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Detección de talentos

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How to Recognize Talent in Tennis. This article Talent Identification in Tennis was written by Dave Samuels. I hope you will find it interesting and useful. Spotting talented junior athletes who might have an aptitude for tennis is part art and part science . In addition to speed, strength, power, coordination and balance, tennis players need a variety of mental skills. Understanding a few basics of talent spotting will help you determine if a child has the potential to succeed as a competitive tennis player. Talent Categories The International Tennis Federation’s Doug MacCurdy recommends six areas for coaches to consider when identifying tennis talent: physiological, physical, psychological, technical/tactical, results and intangibles.

Footwork Dancers, skiers, skaters, gymnasts, soccer players and others who use balance and footwork to excel have an edge in tennis over those with lesser footwork. Desire Tennis players not only play frequently, but also they must practice most days. How to Identify Talented Tennis Players Among Those Juniors Who Already Play. Parent often ask tennis coaches: “Do you think my kid can become a tennis pro?”

Coaches often answer along the lines of: “Every good tennis player has a chance…a player should train and play hard…if a kid wants to be a pro, he/she has to train like a pro…” Does it mean that most coaches don’t really know if a certain kid has the ability to play at high level? Probably not, but even if they think so, most coaches never say to parents that their kid should just play guitar or choose another sport. Sometimes, maybe that’s the right thing to do. I remember a situation when a pretty famous coach told a tennis parent that her 16 years old kid has zero chance to reach pro level.

After the conversation, the disappointed parent terminated the contract with the coach and moved to another coach, who probably said something like “…every good player has a chance, let’s start practicing like a pro…” So, look at what scientific researchers say about talent in sports. Oscar Burrieza, entrenador grupo alta competición de la FTM: "Detección de talento" | Industria del Tenis. Óscar Burrieza es una de las voces más autorizadas en el tenis español cuando se habla de la detección de talento y el entrenamiento con jugadores jóvenes.

Burrieza trabaja en la actualidad con el grupo de Alta Competición de la Federación de Tenis de Madrid, un proyecto en el que están involucrados jugadores como Carlos Boludas, que trabaja para volver a ser el tenista que un día apuntó. Burrieza desgrana en este artículo de opinión las claves que, en su opinión, deben tenerse en cuenta a la hora de ‘detectar un jugador con gran futuro’.

Para hablar de detección de talento debería empezar por definir lo que considero ser talentoso. Sin necesidad de buscar en el diccionario yo diría que talento significa poseer una habilidad innata para algún tipo de actividad ya sea técnica, física o mentalmente hablando. Parte Mental-Emocional A la hora de definir a un jugador como talentoso siempre me ha atraído más la parte mental-emocional y esto hace que sea lo primero en lo que me fijo. Semester born - Edgar & O'Donoghue (2005)