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Air Traffic Management - ATM and CMS Industry online, the latest air traffic control industry, CAA, ANSP, SESAR and NEXTGEN news, events, supplier directory and magazine. The US’s deployable air traffic control system programme is moving forward again after recent budgetary challenges.

Air Traffic Management - ATM and CMS Industry online, the latest air traffic control industry, CAA, ANSP, SESAR and NEXTGEN news, events, supplier directory and magazine

The Deployable Radar Approach Control, or D-RAPCON, will provide worldwide expeditionary approach and en route surveillance for joint, coalition and civil aircraft to direct and monitor air missions through sequencing, separation of aircraft, navigation assistance and airspace control services. “At the end of August of last year, we were ready to go, but after a $48 million congressional mark was made against the programme’s fiscal year 2012 engineering, manufacturing and development budget, we had to regroup,” said Capt.

Charles O’Connor, programme manager with the US Electronic Systems Center. The programme office, working in conjunction with the Air Force Flight Standards Agency (AFFSA), looked at where capabilities could be reduced while maintaining the original concept of operations. The AFFSA has listed D-RAPCON its number one priority for years. D-RAPCON: What Is It? ESC deployable air traffic control system program back on track. ESC deployable air traffic control system program back on track by Patty Welsh 66th Air Base Group Public Affairs 3/15/2012 - HANSCOM AIR FORCE BASE, Mass. -- An Electronic Systems Center program to provide a new deployable air traffic control system is moving forward again after budgetary challenges.

ESC deployable air traffic control system program back on track

The Deployable Radar Approach Control, or D-RAPCON, will provide worldwide expeditionary approach and en route surveillance for joint, coalition and civil aircraft to direct and monitor air missions through sequencing, separation of aircraft, navigation assistance and airspace control services. "At the end of August of last year, we were ready to go, but after a $48 million congressional mark was made against the program's fiscal year 2012 engineering, manufacturing and development budget, we had to regroup," said Capt. Charles O'Connor, program manager. "D-RAPCON can also be deployed right after a disaster occurs," said Col.

It will be a full and open competition and best value contract. Raytheon to pursue USAF deployable air traffic radar program. Raytheon, with a 60-year legacy in air traffic management, plans to compete for the U.S.

Raytheon to pursue USAF deployable air traffic radar program

Air Force's Deployable Radar Approach Control (D-RAPCON) program. D-RAPCON is a deployable air traffic control (ATC) surveillance system for joint, coalition and civil aircraft worldwide. Raytheon's D-RAPCON solution consists of primary and secondary ATC radars integrated with a quick set-up deployable radar antenna, self-contained deployable ATC operations center, ATC voice (VHF/UHF) communications system and secure networked data communications. "D-RAPCON will provide critical infrastructure during a disaster situation where existing ATC has been made inoperable," said Mike Prout, vice president of Security and Transportation Systems for Raytheon's Network Centric Systems business. "Transportable air traffic management systems are necessary to provide support and resources even in remote areas. " Watch Raytheon's D-RAPCON solution in action.