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Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School is one of the top-rated ICSE schools in Kolkata. It was established in 2001 with an objective of imparting quality education to its students by the Lakhi Parmatma Charitable Trust.

Time To Debunk The Myths About ICSE Schools. There are numerous schools scattered all over South Kolkata.

Time To Debunk The Myths About ICSE Schools

The earlier you start looking for someone reputable, the better it will be. The easiest way you can find the best among the rest is by doing your research. The school you choose for your child will play a very vital role in their life. Schools in our country provide education on various education boards. The most popular among them are state boards, CBSE and ICSE. Enrolling in an ICSE Board School? Tips To Prepare For The Entrance Exam. Children are issued a certificate of passing after completing their Grade 10 exam from an ICSE board school.

Enrolling in an ICSE Board School? Tips To Prepare For The Entrance Exam

This certificate is considered to be at par with other nationally-recognized boards. No wonder, the number of students enrolling in an ICSE board school is also enhancing. If you are also planning to take admission in a school that admit students based on an entrance exam, it’s time you start preparing for it. You will feel worried and tensed only if you don’t prepare for it properly. 1. Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School: What Makes It the Best Choice for Class 11 Students? – ICSE Board School in Kolkata.

After completing class 10, every student and their parents search for the right school where the next phase of education can be achieved.

Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School: What Makes It the Best Choice for Class 11 Students? – ICSE Board School in Kolkata

It is crucial because class 11 and 12 helps you to determine your career, future goals, and opportunities in life. A suitable school with the proper guidance can help the students of class 11 be prepared for their future goals in life. While searching for the best English medium school in Kolkata for class 11, you can count on the name of Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School. We are currently open for class 11 admissions. Things To Look For in a School During Class 11 Admission. If you are looking for a school where you can enrol in class 11, you have to consider numerous things.

Things To Look For in a School During Class 11 Admission

The situation around COVID-19 is improving across the country and it’s time we start paying attention to our career and academic life. Since there are numerous ICSE board schools in South Kolkata, choosing one often becomes a daunting task. It is not only about education, you also have to choose a school which will provide you with a platform to showcase your creativity and talent. 5 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Online Classes – ICSE Board School in Kolkata. The current lockdown and pandemic have changed a lot of things in our life.

5 Ways to Prepare Your Child for Online Classes – ICSE Board School in Kolkata

Education is one of the sectors that get badly affected due to lockdown. Though schools have come up with the online classes or virtual classes as a solution to this issue; there is still some confusion among parents and students. Choose Online Classes So That Your Children Don’t Miss Out Anything. Though the coronavirus pandemic and the lockdown imposed by the government are forcing children to rely on online classes, they have actually become a blessing in disguise.

Choose Online Classes So That Your Children Don’t Miss Out Anything

Children of every age can take advantage of online classes, provided they have enrolled in one of the best ICSE schools in South Kolkata. The focus of every teacher conducting online classes is on blending online learning through classroom instruction. According to a survey conducted recently, distance learning always impacts children in a positive way. 1.

Save Money. Role of School Education in Overall Development of a Child. Choose the Right Montessori School in Kolkata for Your Kids PowerPoint Presentation - ID:10244274. Download Skip this Video Loading SlideShow in 5 Seconds..

Choose the Right Montessori School in Kolkata for Your Kids PowerPoint Presentation - ID:10244274

Choose the Right Montessori School in Kolkata for Your Kids PowerPoint Presentation Share Presentations Email Sent Successfully. Few Common Ways an ICSE Board School Can Benefit Your Child. Every parent wants to provide the best possible education to their child.

Few Common Ways an ICSE Board School Can Benefit Your Child

Instead of looking for the best school in your city, make sure you choose the right board. Though it is a dilemma for parents whose children have just started their educational journey, selecting the right board is more important than you think. Your focus should be on choosing a board which will help the children build a strong foundation so that they can later choose a path which can maximize their strengths and talents.

Recently, there has been an increase in the number of parents willing to enroll their children in an ICSE board school. It is a predominant national-level board in the Indian system. 1. Children are issued an ICSE certificate of passing after they complete their Grade 10 exam. 2. 5 Reasons To Enrol Your Child In The Best School In South Kolkata PowerPoint Presentation - ID:10211883. BEST SCHOOL 5 Reasons To Enrol Your Child in South KolkataChoose one of the best schools for your child and you can assure the quality of education your child will receive.

5 Reasons To Enrol Your Child In The Best School In South Kolkata PowerPoint Presentation - ID:10211883

Their responsibility does not end with teaching a child but they also praise, encourage, influence, inspire, mentor, guide, and instruct a child so that they can love learning. Few more benefits of enrolling your child in PurushottamBhagchandkaAcademic School have been stated in the slides that follow.01 GET INDIVIDUAL ATTENTIONTeachers working in reputed ICSE schools in Kolkata know that every child is different and need unique treatment.

To help children grow effectively, they give individual attention to all and treat them fairly. 01 0202 CENTRE OF KNOWLEDGEEnrol your child in one of the best schools in south Kolkata and you will notice that it is a centre of knowledge. Checkout The Differences Between The Traditional And Modern Education System. The primary difference between the traditional education system and the modern education system is the method of education.

Checkout The Differences Between The Traditional And Modern Education System

While the former follows the primitive method of educating children, the modern education system follows a well-designed and innovative method of learning. Checkout The Differences Between The Traditional And Modern Education System. Checkout Few Facts Of The New National Education Policy 2020. Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi approved the National Education Policy 2020 in the Union Cabinet on 29th July, 2020. The policy was specially designed to replace the old National Policy on Education which was prevalent since 1986. The policy is expected to bring a transformation or reform in the higher education system in our country. It intends to transform the education sector into something more flexible and multidisciplinary. Tips For Students To Celebrate Puja Holidays During The Pandemic. Durga Puja is something everyone looks forward to every year.

For kids, the festival is even more special because of their Puja holidays. Almost all the online schools in Kolkata will remain closed and they will get a break from studies. But things are expected to be different this year because of the COVID-19 pandemic. Celebrations will be a bit different with many resorting to virtual wishes and greetings. Enrol Your Child in The Best Primary School to Improve Their Academic Skills. The employment market is ever-changing and finding your dream job with basic numeracy skills and literacy is a challenge. If you want to ensure the overall development of your child, make sure you choose the best English medium school in South Kolkata.

They have experienced teachers whose primary focus is on improving the academic skills of your child. The skills students learn during the early learning stage helps them to shine in their career. They can go to their secondary school with more confidence if their academic skills have improved. The basic skills help them even when they become older learners. 1. Though students are taught how to tell the time from an early age, it takes time for them to learn time management skills. All You Need To Know About The New Education Policy.

The New Education Policy was released on 30th July, 2020 and was approved by the cabinet. The moto of the new policy was to ‘educate, encourage and enlighten’. It is the first education policy released in India. Under the new policy, numerous changes were made in the education system, starting from the school to college level. The Ministry of Human Resource Development has been renamed as the Ministry of Education. PrakashJavadekar (Union Information and Broadcasting Minister) hopes that the policy will be welcomed and accepted by all. 1. A Glance on the National Education Policy 2020. Knowing About New Education Policy in India PowerPoint Presentation - ID:10064034. Download Skip this Video Loading SlideShow in 5 Seconds.. Knowing About New Education Policy in India PowerPoint Presentation Share Presentations. Want To Choose The Best Montessori School? 4 Things To Look For - Purushottam Bhagchandka Academic School.

Since one’s love for learning starts from a very young age, choosing the best montessori school for your kid is more important than you think. 3 Reasons To Enrol In An English Medium School In South Kolkata. How to Talk to Your Child About Difficult Situations. In this world, there is hardly any subject that the kids should not be aware of. From killing to rape, from terrorism to mental anxiety and from divorce to financial instability – they are the victim of everything.

Sometimes, directly and sometimes indirectly, they need to face these ugly situations in their lives, and you are the only one who should be there with them in all these tough situations. Talking about such difficult topics or subjects with the kids may make you embarrass or helpless. How Technology Is Integrated Into the TeachingCurriculum. With the advent of modern technologies, it has touched all the sectors of our lives.

How Parents Can Teach Kids about CyberSecurity. Being a parent, you are always concern about the safety and security of your child. 4 Benefits Of Taking Online Classes Amid The Ongoing COVID-19 Crisis. Parenting in Pandemic – How to Make Things Easier for Your Child. 5 Essential Tips to Help Your Kids Get Organised. Getting organised is an art. It is a habit that can change a life forever. So, the base to get organised must be built at a very young age. The Significance of Creating Digital Classroom in Schools. Top Reasons To Choose A School In Kolkata With Good Infrastructure. Understand the Teenage Mind to Let Them Live Their Happy Dreams.

Helping Your Children Get Back To School Is Now Easier. A Brief Comparison between ICSE and CBSE Boards of Education. How To Crack The ICSE Board Exam With Flying Colours: A Handy Guide.