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Religion, Caste, and Electoral Geography in the Indian State of Kerala. As mentioned in a previous GeoCurrents post, India’s southwestern state of Kerala, noted for its high levels of social development, exhibited markedly different patterns in the 2014 election from most other parts of the country.

Religion, Caste, and Electoral Geography in the Indian State of Kerala

In Kerala, parties on the far left did quite well, as did the center-left Indian National Congress, whereas the center-right BJP performed quite poorly, as did regionalist parties. To understand the electoral geography of Kerala, it is necessary to examine religion and caste. A fascinating paper by Regina Doss, a student in a Stanford University Continuing Studies (adult education) class that Asya Pereltsvaig and I are currently teaching, recently brought these issues to my attention. As she notes, the Congress Party and its allies have traditionally found most of their support among the Syrian Christians and the Nairs (the latter being a relatively high Hindu caste, traditionally noted as warriors and landholders). Fascinating and important place. 05-14_fukao.pdf. 04-08_tuushin.pdf. INDAS_vol03_212.pdf. 12051906.pdf. SES71_004.pdf. サプタルシ・バス/わたしの頭の中に住む男. 七歳のとき、初めて詩を書いたことを覚えている。


それは「あるところに一匹のサルがいました。 そのサルは人参しか食べませんでした」(Ek je chilo Bador, Se kheto sudhu Gajor)というものだった。 両親はそれを見て、大笑いした。 そして父がわたしに、グゥルゥデーウ(詩聖:インドの詩人タゴール)の最初の詩はこういうものだと教えてくれた。 「雨が降り、葉っぱが震える」(Jol Pore, Pata Nore)。 それから時間が経ち、わたしが成長すると、頭の中の男の存在がより堅固なものになった。 それからまた日々が過ぎ、わたしは機械工学のバレル分野で奮闘していた。 それからまた何年かが過ぎた。 粉々になった紙の上に言葉を注ごうとすることは、ひどく苦痛だった。 秋がやって来た。 当初わたしが苦労したことは認めよう。 ここでわたしは、今も奮闘している。 *「マンチーナ ..... Jstage.jst.go. A way of life. Tamil cinema inherited interesting and different characteristics from the art form it evolved from, the “company drama”: a strong aural tradition and the space to critique social maladies.

A way of life

It has evolved into a powerful medium, breaking the traditional style and format and venturing into refreshingly new themes. By THEODORE BASKARAN WHEN cinema made its appearance in 1897 in Victoria Town Hall, Madras, no one had an idea that they were witnessing the birth of a cultural colossus. Before long, in some parts of the city small roadside shows appeared, screening, with the help of magnesium lamps and hand-operated projectors, short films that consisted of simple visual gags lasting a few minutes. An entrance fee was collected. The exhibitors It was on the exhibition side that the south Indian cinema industry originated. There were others who got interested in the newfangled entertainment of moving pictures. Special Issue: Pakistani Cinema. シャイヴァ・シッダーンタと南インド. 高島 淳 ヒンドゥー教とシャイヴァ・シッダーンタ ヒンドゥー教を構成する二大宗派であるシヴァ教とヴィシュヌ教は、南インドにおいてどちらも熱心な信仰の対象となっている。


しかし、普通の人が旅行などの機会において目にとめるのは、巨大なシヴァ教寺院の場合の方が多いであろう。 これらの寺院の大部分の儀礼を規定しているのが、シャイヴァ・シッダーンタの教えである。 AOYAMA's HOMEPAGE. Bangalore Notes. Nairpap.pdf. マイソール王国におけるプラブ―マイソール王国におけるプラブ / 太田, 信宏. <研究ノート> カルナータカ宮廷文学の歴史 : 文学記述の言語とその時代的変遷 / 太田, 信宏. 近世南インド・マイソール王国の宮廷文学における王の表象 : 『チッカデーヴァラージャ・サプタパディ』の紹介と分析. インドのカンナダ語映画 太田信宏. OTA Nobuhiro - Researcher - researchmap. Mawalud in India. Introduction / History The Deccani live on the so-called "tableland" of central India, between the Godavari and Manjra Rivers.

Mawalud in India

They are primarily concentrated in central Maharashtra State and in the arid Deccan Plateau. They also live in major cites such as Hyderabad in Andhra Pradesh, as well as various rural areas. Beginning in the 1100's, Muslim rulers conquered most of northern India. They then moved southward to subdue the Deccan Plateau, a region that was populated by many Dravidian-speaking Muslims. A distinct Islamic culture developed in the Deccan region, and it became the greatest center of Arabic learning in India until the Moghul conquest of 1687. What Are Their Lives Like? _tz0608.bcc00f47ed22e569d602fff6a830ccfc.pdf. Handbooks. パラオにおける日本語残存の実態. JungBong Choi. And, by the same token, whether or not the rising popularity of the Samsung Galaxy IIIsmartphones has a place in it.The question being tackled here is: What specific cultural forms/genres/categories doesHallyu encompass No doubt that popular culture is the mainstay.

JungBong Choi

But few can say if it isconfined to the entertainment sector only, or rather freely roving across other zones of culture,broadly construed. A moving target as it is, Hallyu has evolved since the late 1990s, tirelesslytraversing other cultural domains such as food, language, fashion, tourism, beauty products, andthe likes. Following this pattern of expansion, there hardly is any justification as to why the largemarket share of Choco Pie in Russia, Nongshim Cup Noodles in China, NC Soft’s Guildwar II inthe U.S, or LG plasma television sets in Middle East have to be excluded from the roster of Hallyu.Since Hallyu bestrides various sections of culture.

An Analysis of the Korean Wave in the Performance of Korean Cinema Abroad Me hyun Kim (Visiting Scholar, Harvard University) スィッディー:インドの アフリカ系「部族」について. 韓国のコンテンツ振興策と 海外市場における直接効果・間接効果の分析 (ジェトロ) コンテンツ海外展開戦略 ─ 日本が「韓流」から学ぶべきものRoland Berger. Journal of the Japanese Association for South Asian Studies (JJASAS) 寡婦性はいかに変容可能か ――インド・タミル・ナードゥ州に住む寡婦に着目して―― 久保田絢. カラリパヤット Kalarippayattuの諸相 ─南インド,ケーララ州における マーシャルアーツの実証的研究─