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Simple Touch Screen Interface - Introduction. Gamepad hack for more button on Cintiq21UX. The Button. NOTE: Need a button?

The Button

Now you can buy one! Visit our store or Etsy. I was in need of a button, but not just any button. A USB-enabled button that could emulate a single key being pressed on a keyboard. This is that button… It consists of the following materials: I used a Teensy as it’s a very simple (and cheap!) For the box, I wanted something metal, so it would be heavier and more sturdy than the typical plastic project box. For the button, I really like this button over the one I ended up using, but it was too tall to fit in the project box. If you’ve got USB cables lying around, use one… otherwise, you can get one from Monoprice for less than a dollar. As for the rubber feet, I picked some up at the local hardware store… as well as some black spray paint. There was one more item I needed. As for the process, the Teensy part took a small amount of time, (see the AWESOME Button) and the drilling was a little tricky, as the 1.0 inch hole was just slightly too small. Teensyduino - Add-on for Arduino IDE to use Teensy USB development board.

Teensyduino is a software add-on for the Arduino, to run sketches on the Teensy and Teensy++!

Teensyduino - Add-on for Arduino IDE to use Teensy USB development board

Running Sketches on the Teensy Most programs written for Arduino work on Teensy. All of the standard Arduino functions (digitalWrite, pinMode, analogRead, etc) all work on Teensy. Teensyduino is also compatible with many Arduino libraries. Teensy is not limited to only serial device type. All communication is performed at full native 12 Mbit/sec USB speed.

Teensy has the same built-in peripherals as Arduio: analog inputs, SPI, I2C, PWM, and a real serial port. How Does Teensy 2.0 Compare With Arduino? On May 19, 2012, Arduino Leonardo was released, using the same ATMEGA32U4 chip as Teensy 2.0. Both Teensy 2.0 and Arduino Leonardo support USB Serial, Keyboard and Mouse. How to make a USB HID with PIC - PCB Heaven Tech BLOG. Microtouch - a handheld AVR touch screen demo board. Men Of War Game Console - Electronic Projects. 7 August 2010 Author: Giorgos Lazaridis Men Of War Game Console I made this Men Of War game console for playing this excellent on-line game faster.

Men Of War Game Console - Electronic Projects

This console puts all the important shortcuts in the palm of my left hand. But most important is the joystick with the automatic Direct Control Mode engagement. To maximize button efficiency and increase war tactics, i added a shift key to the console and doubled the shortcuts. Thumb Button 1: Change stance (prone-stand up) ||| w/ Shift: Change fire mode (Fire at will/Return Fire/No fire)Thumb Button 2: Rotate unit ||| w/ Shift: HealThumb Button 3: Center to selected unit ||| w/ Shift: Exit vehicleThumb Button 4: The shift key itself. News. I have been working with the same basic approach to digital touch detection since the inception of the Keyglove.


That process goes something like this: Pull all touch points to logic highSelect possible combination [X, Y] from touch definition arraySet point [X] lowMeasure the level of point [Y], and if it is low, then touch combination [X, Y] is activeIncrement test combination index and go back to step #2 until complete At first, this method of scanning to detect connectivity between arbitrary I/O pins without mechanical switches seemed wonderfully functional and easily implemented. I used Arduino’s built-in digitalWrite() and digitalRead() functions, which was the simple solution. It was also plenty fast enough at the time. Here we are, one step closer to my ultimate goal of using the Keyglove as a wireless input device to control a wearable computer. Read more → The last seven months have been somewhat of an unplanned hiatus from the Keyglove project. Good news on the kit PCB! IR USB. A IR remote - USB keyboard for XBMC Hi, i'm sharing this project becuse it has become realy useful for me.


(and it was easy and fun to build).And like i was not able to find some project that do this (now i have found some) i had to build it myself. It's basic a Infra red remote controler for PCs. It decodes IR signals and emulates key presses on a PC. HOW TO GET WHAT YOU WANT. This conductive fabric breakout circuit is also an example of a plugable hard to soft connection.


>> A bit about the Teensy >> Mouse in a Hole – an example project using the Teensy >> Download Illustrator file.