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2DGameplayTutorial.pdf (application/pdf-object) Here you will find a variety of Complete Projects, Samples and other useful tools for Unity.

2DGameplayTutorial.pdf (application/pdf-object)

Most of these assets are provided via the Asset Store which allows us to keep you updated with new versions - so remember to check for updates on these assets in the editor periodically. Samples. Runner, a Unity C# Tutorial. In this tutorial we'll create a very simple endless running game.

Runner, a Unity C# Tutorial

You'll learn to generate a layered background; reuse objects; use simple physics; detect input to make the player jump; implement a power-up; write a small event manager; switch stuff on and off on demand; make a minimal GUI. You're assumed to know your way around Unity's editor and know the basics of creating C# scripts. Unity Tutorial 06 - Creating a Side Scroller. 2D Game Engine and Framework. The latest engine documentation and tutorials:

2D Game Engine and Framework

BouncyBubbles \ Learning. This example is for Processing 2+.

BouncyBubbles \ Learning

If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know. Bouncy Bubbles based on code from Keith Peters. Multiple-object collision. GAGE Framework. And Converse - Together At Last - #DoYaThing. SA6085/02 Philips GoGEAR Draagbare videospeler SA6085 Kleurenscherm van 5,6 cm (2,2") met 8 GB geheugen met SuperScroll™ Reach3 \ Learning. SoftBody \ Learning.

Follow2 \ Learning. This example is for Processing 2+.

Follow2 \ Learning

If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know. Follow 2 based on code from Keith Peters. A two-segmented arm follows the cursor position. The relative angle between the segments is calculated with atan2() and the position calculated with sin() and cos(). float[] x = new float[2]; float[] y = new float[2]; float segLength = 50; void setup() { size(640, 360); strokeWeight(20.0); stroke(255, 100); } void draw() { background(0); dragSegment(0, mouseX, mouseY); dragSegment(1, x[0], y[0]); } void dragSegment(int i, float xin, float yin) { float dx = xin - x[i]; float dy = yin - y[i]; float angle = atan2(dy, dx); x[i] = xin - cos(angle) * segLength; y[i] = yin - sin(angle) * segLength; segment(x[i], y[i], angle); } void segment(float x, float y, float a) { pushMatrix(); translate(x, y); rotate(a); line(0, 0, segLength, 0); popMatrix(); }

Play() \ Language (API) \ Processing 2+ Video \ Libraries.

Pearltrees videos

PVector. This tutorial is for Processing version 1.1+.


If you see any errors or have comments, please let us know. This tutorial is adapted from The Nature of Code by Daniel Shiffman. The source code contained in this tutorial is also available on github. The most basic building block for programming motion is the vector. And so this is where we begin. Vector is the name of a new wave rock band formed in Sacremento, CA in the early 1980s. While all interesting, these are not the definitions we are looking for. Flocking \ Learning. This example is for Processing 2+.

Flocking \ Learning

If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. If you see any errors or have suggestions, please let us know. Flocking by Daniel Shiffman. An implementation of Craig Reynold's Boids program to simulate the flocking behavior of birds. Each boid steers itself based on rules of avoidance, alignment, and coherence. MovingOnCurves \ Learning. This example is for Processing 2+.

MovingOnCurves \ Learning

If you have a previous version, use the examples included with your software. Programming Electronic Music in Pd. Abstract Pd was initiated by American software engineer Miller Puckette, who previous co-developed the well known and similarly structured software Max/Msp.

Programming Electronic Music in Pd

Pd is not commercial software; i.e., it was not developed by a corporation and is not for sale. Instead, it is “open source”: its source code is not the (patented) property of a corporation, but is rather freely available to all. One drawback to this is that a detailed operating manual for users who lack programming experience has not existed until now. In contrast to a corporation— which has a monetary interest in ensuring that first-time users can easily operate new software—the open source movement lacks such a driving force to make itself accessible.

Cycling 74. Basic Objects — PD Community Site. Document Actions Up one level These are the objects you need for getting started There are a number of objects which are the foundation for GEM.

Basic Objects — PD Community Site

These objects are used in every patch and control the graphics and rendering. 5.2 Visuals. Data structures are an entire family of graphics in Pd. You can place graphic elements in a subpatch. First you create the subpatch "graphic" and define variables and a graphic for this subpatch. This is called a "template". It contains the variables with "struct"; for its argument, enter the template's name (here "g1") and then pairs comprising type and name - in this case, float x float y float q.

"float" is the type (a decimal number); x, y, and q are freely chosen names. The graphic can be defined with the objects "drawcurve", "drawpolygon", "filledcurve", and "filledpolygon". Pd_intro.pdf (application/pdf-object) Applied Scientific Press. Illustrators. Help. Dead but alive. Aleister Crowley 666 - the number of the beast Was he a sex addict, a drug freak, and the Devil incarnate or was he actually a visionary, and really in contact with spiritual powers? More... Posted by popinski | 10 December 09 Calamity Jane. Hydro74 - Piety within Progression. Broadcast Yourself. Bulens Fons. Castle Series - Stick Figures - Movies and Games.

Google. Aanmelden. Hotmail - kurosaki - Windows Live. Bulens Fons. Cacoo - Create diagrams online Real time collaboration. Just in Case an E-portflio. Unity day Belgium and Vlambeer Deze week was een bijzondere week, 2 lezingen elk vrij laat en beide interessant. De eerste was tijdens de Unity day Belgium waarin unity 4 werd gepresenteerd, deze bestond uit verschillende lezingen waarin unity 4 werd voorgesteld en waarom we zoveel geld in deze game engine zouden moeten pompen om zo snel en eenvoudig mogelijk een game te kunnen maken. (Wie geld heeft kan lui zijn.) De tweede lezing was van een indie game develper die kwam vertellen over zijn avonturen in de indie game society.

Unity 4 begon vroeg in de ochtend in het drukke Antwerpen. Na een korte inleiding over wie of wat unity was en een kort geschiedenislesje, werden de tools van untity uitgelegd. Lezingen zijn tof, maar je doet er weinig of veel mee op het moment. De 2de lezing van één van de twee mensen van Vlambeer, tijdens puntkom, was interessanter. De lezing was intressant, grappig en bemoedigend. Van beide presentatie, unity day en Vlambeer, heb ik één en ander opgestoken. Gamegroep9 › Log In.