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Free Downloads | Full Dome Videos. You’ve heard the terms: 4×3, 16×9, 720p, 1080p. Video for the dome makes traditional resolutions look like a bad pixel on your sensor. SlicedTomato is excited to let you know that we have entered the world of dome production. Whether you have a full-dome projector, a mirrored or truncated dome, we are building a library of dome footage for you to download and use for your own presentations.

Of course, our ears are always open to your suggestions. If you have something you want produced for your dome, we would love to hear from you. While you are here, check out our demo reel and imagine you are watching it in your dome. If you want to stop imagining and watch it in your dome, then let us know and we’ll get you a link to download it (at no charge) in 3K resolution glory. Special Thanks! Special thanks to George Fleenor of GeoGraphics Imaging and Troy McClellan of Fulldome FX – who captured, and shared the space shuttle images with us. First Results from the ESO Ultra HD Expedition. Ann14035 — Announcement 9 May 2014 The ESO Ultra HD Expedition may now be over, but there is much work being done behind-the-scenes to process and combine all the footage the team has taken — a staggering 10 TB of images and video.

With four times the resolution of HD, Ultra HD takes our view of the night sky into a new, immersive dimension. The expedition team can now present some of their first results in dramatic Ultra HD footage — bringing the Universe closer than ever before. While the production of Ultra HD TV displays and cameras has flourished, very little Ultra HD content has been made universally available until now. ESO is now changing this by delivering free Ultra HD content to all, from consumer to broadcaster, under a very liberal licensing model. First the team visited ESO’s Paranal Observatory in northern Chile, home to the Very Large Telescope array (VLT) — ESO’s flagship facility for European ground-based astronomy. Notes More Information Links Contacts. Huygens: Titan Descent Movie (2005.01.14) HubbleSOURCE: Immersive Dome Visualizations. For Planetariums. ESO offer different products for planetariums. A list is here: Fulldome shows They are mostly available for licensing through external partners: ESO's collection of fulldome stills High-resolution images available in various formats for download.

Click here to see them all. Some samples are below: ESO's collection of fulldome clips Click here to see them all. ESO's collection of 360 degree panoramas Click here to see them all Computer 3D Models Click here to see them all Contact the Head of Outreach ( for more information. Images. Video Archive: Full Dome. LiVE. KAGAYAギャラリー|星座・宇宙・幻想世界を描いたデジタルペインティングの世界. Welcome to Full Dome FX, Affordable Full Dome Animations, Original Music, Sound Design and More.

The Animonautes - fulldome clips. Fulldome Database | Galaktos, a Round through Milky Way. Fly Over the Floodplains of Mars. Full dome hd. Video Archive: Feature Movies. Aurora Borealis A 360 degree Virtual Experience by Astrophotographer Göran Strand - No Budget? No Probem. | Full Dome Videos. 03 Dec 2013 Have a FullDome theater but can’t find enough “budget dust” to purchase a FullDome video?

SlicedTomato is here to help with our Sponsored FullDome Video Program. This program provides a way for FullDome theaters to get the content they need while giving a local business a valuable opportunity to help the local school children while receiving awareness of its support in the community. What does the sponsor get? We will custom edit The H2O Cycle to include mention of sponsoring company in 5 places: sponsor logo incorporated as part of video intro, sponsor logo warped, color corrected, and wrapped to the side of a water tower that appears 3 separate times throughout the video, and a custom purpose statement in the credits informing the audience of why the company chose to sponsor the video.

What does the science center get? We deliver an educational video that covers a science education topic that is difficult to cover in the classroom but purpose built for the dome.