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Pflanzenbestimmung. PLANTS Database USDA. Pflanzenlexikon und Pflege. Pflanzen Fotos Datenbank. Seeds and Seed Pods. The Seed section starts with photos of seeds of 1000 plants. The seeds are shown in alphabetical order of their Latin name, and in most cases I've also given their English common name. All the pictures are more or less life-size, photographed in a 1" circle.

If you have some seeds with no name, this might help you to identify them. These life-size photos start here. These pictures can't be entirely accurate. For one thing, seeds even in the same seedpod can vary a bit in size and shape, so the particular seeds I've scanned might be a little different from the seeds of the same species you have. Next, there are photos of 950 of these seeds sorted by size and shape. This Chart goes from dust-like and tiny seeds to big seeds, with seeds with Tufts or Tails and Cone or Grain Shaped Seeds on separate pages. Tiny ~ Very Small ~ Small ~ Smallish ~ Medium-sized ~ Biggish ~ Big ~ Very big ~ Tails ~ Cones & grains ~ Winged Finally, there are larger-scale pictures of 900 seeds.

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