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Educating Humanity. Watch horror movies and lose weight, study suggests. This weight-loss method probably won’t work if you’re snarfing down a bag of chips and all the Halloween candy you’re keeping for yourself rather than giving to snotty-fingered children.

Watch horror movies and lose weight, study suggests

However, real scientists at University of Westminster suggest that horror movies may help burn calories. According to The Guardian (via Daily Mail), “those who watched a 90-minute horror film were likely to burn up to 113 calories — the same sort of figure as a half-hour walk.” The top calorie-burner was The Shining, which will rid you of 184 calories. Dr. Richard Mackenzie is a specialist in cell metabolism and physiology. - America's Only Humor Site. Luminosity. Expert Health Information - Questions and Answers - Sharecare. Movie2k. Wir wissen auch nicht, was mit Movie2k passiert ist. Uns gehört die Domain nicht, es wurde von den Betreibern nur auf uns umgeleitet. (Wieso du hier unsere Seite siehst, steht hier.) Wir wissen aber, dass in der Politik vieles schief läuft.

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