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Maart 2014. Precies vier jaar geleden, maakte ik mijn eerste blogbericht, ik moet je zeggen dat ik Zo trots was dat het me lukte...

maart 2014

Ik was er de hele dag mee bezig, echt waar en toen ik hem aan het einde van de dag wegklikte, kon ik hem niet meer terugvinden.. Dus ik belde naar mijn zoon Daan, om te zeggen dat ik een blog had gemaakt maar ik hem niet meer kon vinden, vond hij dat echt heel erg grappig.. De volgende dag kon ik zelfs een foto invoegen.. Ik had eigenlijk helemaal geen intentie of een doel met Ingthings, ik wilder er gewoon leuke dingen opzetten voor mijn kinderen... Maar nu kan ik wel zeggen dat het één van de beste spontane beslissingen van de afgelopen jaren is.. Mijn leven heeft dankzij mijn blog een enorme positieve wending gekregen... Remake. Free Projects. Quick, Cheap and Stylish DIY. DIY projects. Tämä syksyisen rustiikkinen pöytäasetelma antaa lämpimän ja juhlavan tunnelman illallisellenne.

DIY projects

Asetelma toimii loistavasti myös syksyisen hääpöydän asetelmana. Vaihda kukkia ja vihreitä mielesi mukaan, nouda lehdet ja kukat puutarhastasi tai käytä luonnon kukkia ja vihreää. This rustic fall harvest centerpiece will give a warm, festive feeling to a cozy dinner or would work perfectly for an autumn wedding or event. You can adjust the flowers and greens to your wishes, pick foliage and florals from your garden or use wild flowers and greens. Käytimme asetelmaan lajitelman lehtiä, marjoja, suuren auringonkukan, punaista astilbea, oransseja krysanteemeja ja dhaaliaa.

Jane Ormes-Printmaker. Eat Drink Chic. Studio Sjoesjoe. Arts + Crafts. I’ve had some computer issues with my Mac for the past 24 hours that prevented me from blogging but now it all seems to be fine for the moment so I’m racing to get some posts in because I have so much to say!

Arts + Crafts

All of these things are bottled up and I have to blog or else I’ll burst. The signs of a true blogging addiction, I know… First of all, I have to thank those of you who have registered for the upcoming Blogging Your Way e-class, I am super excited and can’t wait to meet all of my new students in less than two weeks online. It will be a great class and I’m ready to go because I have so much to share and I want to do the class before my book launches as I know after that, I’ll be busy for awhile. How are you doing? Now let’s talk about all of this beautiful art that you’re seeing around my words… How fabulous is this stuff?

(images: thomas campbell) Red address. Dietlind wolf. Little minimalist. Categories. Giddygiddy. These are pictures of beautiful people I will never have the opportunity of meeting.


But thanks to Kiva, I have the priviledge of making a small loan to each of them which I believe will have far reaching impact to their family, their community, their village, and ultimately, to humanity. I'm so happy that Giddy Giddy has just made its 30th loan. I hope that by the end of next year, we will have been part of at least 30 more microloans! (Our Microloans can be viewed on our Kiva Page. Come and join Kiva's community of lenders and givers.) Mag – the Blog. By Angela|DIY|Be the first to comment!

Mag – the Blog

This year we chose the colours black, white and turquoise to our Christmas crackers. The content is of course secret, but we can reveal that it’s something sweet, something fun and perhaps exciting. Place our Christmas crackers as part of the table setting or hang them in the tree, on a door knob or in a window. hONEY pIE. Pyssel, inspiration, DIY, inredning, fotografering. Äntligen kan jag berätta om årets version av vår kreativa adventskalender!

Pyssel, inspiration, DIY, inredning, fotografering

I år har The Creative Collective Sweden bjudit in fantastiska gästbloggare för att fira att det här är vår tredje adventskalender i rad! Varje dag i december presenteras ett nytt inspirerande projekt – något att skapa, baka eller bara göra i förberedelse för julen. Det ska bli så spännande att se vad våra gäster The House that Lars Built, Sweet Paul, Mokkasin, Kreativa Karin, Babes in Boyland, Det Gröna Skafferiet, Musqot Design, @mycasa och Kriis Kitchen hittar på! Precis som vi i nätverket så kommer varje gäst presentera ett av sina egna favoritprojekt inför jul.

————-It’s time to finally tell you all about this year’s version of our Creative Christmas Calendar! Pomkipik. Dentelle et du Croissant-Vieux. Glanerie moderne. Toys, Dolls & Softies. Happiness le blog by Gédane. Wee Birdy is an exploratory field guide to the hidden gems in London and Sydney and sparkling treasures on the (online) horizon. Kitchen counter chronicles.


Illustrations. Allison cole illustration. Surtex is coming up this weekend!

allison cole illustration

May 19-21st at the Javits Center in NYC. I’ll be at Lilla Rogers Studio booth #319, visit and say hi if you are at Surtex or attending one of the other shows at the Javits (National Stationery Show/International Contemporary Furniture Fair). C i t y L a n d. B l a c k C a t s & more. Jurianne matter. All the luck in the world-blog  La maison de Loulou  The art room plant. Angela fattori. ScrapHacker.