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AndroidSPIN | Your No.1 source for Everything Android. Xda-developers. Android pour les nuls. 7 Ways to Find Amazing New Android Apps. If you are the lucky owner of an Android device, you might struggle from time to time with finding the perfect apps to fit your lifestyle and meet your needs. And often, the Internet at large can be less than helpful when you're searching for Android-specific applications. As we saw during Google I/O, the company was demonstrating a fuller-featured, web-based version of the Android Market. It'll likely be seen by consumers soon, but it's always good to have a few more wrenches in your tool belt when it comes to finding and judging apps. Here are seven websites for your bookmarking pleasure.

Each one acts as a directory, a review site, a screenshot gallery and a stats board for the wonderful world of Android mobile apps. Take a look around these sites, and let us know in the comments if we left out any good resources. 1. We first have the official Android Market website. The site has a decent list of featured and top apps with brief descriptions and two screenshots each. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

FrAndroid - Communauté francophone Android. La référence francophone du monde des smartphones et ordiphones Android.