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Yes, It Matters What Kind Of Onion You Use. 35 Clever Food Hacks That Will Change Your Life. 34 Creative Kitchen Hacks That Every Cook Should Know. 16 Awesome Food Art Ideas. Every one who’s ever tried feeding a baby knows how important it is to make the food look nice and funny – especially if it’s broccoli or porridge… This is because the looks of your food constitutes a great part of the overall pleasure of eating. But if you manage to turn your noodles into Chewbacca, or can make a plate of Angry bird sandwiches, hardly anyone could say no to that! To get your creative juices flowing, we made a list of 16 creative food art examples. Some of you will recognize the works of Hong Yi, the young Malaysian artist did an awesome 31 day food project where she was creating one beautiful piece of food art each day.

However, you don’t have to be a professional artist to do this. If you don’t know where to start, you came to the right place – these should leave you hungry enough to start cooking right away! 1. Image credits: 2. Image credits: 3. Image credits: unknown 4. Image credits: scalvert 5. 6. Image credits: Hong Yi. Celebriteas. Brewing the Perfect Cup of Tea | How to Make Tea. The Beginners Guide to Coffee. There is nothing better in the world than the smell of freshly grounded coffee beans permeating through a room, the sound of steam as it shoots through the nozzle of a Zagato and the first taste of liquid gold as it passes your lips, settles on your tongue and slides down your throat. Some people drink coffee for the caffeine, some for the flavour and most (like me) for both reasons. For the regular coffee drinker, this post is probably worth skipping because you would already know the basics (like the components that make up a caramel macchiato for example).

For the slightly amateur, here’s the beginners guide to coffee. And no, a “frappuccino” is not considered coffee. Espresso (ehs-press-soh) A full-flavored, concentrated form of coffee that is served in “shots” – made by forcing pressurized, hot water through very finely ground coffee beans. Macchiato (mah-kee-ya-to) An espresso shot topped with a dollop of foam. Flat white Exactly like a latte but without the foam. Chocolate Roulade. Laser Cut Seaweed for Sushi Rolls. To help boost the weak sales of Japanese nori manufacturer that was affected by the 2011 tsunami, I&S BBDO, a Japanese ad agency, developed a series of intricately laser-cut seaweed.

Each sheet from “design nori” series – Sakura (Cherry Blossoms), Mizutama (Water Drops), Asanoha (Hemp), Kikkou (Turtle Seashell), and Kumikkou (Tortoise Shell) – is based on Japanese history or symbology and represents happiness, good fortune, and longevity. “Japanese people are eating less seaweed than before and I wanted to do something about the decline in demand, make some waves in a positive way. I wanted people to know how interesting and appealing seaweed is, not to mention delicious,” said the creator and Seaweed Shop owner Umino Hiroyuki (32). For up to date information and inquiries you can check their Facebook page. Sources: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4. Pass The Syrup: Dad's Insane Pancake Art For Children. Nathan Shields is a man. A man with children (making him a...father? Uncle? I suck at relationships *zing*). A man with children who he makes insane pancake art for. Why? Because if he doesn't they might turn to waffles. And waffles, as we all well know, are the gateway to Toaster Strudels.

A former math teacher, many of Shields' designs seem to have some geeky inspiration behind them -- get a load of the "Star Wars" designs or the fractals, a mathematical concept that when repeated results in a complex pattern. Listen: these sea creatures are only a smattering of Nathan's repertoire. Hit the jump for a ton more. Thanks to Lisa, who agrees the best breakfasts are the ones that come with hash browns and cinnamon rolls.


Is saturated fat bad or good for you | Myths about bad fats and heart disease. Is Saturated Fat Evil or Possibly Even GOOD for You? The myths, lies, and misconceptions about saturated fat and your health. by Mike Geary, Certified Nutrition Specialist, Certified Personal Trainer Author - The Truth About 6-Pack Abs & The Top 101 Foods that FIGHT Aging I've written many times in the last couple years about the mistaken beliefs in society about saturated fat and the false perception in the media AND with MOST health professionals that saturated fat is bad for you.

If you've seen in some of my articles, I've even showed you why saturated fat can even be GOOD for you in some cases, despite every health/fitness professional in the world just accepting the false belief that it's bad for you. Note - I'm NOT saying that an "Atkins style" diet is good for you! Rather, what you'll see in this article, is that saturated fat is a perfectly natural part of the human diet and has been for eternity... it is NOT the evil demon it has been made out to be! The Truth about Saturated Fat. 3 tips for rapid weight loss | Fit to Post Health. The most important thing for healthy weight loss is to be mindful of your eating habits and lifestyle. (Getty … Most of us would like to have a better figure and look more attractive. Extra weight can hurt us in many ways beyond what it does to our health and appearance. It affects our lives and how people judge us.

A study has shown that a large number of people think that overweight people lack self-control. If you are on the road to shedding some pounds, you probably want to lose weight fast. Yet we know that losing weight does not happen magically overnight. Despite wanting to lose weight quickly, you should make sure that your method of losing weight is a healthy one. Below are three tips that you can incorporate into your life to help you lose weight rapidly in a healthy way. 1.

Breakfast is the most essential meal of the day. Skipping breakfast will result in unexpected and, at times, uncontrollable hunger later in the day. 2. At regular intervals, take a rest from your work. 3. The Top Fiber-Rich Foods List. July 2008 Issue The Top Fiber-Rich Foods List By Sharon Palmer, RD Today's Dietitian Vol. 10 No. 7 P. 28 Today's Dietitian is doing its part to push the fiber intake of Americans with its fabulous list of the highest fiber foods people should be eating today.

Many areas of nutrition tend to elicit controversy, but dietary fiber is usually not one of them. Scientific evidence links fiber intake to a plethora of health benefits, including treating and preventing constipation, hemorrhoids, and diverticulosis; decreasing blood cholesterol levels, which protects against certain forms of cancer; and increasing satiety to help control weight. There are a number of health benefits for fiber.

The most promising benefit that is receiving more and more attention is fiber's role in immune health. Consumers are cued into fiber's health benefits. Many whole plant foods are rich in different types of dietary fiber, such as pectin, gum, mucilage, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, and soluble fiber. 2. The Difference Between Butter and Margarine.