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Push Notifications

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Mobile Articles & Mobile Development Guides — Google Cloud Platform. Introduction If you’ve used a smartphone or a tablet recently, you’ve probably come across push notifications. They are the little pings your phone gives you to let you know that you’ve got a new social network message, your friend is waiting for you to take your turn on the latest game, or that band you like has just announced a concert in your town.

As a developer, push notifications give you a new dimension to engage with your users in real time, anytime, regardless of whether or not they have your app open or whether or not their phone is even in their hand. Simply stated, push notifications are an important mechanism for creating more engaging mobile solutions. When targeting Android devices, it is easy to get started by using Google Plugin for Eclipse (GPE). GPE allows you to generate an App Engine Connected Android Project that provides the basic logic needed for sending push notifications using Google Cloud Messaging for Android from a mobile backend running on Google App Engine.

Get started with push notifications (iOS) | Mobile Dev Center. This topic shows you how to use Azure Mobile Services to send push notifications to an iOS app. In this tutorial you add push notifications using the Apple Push Notification service (APNS) to the quickstart project. When complete, your mobile service will send a push notification each time a record is inserted. You can watch a video version of this tutorial by clicking the clip to the right. This topic shows how to enable push notifications by using the legacy support provided by Mobile Services. Azure Notification Hubs integrates with Mobile Services to enable you to send template-based and cross-platform push notifications to millions of devices. This tutorial walks you through these basic steps to enable push notifications: This tutorial requires the following: Because of push notification configuration requirements, you must deploy and test push notifications on an iOS capable device (iPhone or iPad) instead of in the emulator.

This tutorial is based on the Mobile Services quickstart. Get started with push notifications (iOS) | Mobile Dev Center. Notification Hubs Documentation. Explore What are Notification Hubs? Learn how Notification Hubs can simplify sending cross-platform, personalized push notifications to any device platform from any back-end, in the cloud or on-prem. Get started with Notification Hubs Quickly set up your mobile app (Windows Store, Windows Phone 8, Android, iOS) to receive push notifications.

Develop Notification Hubs feature guide Learn about the main features of Notification Hubs, and get guidance in the design and deployment of a cloud or on-prem solution. Use tags to send breaking news Build a mobile app that allows selection of news categories and then receives push notifications based on user selections. Use templates to localize breaking news Extend the breaking news app to send localized news using templates. Use tags to send notifications to authenticated users Send notifications to users using the app back-end to register the users' devices with your notification hub.

//BUILD 2013 talk: Deliver push notifications to millions of devices. What Is a Socket? (The Java™ Tutorials > Custom Networking > All About Sockets) Normally, a server runs on a specific computer and has a socket that is bound to a specific port number. The server just waits, listening to the socket for a client to make a connection request. On the client-side: The client knows the hostname of the machine on which the server is running and the port number on which the server is listening. To make a connection request, the client tries to rendezvous with the server on the server's machine and port.

The client also needs to identify itself to the server so it binds to a local port number that it will use during this connection. This is usually assigned by the system. If everything goes well, the server accepts the connection. On the client side, if the connection is accepted, a socket is successfully created and the client can use the socket to communicate with the server. The client and server can now communicate by writing to or reading from their sockets. Definition: An endpoint is a combination of an IP address and a port number. Pricing Details - Notification Hubs. Please note that the prices quoted on this page will increase by 7% on August 1, 2014. Notification Hubs is offered in three tiers: Free, Basic, and Standard.

Prices are based on the number of Pushes per month. Active Devices are devices eligible to receive notifications and are defined as unique registration IDs, channel URI (Uniform Resource Identifier), or device token. Note that a physical device can count as multiple Active Devices for Notification Hubs. Pushes include all notifications delivered to the platform notification services (e.g.

In the Basic and Standard tier, the Pushes per month limit is based on the number of Units purchased. Notification Hubs API calls including Send, Registration Queries, Updates, and Deletions are included in the price, limited to 500,000 per month in the Free tier, 2 million per month in the Basic tier, and 20 million per unit per month in the Standard tier to prevent abuse.

Android - Mobile Chat functionality using Push Notifications, when should something be pushed? Push Notifications logic for a chat on Android » Community Questions & Answers » Appcelerator Developer Center. The Precise Art Of Mobile Push Notifications. Editor’s Note: Semil Shah works on product for Swell, is a TechCrunch columnist, and an investor - as a disclaimer for this post, he is an advisor to one of the companies mentioned here, Refresh. He blogs at Haywire, and you can follow him on Twitter at @semil. I may sound like a broken record when I consistently reference this phrase in my weekly column: “mobile is the only under-hyped thing in tech.” Yet, it is hard to argue with, and if we agree to agree, then within a mobile context, almost everything we can do with our phones and apps is under-hyped, as well. Take mobile push notifications, for example. As entrepreneur Ariel Seidman writes, “it’s hard to over-hype the power of mobile push notifications.

For the first time in human history, you can tap almost two billion people on the shoulder.” It doesn’t have to be like this. Push notification from red-colored app icons tend to be apps which send me notifications and run in the background, but I rarely open the app itself. Introducing Push Analytics: Improved Insight into Push Campaigns. Introducing Push Analytics: Improved Insight into Push Campaigns With Parse users sending a half a billion push notifications per month, Parse has always been committed to making it as easy and flexible as possible to push to your users. Now, with Push Analytics, we provide even more insight into what happens after you click “Send.” Following the launch of the Parse Push Console for advanced targeting and scheduling of notifications, Push Analytics provides our customers with even more powerful tools to execute brilliant push campaigns.

With our new SDKs (version 1.2 on Android and iOS), you’ll be able to see – in realtime! – each time your application is launched. Existing push customers have already had access to the number of users targeted per push and graphs displaying an app’s pushes over time. The SDKs provide hooks for your application to tell Parse to track an app open and pass along the necessary metadata to link it to a particular push notification, if applicable. Don’t Be Pushy: 10 Useful Tips for Awesome Push Notifications. In today’s mobile world, a lot of the most popular apps are successfully using push notifications to increase user engagement. Push notifications are short messages sent directly to a user’s mobile device from within an app that, when used properly, can increase user traffic, notify customers of important information likes sales and new products, and much more.

There has been a lot of chatter around the web lately about the right and wrong ways to use push notifications to generate traffic within your mobile app. In order to not annoy your users or scare them away with overly aggressive push notifications, we recommend following these 10 simple guidelines to keep people engaged and happy. People sleep! If you want to notify all of your users that your online store is having a 25% off sale on all sunglasses for the month of December with a simple push notification, don’t risk waking up over 1/3rd of your customer base. Geo-marketing is powerful. Don’t over do it. Understand your audience. Six Creative Ways to Use Push Notification Marketing in Your Mobile App.

Six Creative Ways to Use Push Notification Marketing in Your Mobile App Push notifications are quickly becoming one of the top ways to keep users engaged with mobile applications. Some research has shown that the average lifespan of an app can be as short as 30 days, and push notifications are one tool to help developers extend that expiration date and keep their users coming back for more. We’ve already given you some tips on how to use push notifications effectively but with the launch of our awesome Push Analytics tool, we wanted to give you even more ideas on how to implement Push into your app effectively if you haven’t already, or if you’re looking for a fresh way to incorporate notifications. Reminders It never hurts to remind your users why they downloaded your app in the first place. App-Specific Reminders. Traffic Drivers One of the biggest reasons that developers add Push to their apps is to drive traffic to, or back to, the app.

Sweepstakes or Contest Pushes. Emergency Alerts. Android Push Notifications. Push notifications are great. They keep users engaged with your app. They provide real-time interaction. They enable cool social features like chat. Push notifications can also be incredibly annoying. At Parse, we want to take all of that pain, solve it, and provide you with a nice, clean API that just works. Today we’re announcing our support for Android Push Notifications! If you’re not in the private beta yet, please sign up here and we’ll get you in as soon as we can. What Push Notifications Can Do We think we’ve built the absolute easiest way to get started with push notifications.

It’s just one line of code to let a user subscribe to push notifications, and then you can send push notifications either from our web form or by a REST api call. The Android push API supports the same granular features as our iOS api. Feedback We are champing at the bit to listen to your feedback. Simple code sample for Android Push Notifications (Messages SDK + API) Project homepage on GIT — Download ZIP - This sample demonstrates how to work with Messages QuickBlox API.

It allows to send and receive push messages. It shows how to: Subscribe User to receive Push Notifications (from other Users and from Admin panel) Send push notification to particular User Get QuickBlox account Create application on Admin panel Also you can look through 5 min guide. Connect QuickBlox to your application To get the information on how to connect to the quickblox.jar, please, refer to the Android-how-to-connect-quickblox-jar page.

Add Push Notifications to your application Setup If you want to use Messages module, you need: Create a Google API project. How QuickBlox Push Notifications work Create single user, which will be collect all your users' devices. And. Push technology. General use[edit] Push services are often based on information preferences expressed in advance. This is called a publish/subscribe model. A client "subscribes" to various information "channels" provided by a server; whenever new content is available on one of those channels, the server pushes that information out to the client. Synchronous conferencing and instant messaging are typical examples of push services. Chat messages and sometimes files are pushed to the user as soon as they are received by the messaging service. Both decentralised peer-to-peer programs (such as WASTE) and centralised programs (such as IRC or XMPP) allow pushing files, which means the sender initiates the data transfer rather than the recipient.

Other uses of push-enabled web applications include market data distribution (stock tickers), online chat/messaging systems (webchat), auctions, online betting and gaming, sport results, monitoring consoles, and sensor network monitoring. Examples[edit] Pushlet[edit] Android Push Notifications. Push notifications let your application notify a user of new messages or events even when the user is not actively using your application. On Android devices, when a device receives a push notification, your application's icon and a message appear in the status bar. When the user taps the notification, they are sent to your application. Notifications can be broadcast to all users, such as for a marketing campaign, or sent to just a subset of users, to give personalized information. The Parse library provides push notifications by using Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) if possible. On devices that do not support GCM (such as the Amazon Kindle Fire), Parse will use a background service that maintains a persistent connection to the Parse Cloud to deliver pushes.

To use push notifications, your application must register the following service and broadcast receivers. Next, your application must have the permissions needed to receive pushes and show notifications. Google Cloud Messaging for Android. Quicknav Quicknav Links Android Sites Language close Google Cloud Messaging for Android Google Cloud Messaging (GCM) for Android is a service that allows you to send data from your server to your users' Android-powered device, and also to receive messages from devices on the same connection. Key Developer Features Send data from your server to users' Android-powered devices This could be a lightweight message telling your app there is new data to be fetched from the server (for instance, a movie uploaded by a friend), or it could be a message containing up to 4kb of payload data (so apps like instant messaging can consume the message directly).

Send "send-to-sync" messages A send-to-sync (collapsible) message is often a "tickle" that tells a mobile application to sync data from the server. Send messages with payload Unlike a send-to-sync message, every "message with payload" (non-collapsible message) is delivered. New Features Return Receipts Get Started About Android | Legal | Support. iOS Push Notifications. Using push notifications is a great way to add real-time messaging to your application. It allows you to stay in touch with your users and makes it possible for your users to communicate with each other. This tutorial will guide you through all the necessary steps required to add this feature to your Parse application. We will begin on the Apple Developer website to create an SSL certificate associated to an App ID and a provisioning profile. Next we'll see how to configure a Parse app on the Parse website, and finally, we'll take a look at creating a push-enabled iOS application and sending notifications to users.

Before you begin, remember that push notifications are not available in the iOS Simulator. You will need an iOS device, as well as an Apple Developer license to complete this tutorial. The first step is to create an App ID and the associated SSL certificate on the Apple Developer website. 1.1. To begin, we'll need a certificate signing request file. 1.2. 1.3. 6.1. 6.3. 6.4.