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Should I increase max_connections in AWS RDS t1-micro for MySQL? - Database Administrators Stack Exchange. Current community your communities Sign up or log in to customize your list. more stack exchange communities Stack Exchange sign up log in tour help Database Administrators Ask Question Take the 2-minute tour × Database Administrators Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for database professionals who wish to improve their database skills and learn from others in the community. Should I increase max_connections in AWS RDS t1-micro for MySQL?

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When should I think about upgrading our RDS MySQL instance based on memory usage? Best strategies to have a backup of an RDS MySQL database. Working with Read Replicas - Amazon Relational Database Service. Amazon RDS uses MySQL’s built-in replication functionality to create a special type of DB instance called a read replica from a source DB instance. Updates made to the source DB instance are copied to the read replica. You can reduce the load on your source DB instance by routing read queries from your applications to the read replica. Read replicas allow you to elastically scale out beyond the capacity constraints of a single DB instance for read-heavy database workloads.

Note The information in this topic applies to creating Amazon RDS read replicas, either in the same region as the source Amazon RDS DB instance, or in a separate AWS region. The topic does not apply to setting up replication with an instance of MySQL that is running either in an Amazon EC2 instance or on-premises. Amazon RDS currently supports those replication configurations only for the time needed to import or export large databases to or from DB instances of MySQL 5.6. Replicating Across Regions. RDS for MySQL. Empiece a utilizar Amazon RDS de forma gratuita Si es la primera vez que utiliza AWS, suscríbase y utilice RDS de forma gratuita.

Consulte información detallada aquí Amazon RDS facilita las tareas de configuración, operación y escalado de implementaciones MySQL en la nube. Con Amazon RDS, puede desplegar implementaciones MySQL escalables en unos minutos con un rentable hardware redimensionable. Amazon RDS le libera de tener que centrarse en el desarrollo de la aplicación, ya que gestiona las tareas de administración de bases de datos que precisan tiempo, las revisiones de software, la supervisión, el escalado y la replicación. Ahora puede crear réplicas de lectura entre regiones para mejorar los objetivos de recuperación ante desastres, migrar bases de datos y escalar las aplicaciones a nivel global. Amazon RDS le permite acceder a todas las funciones de un motor de base de datos MySQL corriente. Amazon RDS - Multi-AZ Deployments For Enhanced Availability & Reliability. Amazon RDS simplifies many of the common tasks associated with the deployment, operation, and scaling of a relational database.

You don't have to worry about acquiring and installing hardware, loading an operating system, installing and configuring MySQL, or managing backups. In addition, scaling the processing power or storage space available to your database is as simple as an API call. When we rolled out Amazon RDS last October, we also announced plans to have a "High Availability" option in the future. That option is now ready for you to use, and it's called "Multi-AZ Deployments. " AZ is short for "Availability Zone"; each of the four AWS Regions is comprised or two or more such zones, each with independent power, cooling, and network connectivity. The availability and reliability characteristics of Multi-AZ deployments make them well suited for critical production environments. Multi-AZ deployments also offer enhanced data protection and reliability in unlikely failure modes. Amazon RDS Price Reduction for Multi-AZ Deployments.

RDS Multi-AZ Deployments. Las implementaciones en zonas de disponibilidad múltiples de Amazon RDS ofrecen una mejora de la disponibilidad y la durabilidad de las instancias de base de datos, convirtiéndolas en ideales para las cargas de trabajo de bases de datos de producción. Cuando se aprovisiona una instancia de base de datos en zonas de disponibilidad múltiples (Multi-AZ), Amazon RDS crea automáticamente una instancia de base de datos principal y, de forma sincrónica, replica los datos en una instancia en espera de una zona de disponibilidad diferente. Cada zona de disponibilidad se ejecuta en su propia infraestructura independiente y físicamente distinta y está diseñada para ofrecer elevados niveles de fiabilidad.

Las implementaciones en zonas de disponibilidad múltiples (Multi-AZ) utilizan la replicación física sincrónica, de manera que se mantienen actualizados los datos en espera con respecto a la instancia principal. Consulte la página de precios de Amazon RDS para obtener más información.