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Toe up socks

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Lingerie sock : Knitty First Fall 2011. Lace cuff With smaller needles if you have them, cast on 120 [135] stitches using the long tail method. Divide the stitches as you prefer, and join for working in the round, being careful not to twist. Picot round: [K1, yo, ssk, k1, picot stitch, k2tog, yo] to end. 64 [72] stitches Cuff round: Work Cuff Chart around. Work until all 38 rows of Cuff Chart are complete. Leg Change to 2.0 mm/US 0 needles if required. Size M only: Knit first 4 sts of round with last needle. Leg round: Work appropriate size of Leg Chart across round. Heel The short row heel is worked over 33 [37] stitches. Top of heel For size L: Heel row 1 [RS]: Work 19 sts in twisted rib pattern as established, turn. Both sizes: Heel row 1 [RS]: Work 17[33] sts in twisted rib pattern as established, turn. Size L: Proceed to Bottom of Heel Size M only: Heel row 18 [WS]: Turn. Bottom of Heel Row 1 [RS]: Knit the next stitch (the normal stitch in the first yarn-over pair).

See pattern notes re: the decreases. Introduction to the toe-up sock. Cybersocks Denise's Toe-up Sock Instructor: Denise Powell We are fortunate to have Denise Powell, workshop and seminar specialist, as our instructor for this series of Cybersocks lessons - the toe-up sock. She starts us off with a preliminary assignment for different type of symmetrical increases so we can learn to make smooth increases in the toe.

Materials: You will need: * Yarn of your choice. I am using Paton's Classic Wool and will need 1 100 gm ball to complete the pair of socks. The lessons will also sometimes show a pair I knitted in Koigu Premium Merino, which required two skeins. * A set of double-pointed needles that will produce a nice firm gauge with your chosen yarn. Why Start Socks from the Toes Up? Don't worry about how many stitches to cast on - the answer is 8 (usually) for the square toe and 4 (always) for the pointy toe. When you start at the toe, you simply make toe increases until the toe section fits the foot.

You can try on the sock at any time. Toe-Up-Socks-with-Heel-Flap_v1.4. Rapunzel_sock. Stylish knits, modern life- your custom sock pattern.