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Key Factors for SAP Hybris Success. IoT & High Value Assets. 1st May 2019 In this co-presented webinar between Software AG and Kellton Tech, we look at how IoT can be used in a practical way on high-value machinery assets across many verticals.

IoT & High Value Assets

Using complementary IoT tech, connected assets can deliver predictive maintenance and condition monitoring on machines to deliver hugely useful insights. Hear about how Software AG and Kellton Tech enable delivery of IoT projects that drive massive and immediate ROI from High-Value Assets. Key points to discuss: Digital Transformation: A Catalyst for Delivering Superior Customer Experience. Digital Transformation is not only about investing in a new digital technology but it also requires changing the thought process and the organizational culture as a whole.

Digital Transformation: A Catalyst for Delivering Superior Customer Experience

Organizations must chart a well-structured digital transformation strategy to embed a digital culture in the organization and dramatically improve the digital customer experience. Since the time belongs to digital transformation, it’s important that companies must focus on inter-mixing its digital and physical competencies for greater operational efficiency. This, in turn, will lead to a fuller sales funnel and quicker turnarounds. If numbers are to go by, the anticipated spending on digital transformation is set to increase by 42%, likely to the tune of $1.7 trillion. Taking positive cues, companies have set a larger blueprint of going digital by means of various tech-driven platforms and tools. Content Personalization in Media: Important Points to Consider. Internet of Things: The Next Big Thing for Aviation Industry.

Internet of Things (IoT) has a great potential to change how we live, travel, as well as run businesses efficiently.

Internet of Things: The Next Big Thing for Aviation Industry

The concept of IoT has often been misunderstood. Simply, it is several things connected together. Mobility Solution to Augment Agent Onboarding for an Insurance Behemoth. Businesses across the world are leveraging technologies to create a digital ecosystem.

Mobility Solution to Augment Agent Onboarding for an Insurance Behemoth

They are embracing the explosive growth of enterprise mobility solutions to boost their productivity as well as gain a competitive advantage in the market. Greenfield Implementation Transforms US-based Logistic Company Holistically. Building new models of efficiency is a business requirement that’s urgent as well as risky.

Greenfield Implementation Transforms US-based Logistic Company Holistically

It involves complete takedown of legacy codes; an approach that drives huge disruption. For many organizations, Greenfield Implementation has emerged as a go-to solution that alleviates the risks of starting from a clean slate. Our client, a leading freight transportation enterprise in the United States, was in a state of efficiency logjam due to their legacy IT. Digital Transformation in Upstream Oil & Gas. The upstream Oil and Gas industry had several knottier issues to be solved when the era of Digital Transformation started flourishing.

Digital Transformation in Upstream Oil & Gas

Many supply management systems were manual and outdated. Upgrade SAP CX Omnichannel Solution. In today’s connected economy, customers seek ‘extreme’ personalization and ‘always-on’ experiences.

Upgrade SAP CX Omnichannel Solution

Therefore, it’s of cardinal importance for retail enterprises to go omnichannel and allow customers to engage with brands, regardless of channel or device. Our client, however, wasn’t able to rise to the challenge. Their digital platform was facing performance and scalability issues. SAP Partner Center of Expertise (PCOE) Certification Process. The SAP Partner Center of Expertise (PCOE) Certification is essential to become an SAP Value-added Reseller (VAR).

SAP Partner Center of Expertise (PCOE) Certification Process

PCOE certification is a rigorous process which ensures that the certified partner is equipped with the right knowledge and staff to deliver the highest quality of support. Certification is achieved with the help of standardized and streamlined procedures for corrective and preventative maintenance. PCOE recertification is required every two years to ensure that all VAR partners are following the changes/additions to the certification process. SAP Partner Center of Expertise Re-Certification Audit. OAuth 2.0 Grant Types. Industry 4.0: Digital Transformation in Manufacturing. The advent of Industry 4.0-led Digital Transformation in Manufacturing is propelling enterprises to new shores.

Industry 4.0: Digital Transformation in Manufacturing

Rapid advances in digital technologies have maximized the sector’s potential in terms of efficiency and scale. The continual breakthroughs, henceforth, are leading the industry to the next big frontier—the age of self-aware machines. As SAP Gold partner, Kellton Tech has been playing an overarching role in shaping manufacturing sector for Industry 4.0.

Software AG BPM drives 3X Increase in Workflow Performance for the US-based Foodservice Supplier. Gone are the days of cord-cutting business management solutions.

Software AG BPM drives 3X Increase in Workflow Performance for the US-based Foodservice Supplier

Today’s hypercompetitive environment requires more, in fact, the ‘best.’ The new crop of Business Process Management (BPM) solutions has the potential of driving efficiency and innovation for the enterprises that want to disrupt without being disrupted. A leading foodservice distributor in the United States was struggling to get on the wheel and lock steps with the new market dynamics. Artificial Intelligence in Customer Service: Role and Recommendations. With rampant competition and innovation, businesses are considering new, better perspectives to win over the disruptive landscape.

While the options are endless, the majority of marketers agree that ArtificiaI Intelligence in customer service is the single most critical differentiator to business growth. Serving customers just as competitively is a strategy that translates into better brand value, rapid market expansion, and buoyant growth. In fact, researchers have observed that customers are willing to pay up to 16% more if they get a better brand experience. However, on the flip side, research has also shown that companies are drastically losing the human touch.

Almost 80% of companies assume that they are delivering a ‘superior experience’ to customers, but when asked from customers, they have a different story. Software AG’s Apama Integration with Social Media. Social Media generates a wealth of data each day. Twitter generates over 500 million tweets every 24 hours, while Facebook shares 4 new petabytes of data per day. If enterprises mine this ever-expanding gold reserve of information, they can catapult into a new stratosphere of business growth while cultivating a visionary capability to disrupt the future. However, it’s only lamentable that most organizations still rely on manual processes to generate insights from social media. The manual approach results in an erroneous reading of data and process latencies, thereby, impacting an organization’s ability to grow and compete at pace.

Meet Software AG’s Apama Apama is a streaming analytics platform by Software AG, leading the way forward by facilitating organizations to leverage social media data for meaningful insights and scale optimally. Best Internet of Things (IoT) Platforms 2019. The market for the Internet of Things (IoT) platforms is evolving. Reports suggest, by 2023, the global market value for IoT platforms is expected to reach $74.74 billion. The reason for this proliferation in the demand for IoT platforms is the increase of the IoT devices and other related components.

The IoT devices and the various related components in order to communicate and interact seamlessly in the same environment and generate maximum business value need a facilitator— “IoT platforms.” What are IoT Platforms? IoT platforms are the middleware solutions that connect the IoT devices to the cloud and help seamlessly exchange data over the network. Top Seven IoT Platforms The seven top IoT platforms that are largely trusted by developers and businesses worldwide are: ESB Evaluation and Implementation Methodology Explained. Myths and Facts of Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) Large-scale Integration with Kerberos Authentication for Fortune 100 Insurance Company. Cumulocity IoT Catapults Business Growth for a Leader in Smart Access and Security Solutions. Traditional identity and access management solutions lack scalability to address the dynamic needs of today’s organizations. It also leads to poor customer experience, excessive costs, and increased risks.

Our client wanted to tame the same complexities surrounding their identity and asset management. In light of their objective, they built a solution that could streamline device management and access control within a data-sharing environment. Kellton Tech at a Glance. Agile Delivery Model for an E-commerce Client. SAP PO B2B EDI Support and Migration Services for a US-based Company. Digital Healthcare Services for a Health Tech Company. Emerging technologies are transforming the healthcare industry worldwide. So, digital healthcare service providers should jump on the hot bandwagon and get set to disrupt the market with new and innovating products and services. Our client, with their traditional business models and reach across 29 states, wasn’t able to successfully penetrate the mobile-heavy markets.