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These sex tech toys will blow your mind. Any reader whose last recollection of a sex toy was the Rabbit vibrator popularised by Sex And the City in the 90s, your mind is about to be blown. This collection of enterprising gadgets makes that bunny-eared device look rather pedestrian. Instead of novelty styles, these integrate virtual reality, internet-controlled orgasms and 3D printed members. If you're faint of heart, look away now. Pulse British-made Pulse looks like Darth Vader's helmet, but is actually a "guybrator" designed for your, er, helmet. It's based on something called Penile Vibratory Stimulation, which involves a custom-designed mechanical vibrator that can help men with spinal injuries ejaculate so they can impregnate their partners.

Autoblow 2 Billed as "the world's most realistic robotic oral sex simulator for men", Autoblow 2 differentiates itself from other male masturbators such as the Fleshlight in that you don't have to operate it using the movement of your hand. Vibease Dildo Generator VR Tenga Kiiroo Squeel. Adult Expo 2009: Virtual-Hole – New Tech Gadgets & Electronic Devices. Teledildonic Add-On Turns Wiimote into Remote Vibrator | Gadget Lab. Mojowijo is a teledildonic accessory for the Nintendo Wiimote, which is somewhat ironic given the console’s family-friendly reputation.

The device, currently in private beta, is very simple: You hook the hardware components to two Wiimotes. Wiggling and thrusting on the first remote are detected and sent via Bluetooth to a nearby PC (you don’t need the actual Wii itself). From there, your movements are sent over the internet and reproduced by a vibrator on the other Wiimote, allowing a remote partner to enjoy your stimulations. Amusingly, the product page touts these teledildonics as just one possibility: the others are sharing the game with someone in the same room, or using the device on yourself.

This last seems absurd, a little like riding a bike and steering it using a couple of sticks. It would obviate the need for sitting on your arm until you can’t feel your hand, though. You can sign up for the beta now, and you’ll get a prototype device to test. See Also: Main Page - OpenYou. AdultFestaTV. 当サイトで「VCS-TV」の表記のあるビデオは、何とアダルトグッズが映像に合わせて完全連動! VCS-TVとは、ビデオなどの映像と様々な周辺機器を連動させるシステムです。

そのVCS-TVを当サイトではいち早く採用! 連動機器にオナホールやバイブなどのグッズを独自に開発しました。 このマーク付いている映像であれば、貴方のグッズが映像とシンクロしてまさにバーチャル体験が 可能となります。 勿論、VCS-TVをお持ちでない方も、通常の映像としてお楽しみできます。 また、映像を合わせてホールが連動するだけではなく、VCS-TV映像ではその逆。 つまり、貴方が動かしたホールと同期して映像がシンクロするサービスも近々公開します。 また、VCS-TV Synchro(仮)としてホールやバイブなどのおもちゃが利用者の動きを感知して 映像が動くも準備中! ※当映像を楽しむには別途VCS-TVモジュール及び対応ホールが必要です。 Mojowijo. Virtual hole: une femme-fantôme. Au Japon, la compagnie Daihaku a créé un faux sexe féminin en forme de bouteille thermos, dotée de parois flexibles et de petits moteurs à masser et malaxer le pénis.

Cet orifice fantôme vibre de façon synchronisée avec les images de films pornos disponibles sur abonnement. Notre peau est le vecteur d'émotions impossibles à décrire, toute frissonnante, tendue vers la main bien-aimée, vers la langue, vers l'effleurement d'un seul souffle capable de la faire chavirer… Mais aussi sensible soit-elle, notre peau a la curieuse capacité de confondre des sensations qui n'ont pourtant rien à voir, comme un voile d'illusion. Haptique vient du grec haptomai qui signifie «je touche». Ce mot désigne également les "interfaces" qui stimulent nos sensations kinesthésiques (force), tactiles (texture de l’objet) et thermiques (chaleur): les manettes de jeu Wii et les joystick vibrants, par exemple.

Ce sont des gaines à pénis. Personne, jusqu’ici, n’a réussi à développer de teledildonic convaincant.