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Presenting the 10 most Effective Physical Escalation Techniques - backed by Science. ★This article was drafted with the precious help, provided unconditionally by my fellow sedditors.

Presenting the 10 most Effective Physical Escalation Techniques - backed by Science

Check out the contributions here★ Last Friday I went to a bar with my friend George. 20 Creative DIY Project Ideas. 18 Incredible Table Designs [STORY] 21 Health Hacks Everyone Should Know. Whether it’s curing a throat tickle, resolving your headache in minutes or experiencing supersonic hearing, these 21 tricks are proven methods of fooling your body to achieve a desired result, whether that’s relieving pain or just having fun.

21 Health Hacks Everyone Should Know

24 Creative Ways To Decorate Your Place For Free. 7 Superfoods for Your Health. Were you under the assumption that a superfood is some type of strange and foreign melon from an exotic, far-off country?

7 Superfoods for Your Health

If so, I’m happy to inform you that superfoods come in many shapes and varieties, and some of these foods are probably in your kitchen right now! Checkout our list of delicious superfoods with phenomenal health benefits and tasty appeal. We’ve even included a super-easy smoothie recipe packed with these superfoods. Even more, this recipe is practically guaranteed to make your taste buds do a little happy dance.

Enjoy! Click here to share this infographic on your website. 6 Reasons Wall Street Titans Love To Meditate. 10 Painfully Obvious Truths Everyone Forgets Too Soon. By Marc and Angel You know how you can hear something a hundred times in a hundred different ways before it finally gets through to you?

10 Painfully Obvious Truths Everyone Forgets Too Soon

The ten truths listed below fall firmly into that category – life lessons that many of us likely learned years ago, and have been reminded of ever since, but for whatever reason, haven’t fully grasped. This, my friends, is my attempt at helping all of us, myself included, “get it” and “remember it” once and for all… 1. How to Choose a Mate. When searching for a mate, most of us carry around a list of criteria or qualities that we tell ourselves we're looking for.

How to Choose a Mate

A brief perusal of any Internet dating site yields many such lists: "A sense of humor, a sense of adventure, and good teeth" says one. "Owns his own business, likes to travel, and works out," says another. Curiously, however, we often end up with mates who seem to lack many if not most of the qualities we said we wanted. Why is that? One reason may be that people don't come custom-order and we must all inevitably make compromises if we don't want to end up alone. In fact, this is often exactly what happens. How Harry Potter changed the world. The story behind the story itself has a bit of magic to it.

How Harry Potter changed the world

It’s been retold many times in many different outlets, but there is just something about how Harry Potter came to be that bears remembering and inspires awe. In 1990, Joanne Rowling was on a train from the northern territory of Manchester and on her way to London when she first thought of the boy wizard. Later divorced and living on welfare in Edinburgh, Scotland, Rowling continued to work on her novel, now called “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone,” finishing it in 1995, and submitting it to Christopher Little Literary Agents, where it was saved from the slush pile by an employee at the agency named Bryony Evans. The agency submitted it to several publishers, who rejected it, but London-based Bloomsbury agreed to publish it.

The first British edition came out in 1997, now written by “J.K. Unknown trio 1. It turned reading actual books into something more than cool: it became something magical. 14 Excellent Mind Tricks to Get What You Want. You know that awkward moment when you and a stranger are walking towards each other but need to get past each other and you get confused and end up making a left to right dance?

14 Excellent Mind Tricks to Get What You Want

Not for me! When I walk through large crowds of people, to avoid walking into anyone, I simply stare at my destination. I look no one in the eyes. People actually will watch your eyes and they avoid the direction you are going. The History of Ice Cream. Ryan asks: Who invented ice cream?

The History of Ice Cream

No specific person has officially been credited with inventing ice cream. Its origins date back as far as 200 B.C., when people in China created a dish of rice mixed with milk that was then frozen by being packed in snow. The Chinese King Tang of Shang is thought to have had over ninety “ice men” who mixed flour, camphor, and buffalo milk with ice. The Chinese are also credited with inventing the first “ice cream machine.” They had pots they filled with a syrupy mixture, which they then packed into a mixture of snow and salt. Other early ice cream-like confectionery indulgers include Alexander the Great, who enjoyed eating snow flavoured with honey.

Synchronicity: The Key of Destiny. For When You Think That No One Will Love You. You can never quite remember the actual moments when someone says that they love you for the first time.

For When You Think That No One Will Love You

You wait for it so long, practice how you will respond, prevent yourself from saying it before them (you wouldn’t want to look desperate), and then it happens, and it’s like you go temporarily deaf. There is a ringing, like a TV show that has cut off to go to an emergency announcement. The How Are You? Revolution. How are you?

The How Are You? Revolution

Good, How are you? Good. You’ve heard it thousands of times and the words just seem to spring out of your mouth automatically when you do. Social media basics for filmmakers-Facebook. Part 3 in our series on understanding social media tools. Find the rest of the series on these links Mindset Change, Myths, Twitter, Youtube Facebook is the KING of the social networks (for right now anyway) and, with over 1 billion accounts, there is bound to be some measure of audience for your work to be found there.

Some Facebook stats: Over a 170 million of the 572 million people who reside in the United States and Canada use Facebook. Europe ranks second in total penetration with 38% of 595 million people using the service. LDR. Every Person Is A Person. The New Guard Of Hollywood: A Filmmaker’s Rant. I’m two months away from my 26th birthday, and I just finished my life as a student — 22 straight years of school, the last 7.5 of them in film schools.

I got 2 degrees in my back pocket, a BFA in live action motion picture production from NYU and an MFA in Animation and Digital art production from USC. The Moment I Knew I Loved You. It was a chapter straight out of a Nicholas Sparks novel. A scene straight out of a James Cameron movie. Our hands melded together like a Michelangelo masterpiece. It was that moment when you’re sitting at a red light waiting to make the left-hand turn. That moment when you finally notice the blinking yellow light from the car in front of you synchronize with the clicking from your own car, and all is right with the world. My wife is not the same woman that I married. A reader emailed me last night saying she was recently invited to her friend’s ‘divorce party.’