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How to Fold a Shirt in 2 Seconds. Beat Your Filing Cabinet into Shape with a Filing System Workflow. I know this is a while ago but you might get it... Use the same simple system for paper and paperless with only three folders. Computer: eDocs, leave as whatever format you like. Everything else and stuff you think you might need ten years later - PDF. You need three folders. 1) Years, 2) Keep and 3) the built in recycle bin. Make up year folders under "years" i.e. 2010 for this year. Just add the date backwards to the front of each file e.g. "101209 electric bill" and dump it in the year folder. Paper: Do the same as the computer. At the end of each year, put that years stuff from the "year" folder in a carrier bag marked with the year, tape it up and store it for a few years then bin it.

It works because it's simple and you're using the same strategy for paper and paperless. Lifehacker, tips and downloads for getting things done. Top 10 Creative Ways to Store Your Stuff. I live in a smallish condo, so I love these kinds of creative hacks. Two of my favorite and easy hacks: 1. Hung my Guitar Hero controllers off the side of a movie rack with some thin steel wire. Just make a loop big enough to slide the headstock through, and then fasten the loop to the side of the rack. When you're done with the guitar, slide the headstock UP through the loop and then let it back down so the wire grabs onto the tuner-nubs on the face of the headstock. Gravity and tension does the rest! 2.