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ÉTATS-UNIS • Dans la peau d'un homo. Chrétien fondamentaliste et homophobe, Timothy Kurek a décidé de passer un an dans le milieu gay de Nashville dans le Tennessee. Cette expérience, dont il a tiré un livre, l'a rendu plus tolérant et lui a permis de raviver sa foi. Récit d'une conversion. Timothy Kurek a grandi en haïssant l'homosexualité. En tant que chrétien conservateur du fin fond de la Bible Belt [le sud-est religieux], il avait appris qu'être gay était une abomination aux yeux de Dieu. Il fréquentait son église conservatrice, se considérait comme un soldat de Dieu et il avait rejoint les bancs de l'université évangélique Liberty. Mais lorsqu'une amie chrétienne lui a raconté comment elle avait été chassée de chez ses parents après leur avoir révélé qu'elle était lesbienne, Kurek a commencé à profondément remettre en question ses croyances et les enseignements religieux qu'il avait reçus.

Pendant toute une année, Kurek a vécu en tant qu'homo "infiltré" dans sa Nashville natale. Bientôt les choses se sont améliorées. ‘I Didn’t Know You Had Families’ Mitt Romney Told Group Of Gay Parents. In 2004, then-Masachusetts Governor Mitt Romney succumbed to meet with a group of gay and lesbian parents who were trying to get him to follow that state’s supreme court ruling to enable same-sex couples to marry. Romney reportedly was unmoved after hearing their stories and why they needed the law to allow them to marry — to protect their families.

“I didn’t know you had families,” Romney told the LGBT parents in the group, standing in his office, according to an extensive article in Boston Spirit, a blog hosted by the Boston Globe’s website: “It was like talking to a robot. No expression, no feeling,” recalls David Wilson, one of the plaintiffs in the case who met with Romney that day. “People were sharing touching stories, stories where you’d expect recognition in the other person’s face that they at least hear what you’re saying — that there’s empathy.

He didn’t even shake his head. He was completely blank.”Occasionally Romney would say something. Friends: 26 Very Real Consequences Of DADT Repeal. Gay man gets 'maternity' leave in Brazil. Please support our site by enabling javascript to view ads. SÃO PAULO, Brazil — Brazil’s social security agency has, for the first time, given a four-month "maternity" leave to a gay man so that he can care for his adopted child. Lucimar da Silva requested the full four-month leave two years ago when he and his partner adopted their child, according to Pink News.

Prior to the groundbreaking decision, Brazilian law required the mother of a child be granted four months leave and the father of a child be given five days. More from GlobalPost: Brazil: Three people enter civil union in Sao Paulo Silva argued it would be discriminatory to deny him the longer leave, saying the agency had already approved four-month leaves for same-sex couples where both partners are women, reported the Associated Press.

Brazil has also recently broken ground in another way, when a public notary approved the civil union between three people — a man and two women — in São Paulo. Noah Michelson: BREAKING: More Straight Americans Than Gay Americans Having 'Gay Sex' I've been thinking a lot about sex lately. For those who know me personally, that probably won't come as too much of a surprise. I'm a red-blooded gay man with a hunky, virile boyfriend, and I've always seen sex as a healthy, important part of my life. But in recent months I've started to realize that I'm not the only one who is obsessed with what I'm doing in my bedroom or in my shower or on my kitchen table or... well, you get the idea. My sex life, and the sex lives of my queer brothers and sisters, is (and has been) a favorite topic for countless right-wing and evangelical conservatives who fill their radio broadcasts and newsletters and email blasts with lurid concerns about the things that go bump (and grind) in the night in our homes.

Not only is gay sex portrayed as filthy and indefensibly immoral because it does not result in pregnancy, but these pundits and politicians seem to take the greatest pleasure in presenting it as fundamentally dangerous. Yup, you read that correctly. An Athlete’s Life in the Closet: One Tar Heel’s Tale » gay4soccer. What follows is the personal testimonial of Stephen Bickford, who was 2004 NSCAA/Adidas National High School Player of the Year, United States U-18 player, and University of North Carolina Forward, all while living the life of a young man in the closet. — Chris In high school, I was fortunate enough to have been a part of one of the greatest youth teams in the country at the time, the ’86 CASL Elite.

As a team we won the NCYSA State Championship every single year from U-14 through U-19 and were a force to be reckoned with on the national stage, winning multiple showcase tournaments all over the country. From my first touch of a ball at 6 years old, I had a rare gift for an American soccer player. I scored goals…lots of goals. Any time I got the ball in the attacking third of the field I was confident that I was going to put the ball in the back of my opponents net, and I did, hundreds and hundreds of times. Being gay and playing a team sport can be incredibly frightening. Mitt Romney ‘supports rights of gay Scout members’

US presidential candidate Mitt Romney is against many gay rights measures, but he does back the right of gay people to join the Scouts. In 1994, he said that while the Boy Scouts of American should be free to set its own policies, he agreed that it should allow gay people to be members, staff and volunteers. “I support the right of the Boy Scouts of America to decide what it wants to do on that issue. I feel that all people should be able to participate in the Boy Scouts regardless of their sexual orientation,” Mr. Romney said during a debate at the time. His campaign spokeswoman Andrea Saul told AP this week that the view “remains Romney’s position today.” The Boy Scouts of America announced last month that it will retain its ban on gay members, volunteers and staff. Nebraska Woman Has Anti-Gay Slurs Carved Into Her Skin In Alleged Hate Crime. A Nebraska community is rallying in response to a violent home invasion and assault which many have alleged was an anti-gay hate crime.

The Lincoln Journal Star reports that a Lincoln woman, whose name has not been released, told police she was attacked over the weekend by three masked men who broke into her home and bound her with zip ties before carving homophobic slurs into her skin, dumping gasoline on her floor and lighting it with a match. Immediately following the assault, the woman, who is in her 30s, managed to walk to a neighbor's home to get help, friend Erin Thompson told the Omaha World-Herald. Thompson confirmed that the victim is a lesbian and also noted that three anti-gay epithets, including the word "dyke," were carved on the woman’s arms and stomach. Other friends told local ABC news affilate KLKN-TV that anti-gay slurs were also found spraypainted throughout the woman's basement. Earlier on HuffPost: Massacre d’Aurora: c’est encore la faute aux gays. Fred Jackson, président de l'AFA.

Le leader d'une association familialiste n'a pas attendu longtemps avant de livrer sa version sur la tuerie qui a fait 12 morts, jeudi soir au Colorado. D’habitude, les imbécilités de ce type sortent deux à trois à jours après les tsunamis, tremblements de terre et autres désastres. Mais il n’a fallu que quelques heures à Fred Jackson pour livrer son jugement sur la tuerie d’Aurora. Selon le président de l’Association des familles américaines, c’est l’acceptation des gays et lesbiennes dans les communautés religieuses libérales qui a mené James Holmes, 24 ans, à ouvrir le feu sur le public de la première de «Batman», jeudi soir. Holmes a tué 12 personnes et a blessé grièvement des dizaines de spectateurs. Toujours selon ce crétin: «Les Américains ont cessé de craindre Dieu et l’enfer… c’est pourquoi toutes ces choses terribles surviennent.» Teen lesbian couple found shot in Texas park. Police are investigating the shooting of two teenage girls in a small Texas community along the Gulf of Mexico.

KRIS reporter Lindsay Curtis has the story. By Miranda Leitsinger, Staff Writer, NBC News Two teenage girls in a relationship were found with gunshot wounds to the head in a south Texas park, with one of them dying from her injuries, media reports say. Police were searching for their assailants. Mollie Judith Olgin, 19, and Mary Christine Chapa, 18, were found in knee-deep grass in a nature area in Portland by a couple Saturday, said Portland Police Chief Randy Wright, who confirmed to details first reported by the Corpus Christi Caller Times.

Olgin, originally from Ingleside but recently living in Corpus Christi, died; Chapa, of Sinton, was rushed to a hospital where she had surgery and was in serious but stable condition on Sunday, local NBC affiliate reported. Friends told that the girls had been together five months. I'm a Gay Mormon Who's Been Happily Married for 10 Years. One of the greatest unintended consequences of being gay is that it serves as a genuine eye-opener to all the bullshit you get fed as a child. When you realize that much of what you were taught by authority figures about sex and relationships was wrong, it gives you the freedom to question all kinds of received wisdom, not just that about sexuality. What's sad in Josh's case is that he failed to use this opportunity to question the very absurd superstitious bullshit with which he happened to have been raised. As someone who was also gay and raised LDS, I will always be grateful that my love of guys led me to question, think about, research and discover the fraudulent nature of my religious belief, and indeed of all supernatural claims I've run across so far.

Josh had an opportunity to walk out of the door of religious error but he instead chose to continue to believe the teachings of a widely discredited 19th century charlatan. One other point. Obama se prononce pour le mariage homo. Le président des États-Unis Barack Obama s'est prononcé aujourd'hui pour la première fois en faveur des mariages homosexuels, dans un entretien à la chaîne ABC. "Pour moi, à titre personnel, il est important de dire que je pense que les couples du même sexe doivent pouvoir se marier", a-t-il déclaré. Il devient ainsi le premier président des Etats-Unis en exercice à prendre une telle position, et ce à moins de six mois de la présidentielle.

Les pressions s'accumulaient depuis plusieurs mois sur le président américain pour qu'il clarifie sa position très ambiguë sur ce sujet de société. Le président démocrate, qui s'était dit en 2008 favorable à des partenariats civils sans aller jusqu'à soutenir le mariage homosexuel, s'était contenté d'affirmer que sa position "est en train d'évoluer" à ce sujet. Dimanche, le vice-président Joe Biden avait jeté un pavé dans la mare en se prononçant pour la première fois en faveur de ces mariages. Six Etats l'autorisent. Gay Man Honors Boyfriend's Death With Poignant Video Noting Lack Of Rights Offered To Unwed Same-Sex Couples. Gay rights in the US, state by state | World news.

Josh Dixon, Olympics Gymnastics Hopeful, Comes Out As Gay. Romney’s openly gay spokesperson resigns due to anti-gay backlash. Richard Grenell, the openly gay man who was appointed as the security and foreign policy spokesperson by Mitt Romney’s presidential campaign, has resigned from his position, due to fierce opposition from anti-gay conservatives, the Washington Post reports. Mr Grenell was appointed just over a week ago for the post, which provoked an immediate outcry from right-wing conservatives, though that wasn’t the only reason for controversy. He also had deleted some 800 tweets prior to the appointment that some people saw as sexist. A statement obtained by Jennifer Rubin at the Post reads: I have decided to resign from the Romney campaign as the Foreign Policy and National Security Spokesman. It seems that Mr Grenell decided to resign after he was kept in the dark on national security issues, which have taken centre-stage in the presidential campaign.

Une candidate transsexuelle finalement autorisée à participer à Miss Univers. États-Unis - Une juge lesbienne ne veut plus célébrer de mariage hétérosexuel. DALLAS – Tonya Parker, une juge lesbienne du Texas, refuse de marier des couples hétérosexuels tant et aussi longtemps que l'État ne donne pas le droit à tous les citoyens de pouvoir se marier. Cette décision est une «occasion de leur donner une leçon sur l'inégalité de la législation sur le mariage dans cet État», a fait savoir la juge au cours d'une réunion des démocrates de Dallas plus tôt cette semaine. La juge a décidé de référer les couples hétérosexuels à d'autres juges. «Je suis désolée, a-t-elle déclaré. Je ne célèbre pas de mariage parce que nous sommes dans un État qui ne reconnaît pas l'égalité du mariage, et jusqu'à ce qu'il le fasse, je ne vais pas appliquer à un groupe de personnes une loi qui ne s'applique pas à un autre.»

Dans une déclaration à la presse jeudi et citée par le réseau NBC local, Parker a précisé qu'elle n'empêcherait jamais quiconque de se marier. La juge Parker a été élue à la magistrature en 2010. Microsoft Pri0 | Microsoft supports gay marriage bills in state Legislature. Microsoft has made public its support of legislation in the state House and Senate that would allow gay marriage in Washington state, signing on to a letter to legislative leaders with other prominent Northwest companies, and posting an entry about the company's position on its official blog.

My colleague, Andrew Garber, wrote about the short letter signed by the six companies including Microsoft, Vulcan, NIKE, RealNetworks, Group Health Cooperative, and Concur. Microsoft elaborated on its position in a blog post today written by its General Counsel Brad Smith. He raised economic and business-competitiveness reasons for the company's stance, saying: As other states recognize marriage equality, Washington's employers are at a disadvantage if we cannot offer a similar, inclusive environment to our talented employees, our top recruits and their families.

Employers in the technology sector face an unprecedented national and global competition for top talent. In Private Meeting With Gay Leaders, Romney Compared LGBT Equality To Father's Fight For 'Civil Rights' By Igor Volsky on January 17, 2012 at 1:20 pm "In Private Meeting With Gay Leaders, Romney Compared LGBT Equality To Father’s Fight For ‘Civil Rights’" In The Real Romney, out today, Boston Globe reporters Michael Kranish and Scott Helman chart Mitt Romney’s devolution from embracing equal rights for gays and lesbians in 1994 and 2002 to falling in line with the anti-gay bigotry of religious social conservatives in order to win the GOP presidential nomination at the end of his term as governor.

Romney’s shift betrayed his LGBT allies in the state — including gay groups who endorsed his campaigns — and frustrated those who saw Romney’s support for equal rights as an extension of his father’s strong embrace of civil rights for African Americans. It’s a parallel Romney himself made in private meetings with gay and lesbian groups, only to abandon the comparison when the time came to swoon Christian Evangelicals. Le Canada veut combler le vide juridique entourant les mariages gay d'étrangers conlus sur son sol - International. Cuba - Les unions homosexuelles au programme du Parlement en 2012.