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8 Movie Special Effects You Won't Believe Aren't CGI. We mean no disrespect to the digital effects artists working in Hollywood, but sometimes it feels like computer-generated (CG) effects haven't improved in 10 years. Every blockbuster seems to have at least one big effects scene that looks like it was lifted from a PS3. So maybe we need to stop and appreciate the mind-blowing scenes that were done the old-fashioned way -- with stunts, models and borderline insanity.

The Dark Knight -- The Big Chase Scene It was a chase that destroyed the Batmobile, a Joker-themed semi, a dump truck, a paddy wagon, multiple cop cars and God knows how many bystander vehicles. Batman on a motorcycle. Two specific points during the insane car chase at the halfway point of The Dark Knight are so over-the-top they seem like they would have had to be computer-generated, if for no other reason than they would have killed the stunt drivers. The first is when the Batmobile first shows up to take out the Joker's convoy. Why? CGI is for squares. "Bam. Or Hobbitvision. Empire Features. 10 Cool Full Length Amateur Movies on YouTube. The movies will make you laugh, will make you think, and some will simply leave you in awe. We’ve sifted through a long long list of movies on YouTube and selected a few that stood out. Bartholomew’s Song Bartholomew’s Song, a 10 minute student film, is A Brave New World-esque story about the consequences of individuality in a society in which conformity is the norm.

Through music, Bartholomew 467 finds a sense of individuality and you’d be surprised at the unexpected twist in such a short film. A great short that will make you think. The Sound Machine The Sound Machine, based on the short story by Roald Dahl, is a thought provoking and beautifully made 10 minute short film. A must for all Roald Dahl fans, but definitely not for the faint of heart. Fifty People, One Question More of a journalistic endeavour than a film, Fifty People, One Question deserves a place on this list just for how beautifully it has been made. Heavenly Appeals Deadline Why?

Love and Hamburgers Control An Inclusive Society. 40 best directors | Features | Film. Odd Movie Suggestions. Greg Rutter's Definitive List of The 99 Things You Should Have Already Experienced On The Internet Unless You're a Loser or Old or Something.