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Manish Kumar's answer to How does crop insurance works? - Online Aptitude Test. All you need to know about electric vehicles and their insurance. What are electric vehicles?

All you need to know about electric vehicles and their insurance

These are vehicles that run on electricity generated from batteries or fuel cells. These cars either run completely on electricity or partially as hybrid vehicles. Hybrid vehicles keep running even when its battery is exhausted of electricity as its fuel engine is then activated. Electric vehicles take an average of 5-10 hours to recharge. They cover an average distance of 140 km per charge, although high-end automatic cars from brands such as tesla can reach 500-600km after a one-time charge. Electric vehicles are available both in four-wheeler and two-wheeler formats. A lesser known fact about driving an EV is that their mileage fluctuates based on fluctuation of temperature.

What are the benefits of having electric vehicles? Electric vehicles (EV) emit little to no greenhouse gas, based on the source of electrical charge. Automatic EVs don’t require an engine to run and have batteries installed instead. How are electric vehicles insured in India? All you need to know about electric vehicles and their insurance. All you need to know about electric vehicles and their insurance Author : payal param | Published On : 22 Mar 2021 Electric vehicles are here to stay.

All you need to know about electric vehicles and their insurance

With technological advancement, environmental factors and rising popularity, many global automobile manufacturers are tapping into the demand to create vehicles that have either completely or partially removed the need for petrol and diesel to drive. With the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) benefiting this range of cars by a whopping 15% discount on car and bike insurance premiums for electric vehicles, it is time to take note of this trendy and futuristic kind of cars.

5 handy tips to protect your bike in the monsoon season. Iffco-tokio bike insurance price. If you love the freedom of the open road, then you will love the freedom of choices we provide you.

iffco-tokio bike insurance price

We offer easy-to-understand and affordable third party, comprehensive & depreciative waiver or zero-depreciation bike insurance plans. You can also opt for 5 years of third party bike insurance cover or a single-year own damage insurance. Or, you could bundle the two together and enjoy better savings. Not to mention, we also provide you with several add-on Two Wheeler Insurance options to choose from. As far as protection is concerned, our bike insurance policies provide coverage against accidents, theft, natural calamities like cyclones, floods, storms, lightning, earthquake, landslide, etc. What type of car insurance should I choose?

5 Handy Tips to Protect Your Bike in the Monsoon Season. Posted by payalparam on March 17th, 2021 The rains are here in full swing and while they provide respite from the scorching summer months, they can also spell trouble for your two-wheeler.

5 Handy Tips to Protect Your Bike in the Monsoon Season

Mucky roads, slippery surfaces, and waterlogging can cause so many problems for the biker out on the road. However, all is not damp and gloomy. All you need to do is take the right steps to prepare yourself for a rainy day. With that in mind, this article lists out 5 handy tips to follow to protect your bike this monsoon season 1.

Make sure to evaluate the condition of your brakes before and during the monsoon season. 2. What type of car insurance should I choose? 5 Common Misconceptions Of Bike Insurance. 5 common misconceptions of bike insurance. Bike insurance, like any financial tool, can be a little difficult to wrap your head around.

5 common misconceptions of bike insurance

There’s a lot of jargon that you need to decode and different types of plans you can choose from. All this complexity leaves space for misconceptions, which in turn, leads to mistakes during the buying process. Keeping this in mind, the following article will set straight 5 common misconceptions that people have about bike insurance. Hopefully, this will improve your grasp of the topic and help you make sound decisions if and when you need to buy a policy for your bike. 1. Many individuals assume that purchasing a plan will burn a hole in their pocket. 2. Sure, sticking with the plan that comes with the bike is convenient, but it is not always your best option. 3. While it might be the most affordable option and satisfy your legal requirement to ride on Indian roads, third party bike insurance is not always enough. 4 strong reasons why you need bike insurance in India. Download Skip this Video Loading SlideShow in 5 Seconds.. 4 strong reasons why you need bike insurance in India PowerPoint Presentation Share Presentations Email Sent Successfully Embed Code Embed Code Copied...

4 strong reasons why you need bike insurance in India

Manish Kumar's answer to Can I purchase zero depreciation insurance after one year of purchasing a bike or within one year? - Quora. Iffco-tokio scooter insurance. 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Renewing Bike Insurance. 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Renewing Bike InsuranceBuying bike insurance is mandatory by law for all two-wheeler owners in India.

3 Mistakes to Avoid When Renewing Bike Insurance

In the unfortunate event that your bike is involved in a mishap, your coverage protects you from massive financial loss. Yet, bike insurance is often purchased in haste without much thought being given to the terms of coverage. The same trend seems to reflect when people renew their cover. Now, the good thing about renewals is that you can start afresh by rectifying any oversights in your original insurance policy. Two Wheeler Insurance: Buy or Renew Bike Insurance Policy Online. 4 strong reasons why you need bike insurance in India. 4 strong reasons why you need bike insurance in India Author : payal param | Published On : 08 Mar 2021 A bike is a useful mode of transport.

4 strong reasons why you need bike insurance in India

You can get from Point A to Point B quickly and conveniently. It is also very economical to travel by bikes as most two-wheeler vehicles today return excellent mileage as well. The only issue is that, up to 75% of the two-wheelers plying on Indian roads are uninsured! Bike accidents: A ministry of Road Transport and Highways report states that in 2017, over 48,746 two-wheelers died in road accidents and nearly 74% of them rode without a helmet on. Driving a vehicle is a big responsibility as the driver is not only accountable to the commuters riding with him/her but also the safety of pedestrians and that of fellow drivers on a congested road. 4 Exclusions of a commercial vehicle insurance plan. Get ad free downloads and 1 TB of space.

4 Exclusions of a commercial vehicle insurance plan

Learn More 4 Exclusions of a commercial vehicle insurance plan.pdf File size: 325.15KB Uploaded: 2021-03-06 06:27:30 About PDF Formats Portable Document Format (PDF) is a specific document file format. Upgrade to PRO for the best download experience. Bulk download folders Ad-free downloads Direct downloads Upgrade to Pro. 4 Exclusions of a commercial vehicle insurance plan. Motor, Health, Travel and Home Insurance Online. 4 Exclusions of a commercial vehicle insurance plan. It is very important for any business that makes use of commercial vehicles to get insurance.

4 Exclusions of a commercial vehicle insurance plan

Road travel is the most accident-prone mode of transportation, and this is why a commercial vehicle insurance plan is a must. Without one, the business owner could incur heavy expenses in case one of their vehicles are part of a collision. But there are certain situations in which a commercial vehicle insurance plan does not provide coverage for the damages caused. As a policyholder, you should be aware of these exclusions before buying any plan to avoid complications in the future. So, let us take a look at 4 of the most common exclusions of a commercial vehicle insurance plan:1.Accidents caused while driving under the influence of drugs/alcohol. 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Renewing Bike Insurance. Iffco-tokio Online 2 Wheeler Insurance. Two Wheeler Insurance: Buy or Renew Bike Insurance Policy Online. 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Renewing Bike Insurance. 3 Mistakes to Avoid When Renewing Bike Insurance Buying bike insurance is mandatory by law for all two-wheeler owners in India.

In the unfortunate event that your bike is involved in a mishap, your coverage protects you from massive financial loss. Yet, bike insurance is often purchased in haste without much thought being given to the terms of coverage. The same trend seems to reflect when people renew their cover. Now, the good thing about renewals is that you can start afresh by rectifying any oversights in your original insurance policy. 1. When renewing your bike insurance, it is not necessary that you stick with the same provider. 2. If you did not make any claim on your insurance in the past year, your provider rewards you with a discount known as a ‘no claim bonus’ or NCB. 3. Add-ons truly supplement your base two-wheeler coverage. Bike Insurance Company. 5 Tips to follow while buying or renewing motorcycle insurance. Bike insurance. 3 things every first-time buyer must know about bike insurance.

Download Skip this Video Loading SlideShow in 5 Seconds.. 3 things every first-time buyer must know about bike insurance PowerPoint Presentation Share Presentations Email Sent Successfully Embed Code Embed Code Copied... Link. Iffco-tokio. Two Wheeler Insurance Rates. 3 things every first-time buyer must know about bike insurance. You need to make an informed choice when it comes to buying a bike insurance policy. Not only is it mandatory as per law in India but also offers financial assistance at times of road accidents. Now, whether you use an agent or buy two-wheeler insurance online, everyone needs a little hand-holding, especially when making an important investment. With the internet, it is now simple to compare different policies and rates, but it is still easy to get confused by unfamiliar terms used by insurance companies. 3 facts about buying bike insurance online that you must know. Iffco-tokio Two Wheeler Insurance.

3 facts about buying bike insurance online that you must know. Perhaps, you have recently bought a new bike and are planning to buy bike insurance online. But once you begin your search for the perfect policy for your bike, you will be surprised to look at the number of bike insurance policies that are available in the insurance market online. Now, anyone would get confused when there are so many options lined in front of them. Iffco-tokio Bike Insurance. 3 facts about buying bike insurance online that you must know PowerPoint Presentation - ID:10344773. 3 facts about buying bike insurance online that you must know Perhaps, you have recently bought a new bike and are planning to buy bike insurance online.

But once you begin your search for the perfect policy for your bike, you will be surprised to look at the number of bike insurance policies that are available in the insurance market online. Now, anyone would get confused when there are so many options lined in front of them. So to help you make an informed choice, here are 3 facts about buying bike insurance online that you must know. 1.Add-ons are worth the money While purchasing a bike insurance policy, motorists tend to avoid including add-ons in their policies due to the rise in the premium. However, what they fail to understand is that add-ons are true value for money. 3 facts about buying bike insurance online that you must know PowerPoint Presentation - ID:10344773.

Cheapest Two Wheeler Insurance. 3 facts about buying bike insurance online that you must know. Get ad free downloads and 1 TB of space. Learn More. Motor Insurance: Buy Online Vehicle Insurance. Looking at 4 steps to renew two wheeler insurance online. Manish Kumar's answer to Is it a good idea to go for a multi-year two-wheeler insurance policy? - Quora.

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