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8 iPad apps to Teach Coding and Programming. With the changes in the National Curriculum for ICT in 2014 introducing a greater emphasis on coding and programming, there is a greater demand for easy to use programming tools for children. One of the best ones, Scratch, sadly doesn’t work on an iPad at the moment. Here are some alternatives that do. 1. Daisy the Dinosaur (Free) This free, fun app helps teach the basics of simple programming. It’s a simple, easy to use app which gives children an easy introduction into simple programming. 2. Developed by the same team behind Daisy the Dinosaur, Hopscotch is a free app which allows children to create their own games and animations with a simple programming language.

When you’re finished with a script, press play to see the code in action. 3. The Bee Bot app from TTS has been developed to mimic the familiar Bee-Bot floor robot. The app has been developed with 12 levels encouraging progression. It’s an excellent free app, and I highly recommend it! 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Got any other favourites? Catrobat. Catrobat. Snap! y el Real World. Construya sus propios bloques (cero Modificación) - Rasguño Wiki. The BYOB logo. Build Your Own Blocks — often referred to by its acronym, BYOB — is a modification of Scratch, made mainly by the users Jens and bharvey. It includes many features that aren't available in Scratch without many large modifications to the source code (see Shift-Click-R for details) — these range from building your own blocks to Mesh. The primary focus for this Scratch modification is first-class data. Features The other BYOB logo. BYOB 3.0 Features There are 18 new blocks in BYOB 3.0.

Control [run ()] Runs the block(s) inserted. [launch ()] Similar to RUN, this runs the script simultaneously with the next. (call ()) Allows a user to call a variable that is a reporter. [report ()] For use in custom reporter/boolean blocks, it specifies what to report. [stop block] Stops a custom block without reporting anything. [debug] (debug ()) An experimental debugger that allows true single-stepping of scripts and examination of local variables. Operators Simply reports true. Simply reports false.