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Julian Assange

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New York Times Bill Keller Editor Unloads on 'Arrogant,' 'Manipulative' Julian Assange. The story of how The New York Times' once-promising relationship with WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange turned sour sounds like the kind of mud-slinging breakup between Hollywood celebrities you read about at Assange: US pushing "Digital McCarthyism" in assault on Wikileaks. [Video Link] Wikileaks founder Julian Assange gave an interview with msnbc's Cenk Uygur today.

Assange: US pushing "Digital McCarthyism" in assault on Wikileaks

During the exchange, Assange denies conspiring to commit espionage with U.S. Army Specialist Bradley Manning, as it is believed US prosecutors would like to charge. Assange says these claims are "absolute nonsense. " Responding to Vice President Biden's claims that he is "a high-tech terrorist," the leaker-in-chief effectively accused the United States of terrorism—threatening violent, extralegal actions in its assault on Wikileaks. Well, let's look at the definition of terrorism. En attendant Assange » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism. Le fondateur de WikiLeaks s'est présenté hier devant le tribunal pour une audience préliminaire au jugement relatif à son extradition.

En attendant Assange » Article » OWNI, Digital Journalism

Olivier Tesquet nous en fait le récit. People OK with murdering Assange. Julian Assange answers your questions. Julian Assange: my fate will rest in Cameron's hands if US charges me. Julian Assange said today that it would be "politically impossible" for Britain to extradite him to the United States, and that the final word on his fate if he were charged with espionage would rest with David Cameron.

Julian Assange: my fate will rest in Cameron's hands if US charges me

In an interview with the Guardian in Ellingham Hall, the Norfolk country mansion where he is living under virtual house arrest, the founder of WikiLeaks said it would be difficult for the prime minister to hand him over to the Americans if there was strong support for him from the British people. "It's all a matter of politics. We can presume there will be an attempt to influence UK political opinion, and to influence the perception of our standing as a moral actor," he said. Assange is currently fighting extradition to Sweden. He strongly denies allegations of sexual misconduct with two Swedish women. There is no evidence of any imminent US move to indict him.

He said: "Solitary confinement is very difficult. Julian Assange: my fate will rest in Cameron's hands if US charges me. Les Etats-Unis souhaitent poursuivre Julian Assange en justice. WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Walks Free From Prison. Procédure d'extradition vers la Suède : En liberté conditionnelle, Julian Assange proclame son innocence. Assange to be freed pending extradition hearing - U.S. news - WikiLeaks in Security. Julian Assange libéré sous caution. Julian Assange freed on bail: live updates. 5.44pm: Just to recap: Assange will remain in prison, at least until the appeal is heard. That seems to be the end of the excitement and confusion – for today at least.

I'm off home. Thanks for all your comments. 5.36pm: Speaking again outside the court, Stephens says the Swedes will not abide by the umpire's decision. "They [the Swedish authorities] clearly will not spare any expense to keep Mr Assange in jail," he added. "This is really turning in to a show trial. Asked how Assange had taken the decision, Stephens said he was phlegmatic. Julian Assange in court today to appeal for release. The WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, will try to win his release from prison tomorrow, a week after being held on remand after Sweden requested his arrest over allegations that he sexually assaulted two women.

Julian Assange in court today to appeal for release

Even if the judge at Westminster magistrates court in London grants Assange bail, he could still be held. The Crown Prosecution Service, which will represent the Swedish authorities in the UK court, has the right to appeal against any bail decision. Usually the suspect would be held in custody until an appeal hearing anyway. Julian Assange reste en prison. J. Assange Blog: IQ.ORG. The State is a condition, a certain relationship between human beings, a mode of behavior; we destroy it by contracting other relationships, by behaving differently toward one another....We are the state, and we shall continue to be the state until we have created the institutions that form a real community and society of men.

J. Assange Blog: IQ.ORG

Gustav Landauer, Schwache Stattsmanner, Schwacheres Volk! , June, 1910 Wed 29 Aug 2007 : Iirrationality in argument The truth is not found on the page, but is a wayward sprite that bursts forth from the readers mind for reasons of its own. I once thought that the Truth was a set comprised of all the things that were true, and the big truth could be obtained by taking all its component propositions and evaluating them until nothing remained. Julian Assange persona non grata en Equateur, finalement.


Journal intime de Julian Assange. IQ.ORG. Julian Assange aurait un profil sur un site de rencontre. Il est un «activiste intellectuel passionné et entêté» qui «dirige un accaparant projet concernant les droits de l’homme» et cherche «une sirène en vue d’une histoire d’amour, d’enfants et de complots politiques occasionnels».

Julian Assange aurait un profil sur un site de rencontre

L’heureuse élue devra être «spirituelle, enjouée, très intelligente même si pas forcément très diplômée, avoir du courage, de la classe et de la force intérieure et être capable de penser stratégiquement sur l’état du monde et les personnes à qui elle est attachée». Si elle vient à un rendez-vous, elle devra s’attendre à le voir porter sous le bras «de mystérieux dossiers marrons retenus par des ficelles», ne surtout pas être trop effacée («ne m’écrivez pas si vous êtes timide, je suis très occupé. La fiche de Julian Assange sur un site de rencontres. Sur le blog ValleyWag.

La fiche de Julian Assange sur un site de rencontres

Julian Assange - Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person of the Year? He is a new kind of whistle-blower: one made for the digital age.

Julian Assange - Who Will Be TIME's 2010 Person of the Year?

Those before him (like Daniel Ellsberg) were limited in the ways they could go public with their information. But in founding, Julian Assange gave himself the freedom to publish virtually anything he wants, whether it's the true nature of Iraqi prisoner abuse, the double role Pakistan plays in Afghanistan or the personal e-mails of Sarah Palin.

Assange's site, which he started four years ago, has made public a trove of secret and classified documents — close to 500,000 pages on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars alone. But in the process, governments he has targeted (like the U.S.'s) claim he has put the lives of informants and soldiers in jeopardy. Runner-Up: Julian Assange - Person of the Year 2010. Clarification Appended: Jan. 4, 2011 On Dec. 9, 2006, an unsolicited e-mail arrived for Daniel Ellsberg, the whistle-blower of Vietnam War renown.

Runner-Up: Julian Assange - Person of the Year 2010

The return address said only "WikiLeaks," and the signature at bottom, "WL. " In the orotund prose of a manifesto, the message invited Ellsberg to become the public face of a project "to place a new star in the firmament of man. " Ellsberg knew nothing of the group, which had yet to make its debut. Mark Zuckerberg - Person of the Year 2010. On the afternoon of Nov. 16, 2010, Mark Zuckerberg was leading a meeting in the Aquarium, one of Facebook's conference rooms, so named because it's in the middle of a huge work space and has glass walls on three sides so everybody can see in.

Mark Zuckerberg - Person of the Year 2010

Conference rooms are a big deal at Facebook because they're the only places anybody has any privacy at all, even the bare minimum of privacy the Aquarium gets you. Julian Assange: Readers’ Choice for TIME’s Person of the Year 2010. The man behind WikiLeaks has won the most votes in this year’s Person of the Year poll. Readers voted a total of 1,249,425 times, and the favorite was clear.

Julian Assange raked in 382,020 votes, giving him an easy first place. He was 148,383 votes over the silver medalist, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of Turkey. (See the top 10 everything of 2010.) Julian Assange Is Worse Than A Pedophile!" WikiLeaks and Julian Paul Assange. The house on Grettisgata Street, in Reykjavik, is a century old, small and white, situated just a few streets from the North Atlantic.

L’art de la fuite. La philosophie politique de Julian Assange par lui-même. A titre de document et de contribution au débat, publie un texte écrit par Julien Assange en 2006, au moment de la fondation de Wikileaks. Ce texte théorique éclaire rétrospectivement sa visée stratégique. Contrairement à ce qu’une lecture hâtive peut laisser penser, ce qui est proposé ici n’est pas tant une théorie du complot - du moins pas sous la forme classique de la dénonciation paranoïaque - qu’un usage heuristique du modèle organisationnel de la conspiration : un réseau de pouvoir dont on peut tracer la carte. BBC iPlayer - Today: 21/12/2010. Wikileaks, le film - Monde.