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Gathered Clutch Tutorial. Anna of Noodlehead is sharing the most beautiful gathered pouch tutorial.

Gathered Clutch Tutorial

What a perfect gift! Anna has plenty of gorgeous gift giving inspiration at her blog. The 30 Minute $6 Dress Tutorial. Guest post by Rachael at Talk 2 the Trees.

The 30 Minute $6 Dress Tutorial

The perfect dress is hard to come by. I like my dresses to be cheap, and long enough. (I’m not a fan of super short dresses!) Cheap and long dresses don’t seem to go hand in hand.. so, if you want something done right, you have to do it yourself! Here is a tutorial for a simple yet cute dress. Living with Punks: Made: Jelly Roll Floor Pillow. Let me start by saying this….

Living with Punks: Made: Jelly Roll Floor Pillow

This floor cushion is the bomb! Easy roll hem. Next up in the Tips + Tricks series is the easy roll hem.

easy roll hem

I usually get at least one request for a tutorial every time I post a photo of a rolled hem so I thought I should get on this one. I learned this technique from one of our seamstresses at work, Jurata, when she couldn’t believe that I didn’t learn how to do the regular roll hem technique in school. This is the slightly cheater method that she taught me in order to get me used to making them for the non-cheater technique she later showed me. I’ll do another Tips + Tricks for the regular roll hem later, don’t worry.

STEP 1. STEP 2. STEP 3. 49 fabulous fabric flower tutorials. How to make a pot holder in minutes. Making reversible bag. From top of straps to bottom of bag: 50 cm / 20 inchesheight: 28 cm / 11 incheswidth: 40 cm / 16 inches I don’t know because I used leftover fabric for my bag.

Making reversible bag

You can print the pattern and place it on your fabric to make an approximation. It is only one piece of pattern. Fort similar bag, you can check Charlie bag by Burdastyle ($1.99). It is a bit bigger and has squared bottom. Please go to the bottom of this post to download the PDF pattern and tutorial. Disclaimer: You may use the finished products for both personal and commercial use (craft shops or markets only – no mass production).

Flourless Chocolate Brownie easy &so good!! Clear Toy Storage Bags (with drawstring closure) Why do kids like toys with so many itty bitty little pieces?

Clear Toy Storage Bags (with drawstring closure)

I guess it increases the fun factor. Tiny brushes. Tiny shoes. Tiny tea pot sets. Tiny cars. So that’s what I did. I made a clear vinyl cinched-up pouch……that she can easily tote around with her little rubber-clothed dolls inside. No more anxiety, wondering where all the little pieces of your children’s toys will go. Just bag it up and make it fun for them to put all their pieces back into their special bag. See? Seven Essential Sewing Skills & Sew,Mama,Sew! Blog. Tasia from Sewaholic and Sewaholic Patterns wows us with her incredible style and sewing skills.

Seven Essential Sewing Skills & Sew,Mama,Sew! Blog

Her blog is one of our favorite daily reads! Have you seen all of the gorgeous versions of her Lonsdale Dress out there on Flickr, Pinterest and your favorite blogs, all sewn up this past summer? Erin's Blog - Dog Under My Desk - StumbleUpon. Loki got a new bed today and the weather held out for photos, so you all get a new tutorial!

Erin's Blog - Dog Under My Desk - StumbleUpon

Read below to learn how to make this cute fluffy fleece dog bed! I’ve made… four of these now? At least four. Anyway, you can make these all different heights and diameters (π is your friend). Loki already loves it, he’s sleeping on it right now under my desk. You’ll need 1 1/4 yards of fleece. I cut the 26″ square first, then folded in it fourths. (If you buy 1 1/3 yards, you can squeeze out 28″ circles, but not much more than that.) Now, sew the long pieces together on the short side, right sides together, to make once long piece. Now mark the halfway points on both circles. Now take one circle and place it right sides together with the long piece, matching the center seam to the center point. Sew in both directions starting from this center point/seam to 4″ from the other center point. DIY Shift Dress - Martha Stewart Crafts - StumbleUpon. Little Red Infinity Dress Tutorial. February 14, 2011.

Little Red Infinity Dress Tutorial

Embroidery cabochon tutorial. We will learn from the example of a dichroic glass cabochon This would require this: GlueBikonusy 3 mmBeads number 11Beads number 15Delica number 11CabochonOval or teardrop-shaped beadsThreadsNeedleFelt or leather Cabochon glue the piece of felt and begin to sew in a row in a circle Next, begin to braid cabochon round way brick At the end of the braid using beads number 15 to get the screed and to cabochon not dropped out of the rim. Cut away excess skin or felt as close to the stitches of embroidery Derive a needle and thread up Glue another layer of felt or leather, the thickness of the layer of felt coincided with the diameter of beads, and cut it.

Begin to embroider the side felt, to close it. Glue another layer of leather or felt, and circumcised him as close to the edges of the embroidery. Now sew the fringe. Fringe only do the bottom, the rest of the perimeter decorate bikonusami. At the top of the pendant are doing a loop for hanging. End of thread hiding, threading it through a few beads. Free Pattern &Tutorial at This zip-itself coin purse is truly an amazing and creative handmade design… zip-up to a tetrahedron shaped coin purse, unzip to a long ribbon.

Free Pattern &Tutorial at

This zip-itself coin purse is made from 2 simple materials that you can get from the shop easily – ribbon and zipper.