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Instalar Xampp 1.8.3 en Ubuntu 13.10. XAMPP es un servidor, para desarrollar aplicaciones en php, con conexión a base de datos sql (LAMPP= Linux + Apache + MySQL + PHP + Perl) XAMPP es una forma fácil de instalar y utilizar la distribución Apache que contiene MySQL, PHP y Perl. Es realmente simple de instalar y usar, pero hay que tener en cuenta que no está desarrollado para su uso en producción (lo veremos al final de la guía). Tiene licencia GNU y es multiplataforma, teniendo en estos momentos versiones para: GNU/Linux, Win2, Mac Os X y Solaris. Página oficial: Aquellos que quieran instalar Xampp 1.8.0, pueden ver la siguiente guía, que ya hice hace algún tiempo: Ahora vamos a ver como instalar la versión más actual, Xampp 1.8.3, con PHP 5.5, aunque hay otra anterior, Xampp 1.8.2, con PHP 5.4 que también podéis instalar siguiendo las mismas instrucciones. uname -m Nota: Testeado en Ubuntu 13.10 (64bits), sin problemas.

Xerte3 - Xerte 3. Xerte 3.0 Xerte 3 is a complete re-write of Xerte, using the Flex framework and written in FlashDevelop. The project is currently a beta - there is much to do, but it functions right now and you should be able to create real content with it, and start exploring the interface. Xerte 3 is written in ActionScript 3.0 and is built on the Flex 4 SDK using FlashDevelop.

Xerte 3.0 changes the way Xerte works a little bit, but is much more powerful, and makes things that were difficult to do in Xerte 2 quite easy, and allows you to do some things that Xerte 2 simply could not do. Overall, you will write less code in Xerte 3.0 and have access to a much richer set of functionality. Download Xerte 3.0 Features The Xerte Project The Xerte Project is managed and led by Julian Tenney of the IS Learning Team at The University of Nottingham. For further information about the Xerte Project, visit the website: Welcome. Welcome to The Xerte Project! The Xerte Project is an initiative to provide high quality free software to educators all over the world, and to build a global community of users and developers around our tools. The project began in 2004 at the University of Nottingham, when work began to create a Flash-based runtime engine that would help the in-house multimedia development team speed up the development of interactive learning materials, and provide a platform for re-using good solutions to common problems that developers were typically solving every time they began a new project.

Accessibility, in particular, can be a difficult issue for content developers, and an early goal was to provide the very best support for high levels of native accessibility. To begin with, the tools were aimed at technical users: essentially the engine provided a library of useful classes that developers could access by writing XML to structure content, and writing code to develop interactivity. Core Values. García.pdf?documentId=0901e72b8125b39d. García.pdf?documentId=0901e72b8125b39d.