Recording Society | BWARS.