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Forensic Architecture research agency at Goldsmiths. The murder of Pavlos Fyssas. Shortly after midnight on 18 September 2013, Pavlos Fyssas, a young Greek anti-fascist rapper, was murdered in his home neighbourhood of Keratsini, Athens.

The murder of Pavlos Fyssas

Both the killer and others who participated in the attack were members of the neo-Nazi organisation Golden Dawn. Golden Dawn have committed acts of violence against migrants and political opponents ever since their formation in the 1980s, yet most of their crimes going unpunished as a result of the silent support among the ranks of the Greek police, aligned to their nationalist cause. Following the murder of Fyssas, a Greek citizen, the national government was finally forced to make a series of arrests. 19ο αι.

Φωτογραφία ως εργαλείο του ειδικου (ιατρος, αστυνομικός, δικαστής, κτλ) Το εφέ της πραγματικότητας (reality effect) Ιστορία χωρίς ιστορικούς. Υπόθεση Ζακ Κωστόπουλου: Βίντεο καταρρίπτει την εκδοχή της απόπειρας ληστείας. Blow-up_1966_Michelangelo Antonioni.