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Liv & Emy's diary. Petits homeschoolers. Activités autour de l'art pour les enfants - Enfantises & Co. Cette année, j'ai négligé l'art pictural au profit de la musique: d'une part, cette première année entière d'IEF a été éprouvante et d'autre part parce que je ne trouvais pas de façon plaisante d'aborder la peinture: mes enfants ont bien sûr déjà vu des reproductions de Velasquez ou de Picasso mais sans y comprendre grand-chose car naturellement il leur manque la culture - Histoire, mythologie, philosophie..- pour réellement comprendre les oeuvres et la démarche de l'artiste.

Activités autour de l'art pour les enfants - Enfantises & Co

Avec les grands, nous avons regardé Petits secrets des grands tableaux diffusés sur Arte et que l'on retrouve sur Youtube Il y a quelques semaines j'ai déniché ce livre-cahier et j'ai eu un vériable coup de coeur: l'idée c'est de découvrir tout en s'amusant; j'y ai, en particulier, trouvé deux très belles inspirations pour peindre un auroch (et c'est ce que nous avons testé) et un cheval "comme à la préhistoire" Comme vous pouvez le voir c'est très simple et rapide, et le résultat est bluffant! Eléonore Thery.

Step By Step. Les petits Loups. Pioneer Woman Homeschooling. By Heather Sanders It is April; the month I typically begin receiving and reading through various homeschooling curriculum and supply catalogs; so naturally, my head is already spinning regarding which courses Meredith and Kenny will take next school year.

Pioneer Woman Homeschooling

Because I enrolled Kenny in our homeschool cooperative’s last two years of American History (Part 1 & Part 2), he is not on the same track as his sisters when they entered the seventh grade. While I feel no need for his education to replicate his siblings’, for the sake of using the curriculum already purchased, I try to keep the kids’ core studies somewhat uniform. My present brain drain is the choice of Texas History or World History for his seventh grade social studies. I realize it may not seem like such a big deal to many, but at present, there are two years of World History (Part 1 & 2) curricula paid for and ready for use; these are Sonlight’s Core 6 & 7, which are now called Core G & Core H. I can teach my child. Science for kids - science play. Welcome to the ABC of Science Play.

Science for kids - science play

One thing I have observed with my own children is that they are more likely to remember something if they’ve enjoyed the activity, so I try and make all the activities on Science Sparks fun. Our ABC’s are made up of topics we have already covered and some handy hints for learning about Science at home. A is for Air Pressure – which you can investigate with this great egg experiment or make some coin poppers. Or how about learning about aerodynamics with these simple shooters?

B is for balloon - we have lots of fun balloon experiments, how about making a fake lung? C is craters- make some craters using flour, cocoa powder and some balls. D is for dome – find out why domes are used for bridges in this egg experiment. E is for EGGS – here are lots of fun eggy experiments for you. F is for flying – explore elasticity with flying balloons or you could try some filtering.

Relentlessly fun, deceptively educational. They’re working on fractions in my son’s second grade class.

relentlessly fun, deceptively educational

When he told me that he thought it was kind of hard, I asked him, “Should we practice a little extra at home?” “Yeah!” He responded. “Maybe you can make me a fraction game, Mom.” Here it is. Fraction cards (download a PDF here)Heavyweight card stock to print the cards on (six sheets)Scrapbook paper imprinted with grass pattern (six sheets)Glue to adhere the scrapbook paper to the back of the card stock (I used spray glue) Assembly Print the cards on card stock. How to Play. Une adolescence libre d'école.

Niveau lycée