Best Unit Testing Frameworks to Automate your Desktop Web Testing using Selenium. Introduction Selenium is the most preferred tool of all times when it comes to automating web applications.
Selenium supports many unit testing Frameworks based on multiple programming languages like JAVA, C#, PHP, Ruby, Perl, JavaScript, Python; used for executing test scripts on web applications on platforms like Windows, MacOS, Linux, etc.Any successful automation process is based on powerful Testing Frameworks that help the QA team optimize their agile processes, reduce maintenance cost, testing efforts, and provide a higher return on investment. Using Jenkins as your go-to CI/CD tool.
Introduction Everyone loves Agile and the way it is replacing all the older methodologies and development models with a streamlined and sustainable system for faster delivery cycles.
However, the ever-prevailing Manual testing practice has always kept the QA teams from entirely adopting Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery, making Agility unreachable. Fortunately, tools like Jenkins help reach the goals of the CI/CD pipeline, i.e., to maintain a continuous flow of software updates in production and shorter release cycles at reduced costs. Test Automation Using Selenium ChromeDriver. As per the browser market share, Google Chrome is said to be the most used cross-platform browser in the world.
Every new chrome version comes up with an exciting feature that hikes the importance and usage of the chrome browser. Hence, it becomes essential to test our web application on such a high-rated browser. Performing different test cases manually on different chrome versions can be hectic and challenging. To overcome this challenge, it is necessary to perform test automation on the chrome browser.
Parameterization with DataProvider in TestNG. Overview Parameterization in TestNG is also known as Parametric Testing which allows testing an application against multiple test data and configurations.
Though we have to consider the fact that exhaustive testing is impossible, however, it is necessary to check the behavior of our application against different sets of data that an end-user can pass. Time and manual effort saving have always been a primary reason for automating an application against all possible data combinations. Parameterization with DataProvider in TestNG. The Importance of Parallel Testing in Selenium. Testing solutions have become more scalable with the advancement of technology, easing organizations’ move from manual testing to Selenium test automation.
But nothing comes easy. Running multiple tests in parallel is still unscalable for many organizations. They tend to follow conventional, sequential testing methods to deliver A-Class quality assurance demanding high time, efforts, and resources. Choosing the Right Testing Strategy to Scale up Mobile App Testing. As soon as we hear the word mobile, we realize that it has majorly occupied the human space.
Internet, videos, music, social networks, navigation, etc. you name it and you’ve got it. The relationship between mobile apps and human beings has become an unshakable bond. As the mobile app trends progress, it becomes a dire need to have a robust mobile app testing strategy readily available. Let us have a look at the statistics that show the importance of mobile application testing. A recent study by Statista showcases that more than 5000 apps release on the Google play store every day. More Collaboration and Innovation: A Sneak Peek into Appium 2.0. The app industry is seeing an exponential growth year on year with nearly 71 billion app downloads in 2020.
Globally the growth of app downloads from 2019 has seen a 45% increase. With the increasing growth of Apps and app downloads, the need to test these apps is also on the rise. And when we do talk about Mobile App Testing, we can’t afford to miss the most popular mobile app automation testing tool, Appium. The open source automation framework goes back all the way to 2011 when Dan Cuellar started to explore test automation tools that are viable to use. Unfortunately he saw that there was a gap, and went on to create Appium. Test Orchestration and Its Need for Successful Automation. We all know, the biggest challenge for any organization is the changing needs of the customers and finding a way to address these quickly without any compromise on quality.
Agile Software Development methodology followed by most organizations plays a crucial role in handling this competitive situation. The Agile approach demands integrating the product component, deploying the product in a pre-production environment, and test it quite frequently. A streamlined test orchestration processwould help accomplish this. Device coverage report 2021.
Key Aspects to Consider While Creating a Successful Continuous Testing Methodology. Organizations today ought to understand thoroughly that there is a critical difference in implementing an effective test automation strategy and a continuous testing strategy.
Adopting Continuous Testing Methodology is certainly a better approach and has an edge over traditional software test automation. Although both the terms are used synonymously sometimes, there is a significant difference in the functions and meanings of each. A Comprehensive Guide To Deal With XPath In Selenium. Selenium has always been a first choice for automation developers to automate their web application.
Locating dynamic web elements have historically been dolorous for automation testers which brings the scope of XPath in picture. Xpath is one of the most preferable locator provided by Selenium. Locators are Selenium commands used to locate a GUI web element present in the web page Document Object Model(DOM) structure. Below are few locators supported by Selenium to locate web elements: IDXPathNameClass NameCSS SelectorLinktextPartial LinktextTag NameDOM Locator. Using Spectron for Electron Apps. The Speed at which Technologies and companies are growing today are quite unfathomable. We have come a long way from the digital age of the 1970s to the information age of the 21st century in such a short span of time. The rate at which technologies around the world are evolving things that we thought impossible is starting to take shape in reality. Exploratory Testing, A Guide Towards Better Test Coverage. 2020 - The Year of the New Normal. With 2021 just around the corner, we are all excited to step into the new year with hope and anticipation of new beginnings this coming year.
Before we do that, we do want to recollect all the milestones that were crossed and the accomplishments that we achieved as an organization. The year 2020 sure did pan out the way it was supposed to. Headless Browser - A Stepping Stone Towards Developing Smarter Web Applications. Websites being the primary source of communication in the digital transformation world, have evolved humongously since the last decade. Web development has grown at a tremendous pace with lots of automation testing frameworks coming in for both frontend and backend development. Websites have become smarter and so have the underlying tools and frameworks. With a significant surge in the web development area, the browsers have also become smarter. Nowadays, you can find headless browsers, where users can interact with the browser without GUI. You can even scrape websites in headless browsers using packages like Puppeteer and nodejs. Google Outage 2020, Technology a boon or a bane? Google, the name that holds the title of the world’s largest search engine, became the headline across tech domains and news in general off recently.
This happened as some of its services stopped working due to a massive outage on the 14th of December 2020. The outage affected many users that were trying to log in to their Gmail, Youtube, Docs, etc. It also affected the devices that were connected to the Google Home module that uses the tech behind google voice assistant. Joe Brown, a popular journo in the industry, took to Twitter to rethink smart homes. Some would say that since the year 2020 hasn’t really panned out the way it should, the outage of this scale doesn’t really surprise them either.
Top 8 Strategies for Successful Cross Browser Testing We live in an age where more than 5 lakh websites are created daily. As of today there are nearly 4 million websites in the world out of which only 1.5 million are active. Digital Testing for Multiexperience Development Apps. Gartner has positioned multiexperience amongst the top technology trends of 2020. So, the question that comes to your mind must be – what is multiexperience? Before I answer that, have a closer look at these brands. QR Code Scanner - pCloudy documentation. Understanding Bamboo integration for CI / CD Pipeline. There are nearly 23.9 million software developers who code and build programs for businesses and enterprises that look to providing solutions for a better living. This means that there are millions of lines of program code being written this very instant as you read. While there is a lot of programming and development that is going on worldwide, how are people and businesses able to execute these lines of code into real-world practical applications is a question that we must ask.
The future of application or software development lies in testing and deployment technologies like DevOps, CI/CD Pipeline, automation, etc. 10 best iOS app development tips. Did you know that there are nearly 1.8 million apps listed on the App Store for users to explore and make use of? Automation testing challenges and their solutions - pCloudy. Automation testing can be a highly effective productivity booster, and a quality enhancer for your product pipeline or system development projects if done correctly. But it can be difficult to apply best practices when a team is just starting this transformation. Browser Cloud: Scale Cross Browser Testing To Deliver Quality Desktop Web Apps - pCloudy. pCloudy Launches QR Code Testing Feature. Technology and innovation are two sides of the same coin. Technology is the power that lets the mankind turn ideas into reality within no time.
Top 10 Test Automation Frameworks in 2020. We are moving toward a future where everything is going to be autonomous, fast and highly efficient. To match the pace of this fast-moving ecosystem, application delivery times will have to be accelerated, but not at the cost of quality. Achieving quality at speed is imperative and therefore quality assurance gets a lot of attention. Android Log Analysis - pCloudy. Android uses a centralized system for all logs and application programmers can also write custom log messages. 7 Steps To Use Mobile DevOps Tools Efficiently. In today’s organizational environment, ‘DevOps’ is the most used buzzword and has become a part of its agile software culture. Organization’s DevOps success is not a single goal approach; it requires deeper involvement for making a switch to DevOps.
Broadly, it requires adoption of new DevOps automation tools, contemporary processes and cultural shift, especially in case of Mobile DevOps tools selection. Functional Testing Vs Non-Functional Testing. Basics of Appium Mobile Testing - pCloudy. Functional Testing Vs Non-Functional Testing. Basics of Appium Mobile Testing - pCloudy.
How Continuous Testing in DevOps enables quality in the CI/CD Pipeline - pCloudy. Problems with Online Android Emulator and how to solve it? 8 Tips to Optimize Your Continuous Testing Strategy - pCloudy. 8 Tips to Optimize Your Continuous Testing Strategy - pCloudy. CI/CD Pipeline: Demystifying The Complexities. 10 Best Continuous Integration Tools In 2020. The Importance Of Remote Mobile App Testing in Delivering Quality Healthcare Apps - pCloudy. Test Local And Internal Servers Before Deployment Using Wildnet. Basics of Appium Mobile Testing - pCloudy. 13 Benefits of Automation Testing. Types of Mobile Apps: Native, Hybrid, Web and Progressive Web apps.
How to Create a World Class Mobile Testing Lab? Mobile App Testing, Automation Testing Tools, Mobile Testing Tools. Problems with Online Android Emulator and how to solve it? Mobile Testing Certification, Software Testing Certification. Executing ADB Shell Commands on the connected device. Functional Testing Vs Non-Functional Testing.