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O seria Nova York se ela ficasse em outro planeta? - Ciência. Sistema Solar Ilustrador mostra, de maneira cientificamente correta, como seria a paisagem da cidade em diversos pontos do Sistema Solar.

o seria Nova York se ela ficasse em outro planeta? - Ciência

Em alguns lugares, a poeira e o pó obscurecem o horizonte; em outros, a Estátua da Liberdade seria destruída por poderosos ventos. Em todos, a vida seria impossível Guilherme Rosa Nickolay Lamm mostrou como ficaria a paisagem de Nova York na atmosfera de todos os planetas do Sistema Solar. A Terra é um ambiente único no Sistema Solar. Nickolay Lamm criou assim uma série de paisagens exóticas.

Em abril, o artista havia feito outro trabalho com intenções semelhantes. Dessa vez, Nickolay Lamm contou com a ajuda da astrobióloga Marilyn Vogel, que trabalhou durante cinco anos na Nasa. Como seria a cidade de Nova York se fosse transportada para outros planetas O ilustrador Nickolay Lamm desenhou como ficaria a paisagem da cidade se ela tivesse sido construída na atmosfera de outros planetas do Sistema Solar. 1 de 8 Mercúrio 2 de 8 Vênus 3 de 8.

NYC In Space: Nickolay Lamm's Wild Illustrations Show Big Apple On Other Planets (PHOTOS) What would Manhattan's iconic skyline look like if NYC were suddenly beamed to another planet?

NYC In Space: Nickolay Lamm's Wild Illustrations Show Big Apple On Other Planets (PHOTOS)

Seven fantastical illustrations by Pittsburgh-based artist Nickolay Lamm suggest it would look, well, pretty different -- and not necessarily in the ways you might imagine. The illustrations, put together with help from ex-NASA astrobiologist Dr. M. Browning Vogel, show what the Big Apple might look like on each of the other planets in our solar system. "The idea came after seeing images of Mars' Mount Sharp," Lamm told The Huffington Post in an email. Lamm produced this project for, and drew the illustrations in Photoshop, making sure they were an accurate representation of Vogel's descriptions. And it's incredibly eye-opening to see just how different our planet is from nearby worlds -- especially gas giants Neptune and Uranus, which have high winds. Loading Slideshow MercuryMercury has but a thin envelope of gas that barely qualifies as an atmosphere.

Also on HuffPost: Want to Name an Exoplanet? Uwingu Has a Plan. Want to stay on top of all the space news?

Want to Name an Exoplanet? Uwingu Has a Plan

Follow @universetoday on Twitter Screenshot from the Uwingu exoplanet naming website. Astronomers have now discovered nearly 1,000 planets orbiting other stars, and right now these exoplanets all have boring, license-plate-like names, such as HD85512 and GJ 436 instead of endearing, “real” planet names that might offer hints of what that world could be like. And recall the recent extrapolation of how many habitable planets might be in the Milky Way?
